My Summons Can Learn Skills Chapter 174: This one is terrible

Suddenly, the night suddenly turned into day, and then countless people saw that a bright beam of light that almost tore the night went straight down, and the hot photons annihilated everything they encountered along the way, including the air!

How come there are? ? ?

Yinshan War Demon’s eyes straightened, the same skill, this is the third time!

There’s still more to be done?

Also, it is obvious that the light of the blazing sun this time is much stronger than the previous two. If it is the sun beam in front, then this time it is the sunlight waterfall.

Countless hot particles of light formed a torrent, pouring down from the sky.


Yinshan War Monster did not dare to resist, and hurriedly raised the Yinshidi monument in his hand to block it above his head like a shield.

However, among the passive abilities of the ancient stele, there is obviously no one that can withstand this light force. Under the impact of a waterfall of strong sunlight, like metal placed in sulfuric acid, potholes quickly appeared on the surface.

Seeing that the ancient monument is about to collapse, although it can be re-summoned, it has to wait for the cooldown to end.

It also means that in the next battle, the Yinshan war demon will no longer be able to use the power of the Yinshi Emperor Stele, which is obviously extremely disadvantageous for him.

So the Yinshan war demon hesitated for a moment, resolutely withdrew the ancient monument, and used the armor of Yinshan to resist!

The resistance of the armor of the Yinshan Mountain to the attack of magical energy is far less amazing than the physical defense.

Therefore, although the Sunshine Waterfall intercepted by the Yinshi Emperor Stele is the end of the force, it also leaves a lot of potholes on the Armor of Yinshan Mountain, and the law’s breath is not as good as before.

But the fly in the ointment is that this enhanced version of Sunlight still fails to cause the dizziness.

In other words, the dizziness effect is very short, maybe only a few tenths of a second, which is difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Chen Gou was suspicious in his heart, it seems that monsters and ghosts like ruled creatures have strong resistance to negative states such as dizziness.

The reason why Painted Skin Ghost was able to ignore it was because the mermaid represented by the mermaid skin she wore at the time had this skill.

And how the Yinshan War Monster did it is probably hidden in the attribute information that the candle pupils can’t see.

“I don’t believe you have a fourth way!”

The old demon of Black Mountain was furious instantly after returning to his senses, and the Yinshidi monument in his hand was slammed out, and it smashed on the golden slaughter of the blazing sun giant Yingling, which was another instant kill.

The Yinshan war demon immediately raised his hand and wanted to recall the Yinshidi monument through spiritual thoughts.

But at this moment, a flying claw of light that was twice as thick as usual shot out, grabbing the ancient monument at lightning speed, and then violently retracted it!

The thought power of the Yinshan war demon can’t compete with the forced traction of the mechanical flying claws.

Seeing that the ancient stele was about to fall into Chen Gou’s hands, the old demon from Black Mountain was stunned.

At the same time, Chen Gou grinned and said: “Don’t talk about the fourth way, I have the fifth way, but it’s not necessary!”

This is not the slightest exaggeration. After he transforms into the goddess of dawn, he can indeed release two rays of anger of the sun.

Because of the existence of the “overdraft future”, victory previously belonged to five people, but now it belongs to eight people.

But Chen Gou wanted to be safer, so when the voice fell, he directly chose the ghost monk to transform, stomping under his feet, and stepping into the sky under the moonlit night with a white python.

Activated the Yuelin Leap of the Dragon True Spirit!

On the top of another hill in the distance, someone exclaimed.

It’s Jing Wuyuan, Qiye Shengjun, and the little fox Ye Xiaoqian. They also sneaked into the world in order to observe this world-famous battle!

When people are in the air, Chen Gou’s eyes have turned scarlet, fierce and bloodthirsty.

Extremely crazy!

Before he jumped up, he activated the skill that the body used that would not be punished by negative effects. The basic attack instantly soared by more than two hundred points, and the attack was accompanied by 100% blood sucking!

When his leaping figure reached its apex, a flaming jade-like spider phantom appeared behind him, which means…

All physical attacks are transformed into spell attacks with fire attributes!


Chen Gou is draped in moonlight, and when the sky falls, the air freezes.

Due to the continuous release of four skills, the superimposed state of monk and buddhism has already reached the limit of three levels.

Therefore, at this time, people can’t see Chen Gou at all. What they see in their eyes is a 12-meter-tall ghost Buddha statue, with an imposing aura.

Furthermore, due to the continuous use of skills, there are four white pythons entwined outside him at this moment, just like the rebirth of the python god!

