My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 414: Since you see God Su, why don’t you worship!

And red means that there is a great possibility, even after modification, it will crash immediately, and the file will be lost or broken.

This is the limitation of the game company, and it is also the first rule that everyone who knows how to make modifiers should know.

The only function of the creation modifier he made is to modify any attribute that has room for promotion or improvement.

A series of indescribable realms, including priesthood, divine fire, and divine power, can be directly modified through modifiers.

“Start with the green one!”

“That’s it!”

With a thought, Su Mo imagined himself clicking behind the property panel with the mouse, and an illusory thought was sent over and landed on the modifier.

A pleasing green light flashed, and the environment of God’s Domain suddenly changed drastically.

A burst of rumbling sounds resounded on the Kalimdor Ice Field, and the tooth-piercing creaking sound continued to pour down.

The snow on the iceberg is melting!

The ice on the ocean is disappearing!

Even the frozen ground is beginning to loosen!

The blizzard in the sky stopped immediately as the environment changed.

A dozen Tauren houses collapsed under the pressure of this crustal change.

[Record]: Your Tauren tribe was hit by an unknown natural disaster, and 7 people were killed or injured this time.

Fortunately, the Tauren’s skin is thick and thick, even if a few huge frozen logs hit them, they would only scratch the skin and not die.

“God Archibald!”

“God Archibald!”

The howling tauren priest was finally pulled out of the ruins by the tauren patriarch beside him.

But before the priest issued a prayer, all the tauren were shocked.

In their eyes, the towering icebergs that once soared into the clouds and remained untouched in the past have shed their coats, revealing the tawny rock surface below.

The snow covering the iceberg seems to have disappeared out of thin air, like a miracle!

And the melting of the iceberg is just the beginning.

In the next half day, under the feet of all the tauren, the ice and snow were absorbed by the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The ground that could not be smashed with stones could be seen to be slightly deformed when it was stomped hard at this time.

On the surface where the tauren tribe usually fetched water, countless solid ice scattered into floating fragments, and along with the surge of the river, they rushed to the depths of the misty gray mist in the distance.

With such a ground-breaking change, how could these tauren who had struggled to survive on this ice sheet since birth, how could they keep calm, each one mooing and venting their inner excitement.

“This is the **** of slaughter, the miracle of Archibald, the great ancestor **** of our tauren”

“Archibald did not abandon us”

The tauren clan, who were already fanatics, suddenly went crazy, and all the tauren spontaneously lay down on the ground and sniffed the fragrance from the soil.

This kind of thing hidden in the gene, even though all the tauren are sallow and thin, they can still see their excitement

“The great **** of slaughter, the king of Kalimdor, the supreme lord of the polar regions.”

“The creator of all things in the world, the supreme one, the communicator of civilization.”

“The creator and ancestor of the Kalimdor tauren race.”

“A great existence that protects us and allows us to survive and reproduce.”

“We are here to offer our devout faith.”

The tauren priest quickly took out his cane, and prostrated himself on the ground while praying.

[Record]: Due to unknown natural disasters, your God’s Domain environment has changed

[Record]: Your believers held a pious prayer ceremony for you

[Record]: You have obtained 60 faith points

Sumo, who was hiding behind the clouds and observing God’s Domain, was also stunned seeing such earth-shaking changes!

This feeling is extremely wonderful. When the small world is transforming, he seems to have touched the ultimate law of change in God’s Domain!

Originally, the law of looking at flowers in the fog was extremely clear at the moment of change just now, but he clearly glanced at it, but the outside world changed so drastically.

[Environment]: Ice Field/Ocean/Snow Mountain

After clicking the plus sign, the original bitter cold place suddenly became what it is today.

The + sign behind it can still be clicked, it is still green!

Su Mo was overjoyed, feeling that something was going on, and focused on the plus sign behind the God’s Domain environment.

Soon, the environment changed from clear to blurred again, a ray of light flashed, and the world began to change drastically again.

This time, all the snow on top of the snow fell off, turned into moisture in the air, and began to rain lightly.

The ice scum on the ocean and rivers has completely disappeared, and it has become a paradise for nourishing fish.

The solid land of the ice sheet has completely begun to become soft, and all the snow has infiltrated into the land, greatly improving the fertility of the land.

[Environment]: Tundra/Ocean/Mountain

“Through accumulation! All of this is my accumulation! Because my God’s Domain environment is really bad, I can add some more!”

“Creation, add it to me!”

This time, taking advantage of the green Sumo clicking twice, the plus sign, which was still green, was directly clicked into blood red.

Accompanied by a flash of light, a sense of law far more ferocious than the first addition surged, as if soaked in the law of creation, everything in God’s Domain became traceable.

Even the black mist that could not be seen through usually began to slowly dissipate, spreading to the distance.

[Record]: A wonderful change has taken place in your domain of God.

[Record]: Your understanding of the law has deepened, and the area of ​​​​the domain of God has been expanded

The Kalimdor Ice Field, which was originally fifty square kilometers, has now doubled in size to one hundred square kilometers after he suddenly realized the law of killing.

The previously barren land has also become:

[Environment]: plain/ocean/mountain

Countless tall and tall trees rose from the ground, dense weeds and shrubs appeared on the fertile land, and the bare mountain peaks looked green from a distance.

The small river next to the tauren tribe seemed to be flooded with fish and shrimp, with flying fish constantly jumping up.

“Good good!”

“Add all to me!”

Looking at the other points that can be added in the environment, Su Mo was overjoyed and connected his thoughts.

