My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 943: Unfortunate Jin Dazhi!

  Chapter 946 Misunderstanding, unlucky Jin Dazhi!

  On the ruins of broken walls under the thick fog at night, deadly danger seems to be hidden everywhere.

  Some mutants, attracted by the sound and fire, appeared in groups in the darkness, waiting for an opportunity.

   This is a creature that is 80% similar in appearance to humans, but the underlying structure has undergone tremendous changes.

  Different from the super monsters in a radiation game, it was formed by a special virus infection.

  The first generation of mutants on the blue star, most of the genes in the body have undergone specific changes under the high dose of radiation, thus deriving various strange external manifestations.

  There are good and bad changes.

  Negative changes often have horrible side effects. It will not take long for the gene chain in the host to break, and the skin and bones of the whole body will be shattered inch by inch, and die in inhuman pain.

  In the process of positive change, after more than two hundred years, batches of products were eliminated.

  The mutants who survived and passed down to the present have basically acquired stronger bodies than ordinary humans, and are able to adapt to a more cruel living environment.

  Of course, these positive changes are not perfect.

  These mutants, who are over two meters tall and weigh well over a hundred kilograms, not only have their intelligence reduced to a certain extent, they can only use some simple weapons.

   Their need for food is more than four or five times higher than that of normal people.

   And what’s even scarier is that they eat anything!

  Whether it is rats, lizards, insects living in the sewers, or radiation beasts walking on the ground, and even… humans who used to be their kind, they are all listed on the menu of this group of monsters.

  Standing sideways on the third floor of a small collapsed building, looking at a group of mutants passing by in the block downstairs.

   Liu Lu frowned, his expression became more serious.

  In the past, there were rumors in Qinggang City that someone secretly supported these mutants, provided them with weapons and food, and taught them how to fight and how to better use their own advantages in the urban area.

  He didn’t believe this before.

  But now, those mutants with iron-pipe rifles in their hands, armor made of metal garbage, and radiation beast teeth or bones hanging on their bodies, their movements are simply too strange.

  A team of eight people, three in front and three in the rear.

   Such a neat marching formation, is it something that a mutant’s shrunken brain can do?

  ”Captain, do these mutants also want to take advantage of this opportunity to loot?”

  ”This number is too many, I suspect that half of the city’s mutants are here.”

  The former vice captain Sun Youxue hiccupped, but the newly promoted vice captain Xin Yigang asked in doubt.

  Due to the lack of maintenance of the water conservancy facilities in the western suburbs all year round, many underground pipes have collapsed, and there are serious hidden dangers in other places, so these mutants who lived nearby have basically been in the past ten years. Moved away and went to camp in other places in Qinggang City to survive.

  The sudden battle broke out tonight, if it can attract some mutants from the surrounding areas, it can be said that it is in the past.

  But looking at the mutant squads passing by one after another downstairs, the number of them is too many.

  It seems that the opposite harbor refuge is not attacking the flat beach, but the mutant’s lair.

  In fact, although these mutants are a bit silly, they eat and sleep every day, and eat when they wake up, but it doesn’t mean that they can’t distinguish between danger and opportunity.

  Whether it is the leader of the mutant tribe or the rare wise man, they all have the IQ of a fifteen-year-old human being, and they are completely capable of making some basic judgments and decisions.

  Rush forward to die?

  This is not in line with the concept of mutant fighting at all!

  ”I don’t know, but the current situation is chaotic, and it is no longer something we can handle.”

  ”Wait, wait for our army to fire the first shot.”

  The Tigers and Wolves, created by Hunter Tiger, number about 2,000 people.

  Not for production, but for fighting.

  This kind of chaotic moment is the best time for this group of people to make a move, and the rest of them just need to wait and drink their soup later.


  The sharp-eyed Liu Lv suddenly saw a few people jumping out of a nearby building.

  Wearing the uniform of the Flat Beach Guard, holding a weapon in his hand, he is transporting the exoskeleton armor.

  It seems to be the entrance to the B-11 floor, right? Their movements are really slow.

  Thinking about this, Liu Lugang wanted to connect to the team channel, trying to contact the other party.

  But in the next second, his breathing suddenly became heavy.

  In that dark place, he saw a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

  Is that Jin Dafa’s uncle? !

  Short and fat, like a groundhog, Jin Dazhi is struggling to put on the exoskeleton armor.

  As the material supervisor of the B-14 floor, he is second only to the layer leader and the person under the deputy layer leader.

  How dare he go to the ground from the exit on the B-11 floor in such a chaotic situation.

  He wants to join the fight?