“This is your true strength?”

Yinshan War Demon couldn’t help showing a look of horror. He felt that this kick… would really kill him!

I quickly stepped down and flashed to the side.

Although he is reluctant, he also knows that it is not wise to fight hard at this time.

If he loses, he will lose his face and let all the strengths of the underworld see the joke.

But he had just set off, and suddenly several chains with silver flames criss-crossed, forming a French net, overwhelming the sky.

It is the third giant warrior Heroic Spirit that was summoned by the Wrath of the Sun just now.

But this time, instead of two chains of fire wielded from his hands, they were four in total.

Because the cracked soil that was summoned this time is surprisingly-two heads and four arms!

Yes, the upper body has two heads and four arms, which is only a third difference from the legendary three heads and six arms.

“The power has increased by 50%…so there is an extra upper body?”

Chen Gou, who was in the air, couldn’t help thinking. Fortunately, it wasn’t an extra **** and six legs.

The picture is too beautiful, especially not to be seen by women…

A total of four chains of fire entangled the Yinshan War Monster. Although it is not a special control skill, the effect is much better than the light of the sun.

The Yinshan war demon was tied to his assistant’s feet, and it was difficult to move for a while, so he could only forcefully break free for a moment, and raised his elbow to block the feet of the monk and Dharma phase from falling rapidly.


At the moment of collision, the violent flames erupted like a volcano, forming a flame storm, which enveloped the entire Yinshan War Monster like a substance, raging crazily.

Yin Qi, demon power, armor… and even the chains of the heroic spirits of the strong sun were all devastated in this fierce flame, and soon the sound of “click” came out.

When the ten-meter-high monk fell to the ground, half of the Yinshan War Demon’s body was already submerged in the earth.

Furthermore, as a piece of armor like a stone shell fell to the ground, it immediately turned into an evil spirit and dissipated, and the “Armor of Yinshan” that he was invincible in close combat collapsed completely!

Bring a 30% bonus to the basic attributes of the triple monk’s Buddhist image, the 100-point maximum base strength bonus of the Yuelin Leap, an extremely crazy 200-point outside attack bonus, plus four white python visions Impact…

Such a vast blow, after being attacked by magical energy transformed into a fire attribute, the armor of the Yinshan Mountain, the mana armor of platinum skills, couldn’t hold it.

Having suffered damage that exceeded the limit, I was directly destroyed!

Here, Chen Gou has displayed his strongest attack and over 90% of his skills in addition to the defensive abilities of the horned faceless helmet and the heart-protecting counter-scale!

Fortunately, the result is good. The Yinshan war demon who lost the “Armor of the Yin Mountain” and the “Stele of the Yin World Emperor” ~ What can I continue to fight with Chen Gou, who has 100% spell bloodsucking?

Chen Gou, who is blessed with a combination of attributes, triple monks, buddhas and ghosts, and more than two hundred basic attacks, is nothing less than nothing.

Compared with skills, Chen Gou has a shorter cooling time, and it also has auxiliary abilities such as Blessing of the Earth and Concussion of Power.

Compared with the props, the Brahma rosary that restrained the evil spirits and ghosts in his hand has not yet taken off.

Moreover, he also has a double-headed and four-armed enhanced version of the Sun Giant Heroic Spirit to help!

“Unexpectedly, he was not only the chosen soul jailer of Pluto, but he was actually going to win.”

Sima Sanniang watched this scene with complicated eyes on a remote section of the city wall in the setting sun. After turning around and looking at Yan Chixia with a serious face, she suddenly frowned.

“But the old demon from Black Mountain clearly knows more than these methods…Why has he been suppressing power?”

Before speaking, the Yinshan war monster on the hill suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed.

The yin air exploded, and the overwhelming demon mist and ghost air swept wildly, supporting his figure floating in the air, the hills that had been ravaged by cracks shook violently, and the gravel and soil continued to collapse.

The large trees were uprooted by ghosts, and the void around them was torn apart to make a whine. The visual impact of the dim sky made countless people’s hearts be frightened.

Everyone knows that the old Black Mountain demon is violent.

He unlocked the seal on his body, and his strength skyrocketed from level 19 to forty-five, almost the ultimate in the world!

Under the background of the ghostly atmosphere, it is like a peerless shadow from hell, who must use blood and death to vent his anger.

Yes, he was extremely frustrated in this battle.

Being like this, according to the agreement, he will definitely lose, so in order to save his face, he prepares…


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