My Simping System Chapter 149:

“I want to go the other way, let you surrender me!”

Ye An’s voice echoed in Qi Yuexi’s thoughts.

This tone really made her stunned a bit. She didn’t expect Ye An to be so arrogant in this situation.


Qi Yuexi was immediately furious, and Yushou clenched the handle of the spear tightly–


The heavy and solemn holy spear just flicked lightly, and there was a piercing sound.

Immediately, the cold light appeared mixed with blood.

A deep wound suddenly appeared on Ye An’s right arm.


He couldn’t help screaming in pain, cold sweat instantly appeared on his forehead, but he still gritted his teeth and held it back abruptly.

If killed by the Holy Spear of Trial, cause and effect will be erased by the order of heaven. But if it only hurts the blood and bones, it will not affect it.

That’s the case, the right hand still suffers from severe pain.

“Let the deity submit to you…”

“You are young, but you are arrogant. When you are taught some lessons, it is better to leave a scar on your right hand and abolish your left hand. Until you gain the trust of the deity, then heal the broken arm.”

Qi Yuexi said lightly.

She brandished the holy spear and was about to sever Ye An’s left arm.

Suddenly, Ye An said, “Are you sure?”


Qi Yuexi was taken aback for a moment, and the hand that was about to wield the holy spear also stopped.

She stared at the formation on Ye An’s right arm.

Suddenly, my brow furrowed and I felt a little uneasy.

“Indeed, the space formation can only isolate the use of the power of the stars, and it is of no use to you who have inherited the inheritance of the gods.”

Ye An wiped away some cold sweat from his forehead and stopped the blood from the wound on his arm.

“But before I came to Ji’s house, I thought about whether the space formation would fail.”

“At that time, I had the remaining time in the middle of the night, and the last bit of divine power. At that time, I was thinking, anyway, it’s rare to come to the secret realm of the temple. It’s all here, there is enough time, and the divine power is left. The last ones, it’s better to use them up.”

Qingyuexi frowns the willow eyebrows, and the anger that emerges in the golden eyes is getting stronger and stronger, “Stop talking nonsense.”


Ye An nodded slightly, let out a long sigh of relief, and then slowly raised his left hand.

On the left arm, the outline of the formation is extremely clear.

“This is a spatial connection formation method, which is different from the ordinary method. It is based on divine power. It depicts the two ways of the son and the mother. The son and the mother are in my hands, and the mother is in the secret realm of the Zhongzhou Temple. In.”

“At the same time, there is another self-explosive formation drawn by the power of the stars in the Secret Realm of the Temple. When the formation is triggered, the power of the stars will be transformed into evil spirits. , Thereby polluting the sacred tree of Jianmu, so that this ancient sacred tree that can connect the heavens and the earth wilt in a few seconds at the fastest.”


Qi Yuexi frowned, her hand holding the handle of the holy spear trembled violently.

After hearing these words, she couldn’t help but immediately kill Ye An.

But she still resisted the thought and sneered: “So what?”

“Do you think the deity will give this opportunity…?”

“Before you transfer the will to activate the formation to the secret realm of the temple, the deity will isolate this world and make it trapped in this world.”

Ye An shook his head and said: “That’s not necessarily.”

Qi Yuexi lowered her eyes and sighed heavily, “I have to say, the idea is really good. It’s just a pity that you are not mine.”

Ye An said: “Your Majesty, I think…maybe you should, maybe you are too happy too soon.”

“Maybe? Should?”

Qi Yuexi sneered, “It’s amazing. Today’s deity’s expectations for you fluctuate.”

Ye An breathed a sigh of relief, and said solemnly: “I think your expectations of me in the future should probably be raised again.”

“Why don’t you… Feel the formation connection around you?”

Still those two uncertain words.

Only at this moment, Qi Yuexi’s face showed a sense of caution.

With a thought to her, her spiritual consciousness rushed to the surrounding sky and earth like a tide, carefully feeling the countless array connections around her.

After all, just the connection of Qixi’s ten heavenly tribulation formations is noisy enough.

And just in the next moment.

