My Simping System Chapter 73: To die

  From the perspective of normal people, if there is such a useful move for arbitrary teleportation.

  , of course, directly teleported to the Quiet Sea, killing the Yangkang Dragon Fish directly.

   However, Qixi has other ideas.

   I saw the ever-changing environment around me, and I arrived at my destination in just a short time.

   are surrounded by magnificent mountains, the warm wind roars, and the blue sea on the other shore is vaguely visible.

   There is no wave at all, and the water is clear and reflecting the blue sky.

  It is hard to imagine that there is a dangerous place.

   Ye An saw the quiet sea from a distance.

   Since being polluted by evil a long time ago, no fishermen have survived there anymore.

   Then, the temples and the major sects and family forces along the coast built a magnificent and long coastline.


   Ye An suddenly thought of something and said: “Why don’t we go directly into the Quiet Sea?”

   It is impossible for ordinary people to swagger through the coastline.

   No matter how big the relationship is.

  Unless, this ordinary person who looks ordinary and ordinary.

   is the immediate boss of the Coastline Guardian.

   If you don’t use teleportation, if God sneaks in without knowing it.

  There is only one way to get in: the showdown, the female emperor and son of Zhongzhou Temple are here to inspect the countryside——

   is such a fantastic reason.

   But if this is the case, it will definitely cause a commotion.

   At least that part of the Zhongzhou Temple will do evil things quietly while the Empress is away.

   Qixi shook her head slightly, and said: “No, Ye An, have you ever heard the term’Weifu Private Visit’?”

   Ye An was taken aback, and said: “I’ve heard it before, what’s the matter?”

   This continent was also a prosperous emperor and dynasty long ago. At that time, the emperor also liked private visits in microservices, in other words-pretending to be pigs and eating tigers everywhere.

   But after that, the spiritual energy revived, and the monks had different intentions, thinking about their own immortality.

   After a long time, the human dynasty collapsed naturally.

   So that was a long time ago.

   The current temple is almost a dynasty that has changed skins, but the ruling power is not as good as before.

   After all, there are too many monks shouting “Going against the sky”, and the sky can’t be smashed by thunder.

   “The Quiet Sea has been polluted for a hundred years, maybe it was just a flash for me. However, it is a long, long time for the world.”

   Qixi explained: “I am particularly worried about the place of Quiet Sea. The front is the boundless barren sea where evil races inhabit, and the monks and people in the back, so the coastline is especially important.”

   Ye An nodded in understanding.

  Compared with Yang Kanglongyu, Qixi’s worries are not unreasonable.

   just listened to Qixi and added: “In fact, it can’t be regarded as a microservice private visit. Well, it’s just that they didn’t remind them in advance.”

   Ye An: “…”

  ”I remember…well, this should be the shoreline of the archipelago.”

   Qixi walked forward and said: “Let’s go, this shoreline should be considered a safer place.”

   “Speaking of which, you should have some impression of the shoreline of the archipelago?”

   Ye An followed, and at the same time responded: “Yes.”

   Immediately, his thoughts surged with a little impression of the shoreline of the archipelago——

   A long time ago, there were several islands by the sea.

   There is an ancient country. Although it is small, it belongs to the people of Dongyue Land.

   However, it is still a kingdom after all, and the smallest dynasty is also a dynasty.

  When evil spirits polluted the quiet sea, the emperors and priests of ancient countries tried to control evil spirits.

   That is a taboo force from outside the domain, and no one except the evil race can fully grasp it.

   Even if it is magic repair, it is only at the expense of life span to control evil spirits.

   The emperors and priests of the ancient country are all mortals, and it is precisely because of this that they don’t know how far they are.

  The pollution of evil spirits was not completed overnight. The coastline of the past was built in front of the ancient archipelago.

   Of course, the emperor and the priest failed, and even the people died.

  In order to fill the vacancies in the coastline, many people were killed in battles between the temple and the major sect forces.

   until today.

  The shoreline of the archipelago has been newly repaired, so it has become the safest place.

  Because of this, Ye An and the two don’t worry too much.

  , the two stepped on the gravel road and walked in comfort.

   until I came under the palace.

   Ye An recognized that it belonged to the temple. Although it was far less massive than Zhongzhou or Dongyue, it was at least somewhat magnificent.

   If you want to go deep into the coastline, you have to go through this palace.

   At this time, two guards in armor and armed with spears rushed forward.


   “Forbidden area is blocked, ordinary people are not allowed to approach.”

   the guard snapped.

   Naturally, they couldn’t see that the people who came were from the Temple Empress and the Holy Son. Firstly, they had never seen the two of them, and secondly, Qixi also used some magical techniques.

   was stopped unexpectedly.

   Qixi looked calm, called out the storage space, and took out a token from it.

  ”This is the token of Dongyue Palace Master Chen.”

  ”The lord ordered us to come here to investigate the situation of the shoreline, routinely, just go through the scene.”

  She calmly said: “I remember…this coastline seems to be guarded by Elder Bian?”

   Ye Anlue was a little surprised by Qixi’s, and the two soldiers looked at each other, and both were stunned for a moment.

   and one of them said: “It turned out to be the token of Dianzhu Chen…”

  ”But Elder Bian said that for safety reasons, if any outsider enters or exits the shoreline, he must report to him…”

   Qixi smiled coldly, “Outsiders?”

  The soldier was still too young after all. Realizing that he had said something wrong, he actually said what Bian Boyun had said.

   He was about to kneel down and admit his mistake.

   But Qixi continued to say: “It’s okay, you and Elder Bian make it clear that we are here to wait.”

   “Or call him over to receive.”

   seemed to feel upset, so she added this sentence.

   It’s useless to embarrass the creeps.

  The two soldiers nodded repeatedly and said: “Two adults, please wait here!”

The voice of    fell, and they hurried into the palace first.



  In the palace.

   Bian Bo Yun couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Mr. Xuan had been settled.

   Immediately he looked out the window, his eyes falling on the vague and tiny islands in the distance.

   Just now, the Yangkang dragon fish roughly appeared in the island.

   just disappeared now.

  According to the last words of the old Xuan, the Twilight Saint is not in danger for the time being, but is trapped in the islands.

   At this time, a group of elites have gone to the archipelago first to find a trace.

   “Elder, about this… Do you report it to Dongyue or Zhongzhou Temple for support?”

   someone suddenly said, asking.

  bian Bo Yun frowned, and immediately yelled: “No!”


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