My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 283: Target… not human!

In just half a day, Sumo had heard about the so-called “Ocean Hunting Plan” more than once.

From the literal meaning of these six words, this is most likely a large-scale operation by alien races against humans.

But the question is, the area of ​​the wasteland is so vast, after the ocean hits, how can the alien races ensure that they can gather together quickly and launch an impact on humans.

And even if most of the human beings quickly huddled together relying on coordinates and landforms after the ocean attacked, how confident would the alien race be that they could continuously know the coordinates of human beings on the sea and intercept them.

For the bugs in this, even Su Mo can find a lot of amazing loopholes without thinking carefully.

If you can’t do any point, even if you can do it, you can’t do it to the extreme, even if there are traitors in human beings, and you can inform them 24 hours a day, it’s just a dream.


The target of the Ocean Hunting Project is not human beings at all!

“Ocean hunting plan…”

Hearing Su Mo’s question, Connie showed a complicated face, and hesitated for a long time, as if she didn’t know where to start to talk.

The shock of the story behind these six words flashed across her face from time to time.

From time to time, a trace of lack of self-confidence flashed, as if thinking that this matter was simply a fairy tale, not worth mentioning.

But in the end…

After staring at Su Mo for more than ten seconds, she licked the undried blood on her paw, looked at the bright sunshine outside, and there was a trace of longing in her eyes.

Connie didn’t answer, she made a request.

“Can I go outside… By the way, can I have my staff?”

“A lot of things you want to know, the staff will give you the answer!”

With the exhaustion of the past few days, coupled with the increasingly declining form of the lion tribe, since the demise of the kobold tribe, the lion tribe has not been doing well.

Fortunately, some plants were soaring, and the lion tribe found a lot of fruits, so it was barely supported.

Every night, Connie thinks about the future of the lion people.

After all, she could not accept the order of the lion **** before opening the call to comrades, and she could only rely on herself.

Connie didn’t rest until she failed in the battle with Hope Village soldiers and was captured.

During the daytime, she and Chen Shenxu pretended to be about to surrender, but in fact they were frantically thinking about how to escape.

At night, she slept extremely uneasy again, fearing that Sumo would open the door and shoot her away with two shots.

Such continuous torture is a challenge for a lion man whose brain is not well developed.

Therefore, until now, after deciding to join Somo and the human race with all her heart, Connie also shed all her pretense and thoughts and became pure.

As simple as an animal, he began to confide “little” appeals to his master.

“Okay, now we are friends, as long as you are not willing to re-behave, no one in my territory will hurt you!”

“With me, I can guarantee your absolute safety”

For this small request, after seeing the longing in Connie’s eyes, Somo readily agreed.

With the authority of asylum, Connie will lose all her strength and have no ability to resist at the moment of Somo’s thought.

Therefore, it is unnecessary to lock her up.

Letting it out and being seen by the villagers of Hope Village can actually boost the morale of the village from the side.

Clap clap!

Clapping her hands, watching the two militiamen at the door open the door and let the light come in, Connie’s face was filled with a sense of a world away.

A few days ago, the lion tribe was about to be wiped out. Under her leadership, they made the final struggle.

Now, she leads the last lion people, surrendering the previous prey – the human race.

Connie didn’t know whether this choice was right or wrong, but she looked at the man standing in front of the open gate, bathed in sunlight, as if turning into light.

She nodded heavily, and slowly got up from the ground, panting heavily.

“Open the door, don’t close her anymore, she is ours now…”


On friends, Su Mo emphasized the particle.

The two militiamen had also witnessed Chen Shen’s interrogation process these days. After being slightly reminded by Su Mo, they naturally understood in seconds, with admiration on their faces, and immediately unlocked the door directly.

“By the way, go to Chen Shen and bring me her staff”

Instigated one of the militiamen, gave two orders to the lively scene at the shipyard in the distance, watched the militiamen go away, and Su Mo turned back to the cave.

“Let’s go, your staff will be back soon, now it’s time to go out and see this peaceful world!”

Life is precious, but love is even more expensive.

For the sake of freedom, both can be thrown away.

Whether it is for humans or alien races, this feeling is not strong until they lose their freedom.

But when the lioness really walked out of the cave, under the envious eyes of the two tribesmen, she realized it!

“It turns out… this is the taste of freedom”

“So this is the salvation we have been looking for!”

Allowing Sumo to lead the way, after glancing at the two clansmen who were still bound, Connie followed Sumo up without stopping.

There are not many twists and turns in Iron Stone Mountain, and it will soon reach the top of the mountain.

And because there are no mountains or other obstacles blocking the line of sight nearby, when standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, the view is excellent.