  Using that ridiculous combat power to help the shelter win this defensive battle?

  The moment this thought came to mind, Liu Lu’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

   Jin Dazhi should be more or less aware of the account book in Jin Dafa’s hand that records the details of the transaction between the two.

  At this time, if he wants to avoid future troubles, he can clean up the troubles left by Jin Dafa.

  The best way is to.

   “Coincidentally, I was just trying to kill you groundhog, and you came up with a gun!”

  Licking his lips, Liu Lu’s excited face turned a bit ferocious.

  Get rid of Jin Dafa, he will lose a lot of his worrying hair, for fear of being liquidated by the manager Liehu.

  But Jin Dazhi can be removed, he wished he could take a gun and kill him now, even if he had to take a huge risk.


  After you miss it, it will never appear again in a short time!

   Liu Lv didn’t speak.

  He stared at Jin Dazhi put on the exoskeleton, set off together with eight people around him and disappeared into the darkness, then suppressed his excitement and said:

  ”Gangzi, tell the brothers to prepare guys, our mission target tonight finally appeared!”

  ”What’s going on? Why did we start a war on the first day we got here?”

  North side of the western suburbs.

  Luke stood on the top of the half-collapsed five-story building, staring at the flames constantly rising into the sky in the distant mist, and sighed again and again.

  Tonight, he brought two confidantes into the city of Qinggang. He wanted to catch the looters and leave, but before he could find anyone, he was forced to be involved in the sudden outbreak of disputes.

  ”This is too bad luck.”

  Ferdi, who had a light machine gun next to him, also complained.

  This is the western suburb of Qinggang City. According to the statistics from the Foundation, there is only one Pingtan Shelter.

  There is no opponent with matching strength, and the probability of a battle is very low.

  But it was probably because after the fog came, the Starscream caravan had been in bad luck.

  Myron, who set up a large-caliber sniper rifle on the other side, naturally attributed tonight’s encounter to luck.

  ”Captain, since Master Xiao En wants to know the news.”

  ”We catch predators as well, and we catch this group of gophers as well. Why don’t we just take advantage of the chaos and catch some people.”

  ”Don’t worry, try not to get involved in the battle of the locals.”

  Rejecting Myron’s proposal, Luke grabbed the binoculars in front of his chest and looked at the distant neighborhood with great agitation.

  It has been almost three months since I left the last repair site.

  All along, he has been tense, for fear that someone who has no eyes will pay attention to the caravan.

  Nowadays, the entire world has suddenly undergone earth-shaking changes. That day, the manager of the Yuan Refuge even said that this is not the Blue Star, but the world after the time-space node that was closed hundreds of years ago.

  Are you kidding me?

  Then I bought the real estate at the foundation headquarters, I recharged the business coupons in the tavern, and those old friends, aren’t they all gone?

  Accustomed to living in the relatively peaceful environment of the Foundation, Luke has gradually forgotten that he was also a ruthless person who dared to use a steel knife to catch up with the mutant tribe in order to regain his position when he was young.

   Now when I think that all the hard work and accumulation will be in the past, I have to start from zero again.

  ”I’ll go down and have a look.”

  ”Captain, it’s a bit messy outside, why don’t you put on your battle armor?”

  ”No, I’ll just walk around.”

  After leaving this sentence, he put the telescope back into the armor next to the wall, closed the mask and walked down the corridor.

  A ray of breeze blows in the night, bringing a strong smell of blood and burnt.

  Walking on the slightly vibrating ground without wearing the raptor power armor, Luke sniffled, and suddenly there was a ripple in his calm heart.

  Those memories hidden deep in my mind seemed to emerge again.

The ruined walls beside  , the blurred blood on the ground, and the faint smell in the air.

  This is where he was born, where he grew up, and where he hates the most.

  Here, it seems that there will always be unending disputes.

  It may be because of territory, resources, new and old hatred, or it may be just for a bite, a word.

  More than two hundred years after the war, Blue Star was deeply trapped in this quagmire of civilization, and never got out of it for a moment.

  Passing through this block, Luke looked into the distance. The maturity brought by his age did not give him the courage to go to the outbreak point of the battle to take a look.

  However, when he turned his head and tried to walk back to the five-story building.

  Across the block, a group of people wearing exoskeleton armor are galloping towards.

  With the help of the firelight, people on both sides saw each other’s existence.

  Luke could clearly see the leader, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face, as if he couldn’t believe that under such a chaotic battle background, there were even lonely humans wandering around.

  Where did this person come from, from another shelter?

   Isn’t he afraid of death?

