My Summons Can Learn Skills Chapter 336: Clash

   Hualang Town, as its name suggests, it is both flowers and waves.

   There are neither mineral deposits nor the gate of the abyss near this coastal town, and its location has no strategic value.

  The only pillar industry is the one-stop service in the red light district, and even the thriving melee action movie trading has been developed.

   Although Canglan does not have video tapes or CDs, the more convenient audio-visual spar is a perfect substitute.

  The audiovisual works produced in Hualang Town are rich and innovative, mainly featuring sea monsters from the sea clan, which can greatly satisfy the inland audience’s sense of curiosity, so the works sell well in dozens of cities on the mainland.

  Hualang Town is located on the west coast of Hanhai Sea, separated from Huadao by several seas the size of broken islands.

   Fortunately, although the distance is far away, the headquarters of the Abyss Knights sent a “special plane” to pick him up.

   In order to be unobtrusive, he got off the “Void Whale” hundreds of miles away from the coast of Hualang Town, transferred to an ordinary sea boat, and headed to his destination.

   was accompanied by a young abyssal knight named Lou Fan who was less than fifteen years old.

   was sent by the headquarters to introduce him and lead the way.

   The two did not alarm anyone, and did not even notify the Abyssal Knights who were still in the city. After disguising themselves, they mixed in with the crowd entering the city and entered the famous “Lang Town” through the city gate.

   is said to be a “town”, but in fact it is not smaller than an average city. The registered residents of this town are nearly 100,000.

   Counting the thousands of “tourists” who come here every day, there are more people, so it is also called “Langcheng”.

   Lou Fan had obviously been there before he went to meet Chen Gou, and he was quite familiar with the situation in the town and the layout of the buildings.

   took Chen Go directly to a pub facing the street, ordered a few dishes and sat down by the window.

   Eating is definitely not the main purpose. The reason why I chose to rest here for the time being is because you can see the previous Abyss Knights investigation team, the station in the city, tens of meters away diagonally across.

   An independent courtyard, the door is open at this time, and a wooden coffin is placed opposite the front yard. Inside is the corpse of the golden abyss knight.

  According to tradition, the murderer must be killed before entering the soil.

  There are four or five young Abyssal Knights beside the coffin with gloomy eyes and helpless faces.

   Among them is the strange pair of Fattou Mei and Wang Teng.

  Since they first met and confessed in the Battle of Chuyang, the two people have seen each other late and cherish each other.

   Then the contact became more frequent.

   Although they belong to two different teams, they often act together.

   In addition, their respective teams have always been short of people, it seems that they have become a team over time.

   This time, the fat head girl first received this task, which was supposed to be very oily and not difficult, and then brought Wang Teng together.

   For places like “Langcheng”, Wang Teng has long been fascinated, and there is no reason to refuse.

   Although he has married the mermaid princess, he has always believed that mental loyalty is far more important than physical.

  , I didn’t think that it was a secret process, but my whereabouts were revealed inexplicably the next day.

  The old captain of Wang Teng’s team was even attacked to death when he went out alone to investigate.

   Although they arrived in time, they only found the corpse, but failed to find the murderer.

   was also inexplicably encountered by the city guards. They were “escorted” to the city in the name of “protection”. Since then, at least dozens of people have been staring at them at all times.

  Then the situation became the current dilemma.

  The biggest problem is that they have been stared to death, and on the bright side, there are dozens of pairs of eyes staring at them before they go out, how can they investigate the truth and find the murderer?

   It feels like a giant with infinite power, but being held up in the air and unable to use it, that is called a bewilderment.

   But if the problem can’t be solved, the top ten anger on the Abyss Chuyang list is just incompetent anger.

   “Mother, our somersault this time is considered to have been planted.” Wang Teng sighed helplessly when he felt the gaze he was staring at him.

   “I blame my godson for being helpless. I didn’t remind you to be humble and cautious at all times. As a result, you have drifted over the past six months.”

   Fattou Sister also sighed, but she was naturally optimistic and quickly cheered up and said in a deep voice: “But you are still young, dad, it is a good thing to have such a boring loss, but the old captain’s hatred must be reported!”

   “The mother taught, but it’s not that Dad said you. Didn’t you get a little bit forgotten during this time? As for the old captain’s hatred… The headquarters will definitely not let go, just see who will be sent!”

