My Summons Can Learn Skills Chapter 398: Tathagata changes skills, cracks the earth and seals the gods

  ”All the bodies return to the talisman…I am the incarnation of the talisman, all the bodies belong to me?”

   Chen Gou looked at the attributes displayed on the silver talisman page and couldn’t help feeling his chin and groaning.

  Skills are divided into two parts: active and passive.

  The initiative means that the whole body is temporarily rune-cultured as before when Koang used it, and transformed into a rune-body.

   is slightly similar to Wang Teng’s Xuanshui divine body, both of which have no fatal weaknesses in the body, including the heart, neck, and most of the head.

   But after all, it is only platinum grade, and there is still a gap with the diamond-level Xuanshui divine body.

   One is that there is still a fatal weakness deep in the eyebrows where the soul is.

   The second is that it cannot be combined with other runes and the like, and there is not much additional bonus in combat power.

   But as a platinum fragment derived from the Holy Rune, this skill also has its unique advantages.

   That is the powerful recovery ability!

   can directly obliterate the enemy’s body into a “returning talisman” through physical attacks, and then by absorbing these unique runes, he can repair his injuries and restore his life.

  This kind of recovery ability is so strong that even most of the talisman body is shattered. As long as the head is left and the “returning talisman” is enough, the body can be rebuilt.

   is not surprising.

   In some respects, compared with the recovery ability of the True Spirit of Yangce Phoenix, it is not much better.

   In fact, from another angle, the recovery ability of absorbing the “returning talisman” can be regarded as attacking blood sucking-through physical attacks, to restore life.

   is just more advanced, especially if the transformed “returning charm” is not used for the first time, it can be temporarily stored next to it and absorbed when needed.

The passive of the    skill is also somewhat similar to the skill of a platinum-level skill spar in Chen Gou’s storage ring.

   That is the “dismemberment” obtained after killing the Jiu Tun Boy in Wuxin Mage World. After hitting the limbs and other parts of the enemy’s body, there is a certain chance to directly cause the crippling effect of the limbs.

  ’s passiveness of “all bodies return to the talisman”, after refining a certain part of the target body into a rune, it naturally causes a similar disabling effect.

   and more deadly, because the rune transformation will leave a weird state similar to a curse, making it very difficult for the opponent to restore the broken limb.

   reduces the effect of certain recovery skills, and even recovery items!

   If the other party can’t crack this weird state, they can only remain crippled.

   Therefore, comparing the two, it can be seen that the skill “All the Body Return” must belong to the better one in the platinum rank.

   In addition, this “Phantom Talisman Incarnation” fragment is the same as the original “Phantom Talisman Sword Chapter” fragment. It can be used as a prop or as a skill spar. After one-time use, you can learn to “return to the body” This skill.

   Then the skill level can be improved, making the power stronger and stronger…

   There is no doubt about the power and use of this skill. The key now is who should learn it?

   Chen Gou learned it by himself, but he can increase his life-saving ability.

   But the problem is that the ability to passivate the talisman is passive after the “rune body” is actively activated, so Chen Gou learned that only his own physical attack can refine the target into a “returning talisman.”

   This is undoubtedly his own life, let him clenched his fist to beat people…The picture is quite childlike when you think about it.

   Therefore, you can only choose among the battle guards.

   Chen Gou didn’t hesitate for too long, so he chose Ghost Xiang Tathagata.

   The ancestors of witchcraft, who are basically all spells, are naturally eliminated first, and between the Tathagata and the Sun Goddess, in terms of the strength of physical attacks, the Tathagata will undoubtedly win.

   And the goddess already has magical immunity, and the anti-strike ability is already very strong, plus the recovery of a rune body, it is just icing on the cake, and can not trigger the sublimation of qualitative change.

  Ghost-like Tathagata is different. Although the ghost-like golden body has the characteristic of being non-destructive, it will still collapse after its health reaches zero.

   This makes him not really top in terms of being a “meat shield”.

   Once you learn the “Talisman for the Return of the Body”, everything will immediately become different.

   With the overbearing power and fierce attack of the Tathagata, it is completely capable of fighting back and forth. Even if it suffers a severe injury, it can recover through an attack.

   In this way, it is possible to sit on the sky as a disaster, face the enemies of the four directions, sweep the demons and evils in all directions, and stay still as the sky…It is also possible.

   Thinking of this, Chen Gou stopped dragging his feet.

   directly use a drop of lead bloom liquid to wash away the golden abnormal skill “Lord of the Moon Forest: Boundless Strike” from the ghost-like Tathagata, and then learn to “return to the body”.

   The skill of “Lord of the Moon Forest: Boundless Strike” is really amazing if the conditions are met, but it’s a pity that it can be used too little.

   and the mutation skills can’t be integrated with the system’s skill fusion ability, and the sun goddess and the ancestor of the life witch can’t be used.

   So there is no need to transfer it, just wash it off.

   In this way, the combat power of the ghost image Tathagata has been further sublimated.

   can’t help but make Chen Gou have a strange idea…If the three major battle guards fight each, who will win in the end?