  Jin Dazhi was a little confused, and he hesitated at the first moment.

  But in the next second, he realized that since he met someone who was not from Pingtan Refuge, he should treat them as enemies.

  Kill Liu Lu tonight, without leaving behind any eyeliner that can be used as witness.

  It only takes one shot to kill such an unarmed person.

  ”No, he wants to run!”

  Other exoskeleton-wearing soldiers next to Luke noticed Luke’s reaction and quickly raised their guns to shoot.


  Bang! boom!

  There were loud gunshots on the ground.

   Luke, who was rolling into the side bunker, snorted, his left leg was too late to retract, and was pierced by a bullet.

  Bright red blood gushed out from the wound, and the severe pain could almost make people faint.

   Fortunately, the adrenaline burst out in time a few seconds after the pain, Luke shook his head, forcing himself to wake up quickly.

  At this time, the teammates on the top of the fifth floor probably heard the gunshots from the block below, and shouted in the headset:

  ”Captain, a battle broke out downstairs?!”

  Luke dragged his left leg and shouted angrily as he staggered towards the ruins of the collapsed building next to him.

   “He is nonsense, hurry up and support me, a group of gophers are watching me.”


  Fedi and Myron, who were on guard, were a little stunned, probably because they never thought that the gopher would dare to attack the Foundation caravan.

  But the two of them reacted quickly, and quickly retracted their weapons and began to put on the raptor power armor.

  ”Captain hold on, we are here to support you!”

  ”Hurry up, hurry up, I got shot.”

  After running for more than 30 meters, the pain in his left leg was almost completely masked by the adrenaline.

  Luke clenched his teeth and walked through the ruins, trying to hide deeper.

  But the group of gophers wearing exoskeleton armor behind them have followed like a gangrene.

  ”Boy, I didn’t expect you to run so fast?”

  Jin Dazhi chuckled, the laughter was full of ferocity.

  Like a cat catching a mouse, manipulating the exoskeleton armor, he followed Luke unhurriedly.

  ”Tell me honestly, why did you attack Flat Beach Sanctuary tonight?”

   “I don’t. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

   “Don’t know?!” Jin Dazhi paused and raised his gun: “Since you don’t know, then go die.”

  ”No, stop, stop, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you the answer.”

  Looking at the moment the gun was aimed at him, the hairs on Luke’s body exploded, showing the panic like hitting a ghost.

  ”Look, isn’t this right.”

   “Some people don’t cry when they don’t see the coffin.” Jin Dazhi pressed down on the gun, showing a satisfied expression on his face.

  At this moment, he had already imagined the scene of Liu Lu kneeling at his feet later, piously admitting his mistake.

  Does he think he can threaten people with that ledger in his hand?


  I, Jin Dazhi, is Lord Liehu’s confidant, and I have done many shady things for Pingtan.

  If Liu Lu really dares to report, what will be waiting for him

  ”Director Jinjin.”

  Jin Dazhi was still fantasizing, but suddenly there was a trembling voice from behind him.

  He turned his head dissatisfied, but saw a scene that he will never forget.

  Two tall and thick pure black power suits.

  One stands behind the team, with machine guns shining coldly on its arms, six Stinger missiles that can be fired at any time on the opening and closing part of the chest, and two laser weapons that rotate left and right on the shoulders, exuding a sense of civilization.

  The other one stood behind him, the distance between the two was not too much, just the distance between him and Luke.

  It’s just that the two machine guns on the arms are not aimed at the team, but at his head

  ”Are you from the Foundation?”

  Seeing the hollowed-out gold coin logo on the Stinger missile on the chest of the power suit, Jin Dazhi broke out in cold sweat on his back.

  Didn’t Master Liehu say that he’s already in another world, isn’t he Blue Star?

  Why. Why did people from the Foundation suddenly appear in Qinggang City?

  And why did you let me bump into grass, you **** dare to shoot our captain, I will die”

  ”No, catch them, done. Complete the task.”

  Luke lying on the ground weakly waved his hands, his eyes stretched back along the block.

  At the place where they fought just now, another group of people unexpectedly appeared at this time.

  There are not only those wearing exoskeletons, but also those running on foot with guns.

   Seeing Jin Dazhi’s team wrapped in two power armors, the group seemed a little stunned, especially the leader who came to a sudden stop.

  Is it support?

  The next second, Luke got the answer.

  In almost an instant, the team that had just come rushing ran away, retreating quickly like a tide.

  Compared to the arrogant Jin Dazhi, this group of people is simply outrageously smart.


  ”Don’t…don’t kill people, catch them all!”

  (end of this chapter)

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