This day was recorded in the tribal history of the Tauren as: “Founding Day”!

At first, the barren land changed into a fertile plain.

Then countless animals appeared in the plain, and the ecological chain was completely completed.

Following the appearance of animals, fruit trees, crops, and plants all appeared one after another.

“It’s done!” After clicking all the greens, Su Mo was overjoyed.

The God’s Domain is full of vitality now, where is the desolation and silence of a day ago.

Opening the interface of God’s Domain, looking at the many attributes displayed on it, Su Mo couldn’t bear to be excited even if he was a human being in two lives.

[God’s domain interface]

[Area]: 100 square kilometers

[Environment]: plain/ocean/mountain

[Race]: Kalimdor Tauren

[Vegetation]: Broad-leaved trees, conifers, fruit trees, shrubs, wheat, corn, cotton, soybeans…

[Animals]: antelope, white-lipped deer, crested deer, wild donkey, wild horse, Bactrian camel, red deer, sika deer, wolf, brown bear, leopard….

【Sea】: cod, cold shrimp, saury, scorpion, red stingray, hairtail, pomfret….

[Evaluation]: The fertile plain that breeds hope, even if a tribe of hundreds of people is not productive, they can rely on this land to survive.

Seeing that the blank space on the interface became dense, Su Mo laughed silently.

“My current God’s Domain is directly on par with those who have true **** ancestors, and even my God’s Domain is even better than them!”

“However, this…”

“Not enough!”

Eyes go crazy, returning to the main interface of the modifier, Su Mo resolutely clicked on the plus sign of God’s Domain!

The blood-red prompt did not dissuade him, but instead made him feel angry!

In ordinary times, people want to fight!

Coming to this age of gods where everyone can become a god, it is even more important to find a way to fight for it!

If it is stagnant because of the fear of the unknown, then the so-called fighting spirit and the so-called bravery are just nonsense.

As if sensing Su Mo’s determination and firmness, the screen of the modifier went dark, followed by a burst of scorching light.

The blood-red rain fell from the sky of God’s Domain, and fell on every place of God’s Domain, passing through the trees and falling on everyone of the Tauren tribe.

The sky and the earth are changing, and the sun and the moon cry together.

At the moment when the blood rain fell, Su Mo felt a roar in his mind.

It was as if he had been struck by lightning. Even in his divine domain, he seemed to be being targeted by something ferocious, and a chilling feeling appeared in his heart.

Different from the law of adding points to green, adding points to red is like crossing a catastrophe. If you are a little careless, you will die.

Along with the drastic changes in God’s Domain, a pair of eyeballs without whites appeared in the sky and watched from afar.

Look out!

The changes caused by the modifiers made this kind of power that can directly peek into the personal domain of God be dispatched!

“Quick! Quick!”

Being in the domain of the gods, Sumo is no stranger to this pair of eyeballs. Now that the eyeballs have not retrieved his own domain of the gods, if he is seen by the eyeballs before the vision is over, I am afraid that waiting for him is not only It’s just as simple as death.

A trace of blood rain fell from the sky. Under Su Mo’s call, countless crimson and golden blood flew out of his body, caught in the blood rain and drenched down together.

The most intuitive feeling brought about by this direct loss of original blood is weakness in the whole body, dizziness in the eyes, and roaring in the ears.

Even if he didn’t look inside himself, Su Mo could know how bad his condition is now.

If someone were to invade his divine domain, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to release a single divine spell, not even as useful as the tauren below.

“But… finally caught up…” Seeing the last trace of blood rain disappearing, Su Mo couldn’t hold his eyes anymore, his head sank and he passed out.

The next moment.

The pitch-black eyes seemed to scan over, and after finding nothing unusual, they disappeared into the realm of the gods….


I don’t know how long it has been…

There was a slight air pressure sound, and the milky white God’s domain connection chamber slowly opened as Sumo woke up, and a burst of nutrient solution atomized due to the air pressure scattered in the air, bringing a burst of orange fragrance.

Leaning on the handrail beside him, Su Mo lay on the edge of the connecting warehouse, and after a long delay, he crawled out and lay on the bed next to him.

Looking through the mirror next to the bed, his face is now pale and bloodless, and his veins are particularly eye-catching with the whiteness of his Injuries in God’s Domain will also pass on this deficit at the same time In reality” Although he doesn’t know medical skills, Sumo still knows a little bit of basic common sense.

It’s good that a newborn divine being like him has the protection of the connection warehouse. If the true **** enters the realm of the gods and is hit hard now, I’m afraid he may not recover in ten or eight years.

Even if he recovers, his divine power will be greatly damaged, and if it is serious, his godhead will be broken.

“If I have created the world outside, why not be so afraid…”

After saying something with a touch of luck, Su Mo didn’t expect the modifier to be connected.

After all, being able to manifest in one’s own **** domain is already a great power, and it is too difficult to live in this big world where demigods also walk and drive!

However, Su Mo still underestimated the bug level of the modifier. As his voice fell, a familiar voice sounded..

“The Genesis Modifier is at your service…”

At the same time, an azure blue attribute panel completely different from the world of God’s Domain floated up in front of his eyes.

[User name]: Sumo

[Status]: 20% weak

[Physique]: 0.7

[Power]: 0.8

[Agility]: 1

[Spirit]: 1.1

“Can it really be used in the real world?” Su Mo closed his eyes, his heart filled with ecstasy.

I didn’t expect that modifiers in God’s Domain could intervene, and even the Great World modifiers could also modify his basic attributes.

You know, even a demigod is no different from ordinary people in terms of these basic attributes.

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