In the storage ring of    Keang avatar, in addition to the rune page of “The Return of Everyone”, there is also an item that can arouse Chen Gou’s interest, called Rune Crystal Palace.

   looks like a spar palace with a large palm. When activated by mana, it can be magnified one hundred to one thousand times to become a towering giant palace located somewhere.

   can be used as a real palace, with all kinds of rooms and facilities.

   itself is not only good-looking, and the material is relatively strong, but also has a special ability, that is, it can condense the beliefs of nearby creatures and transform it into the original rune crystal.

   The original rune crystal has a lot of functions, and it is hard to describe in a word, and you need to explore it by yourself.

  Because it is essentially a carrier of the power of the origin, it is the same as the origin spar of the law, except that it has a higher rank and more mystery.

What role    can play depends on where it is used.

   Chen Gou can see through the candle pupils, only the most common ones.

  , for example, like the source crystal of the law, it directly increases the awakening value after absorbing to increase the level;

   For example, the skills derived from the Holy Rune Collection, if they absorb rune crystals for a long time, they may be sublimated under the influence of subtle influence, and their ranks may be improved!

   “I won’t talk about the effect, it’s quite interesting…”

   Chen Gou waited for another half an hour, when Xu Wanniang stepped on her high heels with her beautiful legs, she opened the door and walked in.

   “Are you tired?” Chen Gou poured a cup of herbal tea and handed it over and laughed.

   Although it is comfortable to throw his hand at the shopkeeper, but only if there is a loyal and reliable person to help him deal with the trouble.

   “Not tired.”

   When Xu Wanniang took the teacup, her eyes flashed brightly, a beautiful jade face became very gentle, and she put down the teacup’s mouth to bend a beautiful arc, and smiled: “Even tired is worth it.”

   Chen Gou’s heart warmed, and he brought the beautiful woman’s jade hand to his mouth and took a sip, then laughed and said, “Let’s go out for a walk.”

It’s true that Chen Gou hasn’t done things like    taking a walk for a long time.

  Even in his memory, since he traveled to the world of Canglan, he seemed to have never had such behavior.

The   Abyss Knight Xihai Branch arranged for Chen Gou a single-family villa with a garden. Chen Gou and Xu Wanniang walked in a tree-lined and flowery garden with their five fingers together…

   Rarely did not speak, but walked quietly like this, as if time is silent and time is quiet.

   I have to admit that among all people, Xu Wanniang knows what Chen Gou wants best.

  Because she did it wholeheartedly, it was just one thing…

   I don’t know how long it took, there was a steady sound of footsteps outside, and then Dongli’s voice sounded.

   “I said why you didn’t get out of the car before, it turned out to be reluctant to warm the fragrance and warm the jade…Tsk, you can really play with the top seeds who can participate in the Chuyang finals.”

   “How can you play, even the saints use it.”

  Chen Gou smiled and counterattacked, and then gestured with his head slightly.

  Xu Wanniang gently took Chen Gou’s arm and bowed slightly and said: “Wanniang has seen two sons.”

  Although it was just an ordinary action, Dongli and Norton were shocked at the same time, and their gazes at Xu Wanniang changed involuntarily.

   You must know that the Canglan world is rigorous, and the rules of superiority and inferiority are very obvious.

  If it’s just an ordinary vase-like woman, she would never dare to take the initiative to go up and hold her arm.

   “Don’t be so polite, we and the captain are like brothers, we are all a family.”

   Dongli couldn’t figure out what role Xu Wanniang played next to Chen and her weight in Chen Gou’s heart, so he smiled cautiously.

   This is normal.

  With Chen Gou’s status today, even teammates who belong to the same team can no longer be as unscrupulous as before.

   Although Chen Gou wouldn’t care, they couldn’t ignore the rules of the entire Holy See.

   In short, a knight needs a sense of ritual.

   “Did the matter have been resolved, what secrets have you discovered, of course… Needless to say, I don’t have to know what I can’t say.”

   Chen Gou turned around and asked directly, he was somewhat curious about it.

   Dongli’s expression suddenly became serious after hearing this, and he said in a deep voice: “We are not completely clear, but we have heard…The Holy Heaven Alliance is going to change the world, and there is likely to be someone inside the Holy See who is cooperating and wants to split the earth and consecrate the gods!

  If they succeeded, there is no doubt that the entire Canglan will undergo earth-shaking changes. “

  ”Change the heavens and the earth, crack the earth and seal the gods!”

   Chen Gooruo muttered to himself, his face became extremely dignified, and suddenly he felt a strong sense of urgency.

  Sometimes, the general trend cannot be prevented by manpower, especially when there are rumors that the Pope is having a problem with his body.

  If the kind of dramatic change in the speculation occurs, then Canglan will completely enter the “Warring States Era”.

   Crack the earth and seal the country, one country and one god!

   At that time, if you want to gain a foothold and then become a power, strength is the only confidence.

  ”Where is the geek who can explore the abyss channel?”

   After a while, Chen Gou regained his consciousness, regained his footing in the present, and said in a deep voice: “Take me to the cave with several abyss channels to see.”

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