   Wang Teng muttered to himself, a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

   At this point, it is no longer a small evil spirit causing chaos, but a battle between two giants of the Holy See.

   A single family of Bernard, naturally cannot wrestle with the entire Knights of the Abyss.

   But how can there be no intertwined relationship behind the platinum family?

   The current situation is that if the evidence is not available, even if the Knights headquarters sends a giant to it, it will be useless.

  Because the opponent will also come to the same level with tit-for-tat factions…

   So, evidence is the key to everything!

   Chen Gou is eating “balls”, which is the most prestigious delicacy in Langcheng.

   Fried meatballs from various male monsters and then simmering them in a broth for more than ten hours.

   is known as one of the most favorite foods for men by women.

   Suddenly, the whole street seemed to be exploded, as if a giant stepped on from a distance.

   Chen Gou couldn’t help being shocked. There was only one possibility for this kind of voice to appear in the city-Iron Cavalry!

   As expected, a pair of fine riders galloped down from the other side of the street, with copper helmets on their heads and silver armors.

   Moreover, their mounts are by no means idle, they are shaped like rams, but they are covered with scales and are much taller than normal war horses.

When    was rushing, the four hoofs stepped into the air, surrounded by the black swirling air current, and stepped on the floor even more empty, still making the sound of iron hoofs hitting the stone slabs.

  Only dozens of rides like this, there is a shock like a landslide.

   Chen Gou could not help but secretly envy after checking the attributes of this mount with his candle pupils.

   This mount is called Hellwind Demon Sheep. It is rare in its natural rank, and a small part of it can be famous at birth.

  In the process of growing up, there is still a chance to improve the rank, so the bloodline talent of this family is quite amazing.

   can rise to level 30 or 40 as long as they are adults, and then they will continue to grow… Belongs to one of the top large army mounts.

   It is this kind of mount bonus. The Bernard’s jail cavalry ranks among the top ten private guards of the Holy See in the ranking of comprehensive combat power.

   It can be seen that for the territory guards, which are large in number and engage in large-scale battles most of the time, it is very important to have a good law of creature races as mounts.

One of the requirements for the completion of the silver mission of Chen Gou’s main line of the system is to subdue a race of monsters and monsters suitable as mounts for the territory.

   and the innate rank is at least rare, this is equivalent to beating the hellwind demon sheep of the Bernard family.

   Near Huadao, Chen Gou could hardly find a suitable target.

   But he has a very favorite object in his heart-the zombie panda in the biochemical abyss!

   With the skill “Iron Eater Bear”, it is enough to make them rank among the top mounts.

  The only thing to worry about is that even if these guys become zombies, they haven’t lost their “cuteness”…

   Chen Gou’s thoughts are surging in his mind, but his eyes are always looking at a horse-drawn carriage surrounded by dozens of iron horses.

  The one pulling the cart is also a demon sheep, but he is a lap larger than the others, and he is white all over, with an arrogant expression.

The    carriage is made of agarwood and is covered with beaded jade and engraved with the family crest of the Bernard family. Through the curtain of the car, you can vaguely see a man and a woman sitting inside.

   The man is a young man in his twenties, playing with a white jade rhino horn in his hand.

The    woman is a middle-aged beautiful woman. She is pure white with her eyes closed and she has a white civet in her arms.

  The armored knight and the carriage stopped in front of the gate of the Abyss Knights team station.

   “Madam, here it is.”

The knight headed by    is as majestic as a mountain, and after dismounting, he came to the carriage and whispered.


   There was a soft groan from inside the carriage, and then a snow-white hand lifted the curtain of the car, and the beautiful woman took the young man’s hand and walked off the carriage.

   Lou Fan, who was sitting next to Chen Gou, saw the identity of the two at a glance, and whispered: “This woman is Sang Lanxin, the daughter of the Sang family who married into the Bernard family, and the one next to her is her only brother. “

   Chen Gou’s eyes flickered slightly, but he didn’t say anything, just watched calmly.

   The fat head girl watched the beautiful woman walk in surrounded by a group of knights, round her face smiled and asked: “Madam is here but she can’t sleep well at night, so she came here to worship?”

   Although this woman has a noble status, she has nothing to do with the Knights of the Abyss, so the fat head girl doesn’t even have to call her politely, and the sneer is directly hidden in her words.