Walking straight, when he reached the edge of the cliff on the top floor, Sumo sat down and stretched his feet beyond the cliff.

“Sit down, this will be your home from now on, don’t be so restrained”

He waved his hand and arranged a few words casually. Before the Chen trial had a break, Su Mo opened the chat panel again, absorbing the information of alien races constantly leaked from it.

The sun is warm.

The wind is gentle.

Connie followed Su Mo’s pointing position, imitating Su Mo’s sitting posture, and sat down, dangling with her legs on the outside of the cliff.

The wind blew through her hair, causing ripples.

But it didn’t attract her attention at all, because, in her line of sight…

The shipyard in the distance is really magnificent!

The shipyard is hundreds of meters long from the beginning to the end, and because of the tens of meters high scaffolding, under the sunlight, it emits a blue-green light.

This light shines on the earth, as if the shipyard is floating in invisible water, breathing.

Looking to the right along the scaffolding, there are densely packed two to three hundred human beings, gathered together like ants, not knowing what they are doing.

The view from above is stunning.

Sitting in front of the cliff, Su Mo quietly looked at the chat panel, and the lioness Connie also looked down obsessively, wondering what she was thinking.

After a while, when hurried footsteps sounded, Su Mo turned his head, holding the staff in his hand, and Chen Shen, who was running sweating, appeared at the corner.

From afar, seeing Connie’s appearance, Chen Shen’s face was first stunned, and then it turned into expectation.

“Brother Su, the staff brought…”


“She will be our friend from now on, let’s say hello, everyone don’t wear colored glasses!”

Hearing Su Mo’s words, Connie turned her head and met Chen Shen’s eyes.

In the past two days, one person and one lion talked a lot. Connie only learned more about Sumo from Chen Shen.

Regarding her surrender, Connie naturally had no sense of shame. After a slight nod, Chen Shen stepped forward and reported with her ear.

“Brother Su, all the management of Zeus Sanctuary are… murderous!”

“Just a simple interrogation, no less than this number of people died in their hands…”

As he spoke, Chen Shen’s clenched left fist slightly spread out, revealing a finger.

“One hundred?”

“One thousand!”

“Grass! So much?”

Seeing that Su Mo’s fist was hardened, Chen Shen hurriedly bowed his body and continued to whisper:

“From the end of the second disaster, they started to wander. In the third disaster, they didn’t plant at all. They migrated and robbed all the way. Moreover, the Chinese people in their team were not coerced at all.”

“They are… they all voluntarily surrendered… When these beasts attacked our Chinese people’s refuge in Zeus’s refuge, they acted as traitors”

When saying these words, Chen Shen tried his best to be gentle and not to irritate Su Mo.

But after listening, Su Mo’s face was still ashen.

Compared with other races, these human beings understand human beings better, and naturally they will not hesitate to kill the same kind.

There are thousands of human beings fallen in their hands, which means that each person bears at least ten lives.

On Earth, even the wanted criminals who are full of evil are rarely so ruthless.

“Brother Su, I ask these people to give me permission, this time I will definitely handle it beautifully!”

“These beasts, we can’t let them go easily!”

“Let them die directly, it is cheap for them!”

After thinking about Chen Shen’s murderous words, Su Mo loosened his tense facial muscles and nodded.

Hope Village has fought a war, and now it’s time for blood.

Treating these people does not require any kindness.

As a person in power, what Somo needs is the result, as long as the result is right, that’s fine!

After receiving Somo’s affirmation Chen Shen took two steps back respectfully, stood up straight, and quickly ran back along the way he came from.

But this time, as he was running, he could clearly see the killing intent on his body.

“No, this is your staff, what is the ocean hunting plan, you can tell me!”

Quickly adjusted to the negative emotions caused by the beasts in the Zeus Sanctuary. The moment he picked up the staff and handed it over, Su Mo’s expression returned to normal except that his face was a little deserted.

Seemingly feeling that Somo was not in a good mood at this time, Connie didn’t talk nonsense. After picking up the staff, she lightly pressed her head.


A light curtain suddenly extended along the head of the staff, about 30 inches in size, flashing yellow light.

This light curtain is clearly visible even under the strong sunlight. I don’t know what technology is used.

“Old Su… Su Mo, I will pull you into a conversation space, don’t resist!”

“Don’t worry, their target…is not human!”

Before Su Mo could ask, the next second, as Connie gently tapped the staff, an image slowly appeared in the light curtain, and a voice also appeared in it.

“Hello other land races in the wasteland, I am the patriarch of the curse tiger clan, curse… Clark!”

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