Qiyuexi’s delicate face is suddenly gloomy…

Ye An continued: “You are right, so there is another peculiar aspect of this spatial connection formation.”

“The will to inspire the formation of the secret realm of the temple is always being passed on.”

“It is connected to my divine consciousness at the same time. Once my body dies or my heartbeat ends, or my divine consciousness is drawn out of my body, the formation on my left hand will stop working.”

“The formation in the Secret Realm of the Temple requires a steady stream of’signals’. It is the sub-terminal space connection formation in my hand. If the’signal’ stops, it will trigger a self-destructive formation and destroy Build the wood **** tree!”

“Summarized in two sentences…”

“If I have an accident, or the space here is cut off by divine power, then the sacred tree of Jianmu will be over. And when the sacred tree of Jianmu withers, the power of the stars will lose its effectiveness. Your new moon teaches The achievements of the millennium will also sink.”

Ye An paused for a moment, and finally became nervous to the extreme.

“To sum up in one sentence–“

“I can’t die.”

“Unless you want to hurt both sides with me.”

His words are finally over.

Then he let out a heavy sigh, and waited for the result quietly.

Of course, there is one more fact, which he concealed.

In order to prevent accidental initiation of the formation, he delayed the explosion formation in the Secret Realm of the Temple.

Only after a certain period of time, the formation will explode and destroy the sacred tree of Jianmu.

Otherwise, as long as the connection is broken for a second, the formation will explode, and it will be a blood loss.

But what he didn’t expect was that this time his opponent was Qi Yuexi.

With Qi Yuexi’s ability, she can teleport back to the temple within a few seconds, destroying the self-detonation formation in the secret realm.


The current Ye An is actually gambling.

Are you afraid of gambling and praying for Yuexi?


The air was silent for a moment, and the world was as silent as death, and even the sea of ​​angry thunder clouds tumbling above the sky was quiet at this time.


Qingyuexi’s teeth bit her red lips, her delicate and beautiful face is slightly distorted, and her bright golden eyes are full of hatred.

If the Jianmu Sacred Tree is destroyed, it means that the power of the stars has disappeared, and the Crescent Moon Church that has been developing continuously for thousands of years is self-defeating.

She knew this, it was a very obvious fact.

So, the hand holding the holy spear trembles a little, and even the long spear pointed at Ye An’s eyebrows also trembles.


The anger of the gods circulates between the heavens and the earth, and the sky is red and fiery like the last sea of ​​clouds is tossed with anger, and the sky of stars and the day and the moon are dimmed. The surrounding ruins and rubble shattered one after another, the earth trembling violently, and even the void space kept rippling with ripples until the dark space cracks were exposed.

However, the violent cataclysm caused by the anger of the gods did not hurt Ye An at all.

Despite the turbulent surroundings, the wind is surging. However, the place where Ye An and Qi Yuexi are located is still safe and sound.


Qi Yuexi withdrew the holy spear straight away, and her haughty golden eyes were filled with anger and shame due to eating.

She snorted coldly as if praying for Xi, and said: “Tell me your conditions, except…Xiao Chenxi.”

“The inheritance of the gods is the final bottom line of the deity. If you insist on doing this, then it’s a big deal… the jade and the stone are burned!”

Thousands of hardships broke away from the path of heaven and returned to the world. After more than a thousand years of incubation, she created the power of stars. Waiting until the day when Qixi was condemned by the heavens, when she regained her body and regained the inheritance of the gods.

Seeing that the situation is getting better, the tall buildings collapsed in an instant.

“Except for Xiao Qixi…well, except for Qixi.”

Ye An finally let go of the last tension in his heart and completely relieved.

It seems that he succeeded in betting.

“A long time ago, when I was watching a novel of drama, if I read the chapter of the villain, I would have a very strange desire–“

“Either read the protagonist in the book or be the dog of the bad woman.”

“Either… let the bad woman go white and surrender to the protagonist.”

Qi Yuexi bit her red lips and said angrily: “Presumptuous!”

Ye An hugged Qixi’s body and slowly stood up.

Then, like the previous Qi Yuexi, he stretched out his hand.

“Now, it’s your turn to surrender to me.”

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