   But correspondingly, Mrs. Sang is not bound by the Knights of the Abyss.

  ”Thank you little sister for your concern, but I slept well and ate well, are you disappointed?”

Ms.    Sang looks at most thirty years old, with a beautiful face and a graceful temperament, but with slanted eyebrows into the temples, showing a somewhat fierce taste.

   “I didn’t come to worship either, I didn’t know each other…A golden abyssal knight, which round will I come to worship.”

Mrs.    touched the cat in her hand, speaking slowly and unhurriedly: “This time I am here on behalf of my father to discuss with a few…It will not help to continue to consume it like this, and I believe that everything is just an accident.

   So, how about I help you catch a murderer, and you return with the murderer’s head. In addition, we will compensate the death knight’s family members worth millions of coins, or rule items of the same value.

   In this way, your mission is completed and the steps are also there. Why not do it? “

  ”What does it mean to help us catch a murderer?”

   Fattou girl smiled and said: “It means we can catch the murderer if we promise, or we can’t catch it if we don’t, or do you mean who is who you say?”

   Not only she does not accept the so-called accident and compensation at all, nor will the headquarters of the Abyss Knights.

   The most important thing now is face and majesty!

  Mrs. Sang towers high, wears a white hosta on her head and a cloak. After listening to her words, she smiles meaningfully: “I didn’t say such things, but if you want to think like this, little sister, I It can’t be stopped, can it?”

  ”Is the madam too confident?”

   “You are still too young.”

Ms.    Sang gently shook her head, and finally she couldn’t hide a smile from the corner of her mouth:

  ”I know that the Knights of the Abyss will definitely send someone to investigate, even he may already be in the city. It doesn’t matter, you can check it, but at most half a month…

   After half a month, things must come to an end. There are too many unsettled cases in the Holy See. If there is no reason, you must always hold on to this matter. At that time, the promise I just made was still valid. This is our tribute to the Knights of the Abyss. “

When   ’s words fell, she stroked the white cat and turned around, telling the fattou girl and others clearly in her words and deeds…you can’t find out.

  Wang Teng, who has been silent for a long time, suddenly smiled gloomily and said softly: “Madam, be careful, you will inevitably encounter ghosts if you walk too long at night.”

   Hearing these words, Mrs. Sang’s brother who had been silent for a while gave him a cold look, but did not speak.

  Because in his current capacity, he is not qualified to speak on this occasion.

  If Mrs. Sang hadn’t brought it with him, he would even have to take the initiative to salute when he saw Wang Teng.

Ms.    Sang gave a chuckle, shook her head, holding the white cat in one hand, and holding the hand of her brother with the other hand, boarded the carriage and drove away.

   Because of her age and status, she can’t actually fight with a few young people under the age of twenty, but the current situation is actually too difficult for them…

   They didn’t want to be tough with the Knights of the Abyss from beginning to end.

  The problem is that things have developed to this point. The high-level leaders of the Knights of the Abyss refused all communication and their attitude was very tough.

   So she can only pass on her proposal in this When Mrs. Sang’s carriage and the guard rider galloped past the door, Chen Gou wiped his mouth and said, “Let’s go.”

   Lou Fan, who had been waiting for him, got up quickly and took him to the secret place that was already prepared.

   is also an independent courtyard, but it is next to a small and remote alley, and it is not big and naturally inconspicuous.

   After entering the courtyard with only two people, Lou Fan suppressed the fluctuating emotions and asked: “Where are the adults going to start?”

   Obviously, no matter how young and mature he is, he is still only a fifteen-year-old boy. As an abyssal knight… his heart is already very angry.

   Chen Gou looked in his eyes and couldn’t help flashing this kid’s identity information in his mind.

   In fact, Lou Fan’s identity is naturally extraordinary when he can become an Abyssal Knight at the age of fifteen, and being sent to contact him on such an important occasion.

   One of the two deputy commanders of the Abyss Knights, the leader of the entire left wing is named Lou!

   But this boy’s tutor is really good, and Chen Gou has hardly found a bad problem with him along the way.

   The whole person is a textbook-level template, and I don’t know how to teach it.

   Even though I was sent to do errands this time, I didn’t complain at all, and even accomplished it very well.


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