My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 275: Mechanical ascension, false prosperity!

As if Ma Fei had calculated that anyone who saw this scene would stop at the door, after Su Mo stepped in, he chuckled lightly.

“Future, your consideration took… um… 13… seconds!”

“In this end of the world where people cannibalize people, it’s not okay. You need to be more cautious in the future so that you can live well!”

The two short sentences seemed like Ma Fei was still alive in the refuge, but Su Mo still caught the human voice, a slight change of tone when he said 13.

“Simple Ai, add the recorded earlier, and play it together?”

“If there is a picture, isn’t this an interactive video of station B?”

There was no malice in Ma Fei’s words, and Su Mo also put down his guard a little, and took a big stride, completely standing in the room.

Moore and Oreo, who were behind them, also followed in curiously, and made surprise voices towards the “cyberpunk” style room.

The downstairs is dilapidated and cannot be used in dilapidated ordinary houses, and the wind can take away a large amount of dust.

After digging through ten cloister-like iron doors, the upstairs suddenly turned into a high-tech steel room.

If it weren’t for Doudou, the leading party, Sumo would never have found this room and discovered the secret as easily as he is now.

“Be cautious, I also have, but compared to being cautious, my luck has always been good!”

Entering the inside, Su Mo was completely relaxed after confirming that everything could be stored in the storage space and taken away with just one thought.

As long as this scene is not an illusion, no matter what Ma Fei says next, these things can take away the strength of expanding the shelter.

Of course, whether it is the vertical missile launcher that squats four meters or the computer, the time cost is extremely expensive.

Whether it can be taken away at once, Su Mo is more inclined to talk to Ma Fei who is willing to communicate now.

Compared with Ma Gu, he is stronger, and the way of leaving his legacy is not more “ingenious”.

“First of all, I can answer your first question, where is the core of the sky barrier?”

Regardless of Su Mo’s muttering, Ma Fei’s recorded voice continued to sound.

At the same time, where is the core of the sky barrier is indeed one of the few questions Sumo wants to know most during this trip.

Once you get the core, there is a way to take it out into the real world.

As long as it can be installed in the real world, at least within a year or two, it will be an invincible existence.

Now that this topic was brought up, Ma Fei didn’t hold back, and started rambling straightforwardly.

“That’s right, the place you see now is the core, as long as you can control this place, the sky barrier can be manipulated by you”

In the next second, as Ma Fei’s voice ended, the entire place visible to the naked eye began to slowly change color, turning into a white world.

The walls are no longer walls, and the floor has lost its metallic sheen of steel.

Under this soft light, the whole room began to cover up all the decorations, turning into an empty cocoon.

“What I’m going to say next is very important. If you have a recording device, please turn it on and record it immediately. If not, please take out a pen and paper and start recording.”

Hearing a trace of seriousness in Ma Fei’s voice, Su Mo hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a pen and paper and waited for the record.

“First, the sky barrier is uniformly issued and maintained by the Yan Kingdom, but to this day, it is no secret that this barrier has already been rotten from the inside.”

“What is the core of the barrier, you must have guessed it, yes, it is my core, they are bound together”

“You can enter here, the energy of the barrier should still be left, and my shelter has not yet collapsed, it should be your trophy”

“When you have successfully bound my core, you will be able to obtain full operation authority of the barrier, as well as the maintenance and manufacturing manual”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, let me sort out my thoughts, what I just said is not the main point, what I want to talk about next”

After finishing four sentences in one breath, Ma Fei’s voice was a little breathless, and his emotions seemed to be agitated, as if he was quite prejudiced against this solid “sky barrier”.

There were bursts of deep breaths, and it could be heard that when he was recording, his mouth should be next to the headset.

Ma Fei is so angry?

What the **** happened?

On the paper, Su Mo wrote down two key words…

Sucks, bind the core!

The former seems to be related to some problems in the Yan Kingdom system, while the latter is the only way to control this small world.

Ma Fei’s voice didn’t sound again, and Su Mo was not in a hurry, he sat quietly on the ground and waited until the sound of panting disappeared before the thick male voice sounded again.

“I don’t care which era you are from or where you are from, please remember that the barrier is poison, it will make you addicted, it will make you lose your fighting spirit, and it will make you an iron waste in the apocalypse !”

“I think you must think that I’m scaremongering? Come on, I should show you what the **** the management is up to in this damned apocalypse!”



The violent sound of a palm hitting the table, accompanied by the diffusion of omni-directional sound, came from the light curtains in all directions.

The vibrations caused by waves of sound waves made people’s eardrums hurt.

But before the startled Moore could stand up to protest, the light curtain began to change gradually, and the air in the room, including the tactile feeling of the hard floor, also changed slightly.

This change is very slight, but Su Mo, who has been taking phantom energy water for a long time, can clearly perceive it.

“Hmm… are you cheating my perception again?”

Feeling the constant protest and dizziness coming from his brain, Su Mo paused for a moment, and finally chose to suppress this feeling, and chose to blend in with all his heart.

The next second, after Su Mo sank into his mind.

The blood vessel energy flowing on the ground also surged at this time, accompanied by this violent sound, the foggy light gradually lit up, piercing people’s eyes with pain.

Under the physiological reaction, even Su Mo couldn’t help but slowly closed his eyes.

With eyes closed, it was as if he had entered a completely different world.

Without sight, hearing and touch are amplified without limit.

The floor under him was no longer a hard iron plate, but instead turned into the soft green grass in front of the deep-sea refuge. As Sumo moved his **** lightly, there was a burst of grass liquid being crushed Crushed aroma.

Gently sniffing, in this fragrance, Su Mo smelled the air again.

Fresh and comfortable, as if you are on a grassland without any pollution, it makes you feel refreshed.

The sound of birdsong in my ears, the gurgling of water, the rustling of leaves in the wind…

All of this, when Sumo opened his eyes, really…


The wall disappeared, and it was replaced by a prairie covering an area of ​​unknown number of acres. On the calf-high green grass, there was still no morning dew dripping.

Not far from the field of vision, beside a small river, there is a huge manor that can’t be seen at a glance.

“Wow, aren’t we in the room, where is this?”

Not only Moore, but also Oreo stood up curiously at this time, looking at the changed environment around him in amazement.

“Is this virtual reality technology?”

Trying to pull one out, seeing that the grass in his hand was no different from the real grass roots, and could even knead water, Su Mo was confused.

Stepping forward, Su Momo counted, and when he walked for about thirty meters, he didn’t bump into the wall, but came to the side of the small river instead.

Stretch out your hand, the temperature of the river water is very cool, and the depth of the water is only half a meter. When you step on it, the fish and shrimp inside are scrambling to escape.

Although there was an invisible prompt in his brain telling Su Mo that this place was fake, but from the five senses, all this happened for real!

Without any resistance, Su Mo chose to cross the river silently and came to the gate of the manor.


The door opened, and as expected, two butlers with amiable smiles came out of the door, a man and a woman greeted them respectively.

“Thanks for your hard work, welcome home, master”

“The owner’s pet is really powerful!”

While praising and showing flawless professional smiles, the two cordially brought Sumo, the two children, and Doudou the Tibetan mastiff inside.

In the next two hours, under the service of ten beautiful maids, Su Mo took a bath in the natural hot spring covering an area of ​​1000 square meters, and even swam back and forth a few times.

Go to the big bathhouse, turn left as soon as you go out, and you will arrive at a magnificent palace.

Here, Sumo tasted a full 240 dishes of various delicacies.

From common ingredients on the earth to various rare plants and animals that can only be found in the wasteland, this luxurious feast, even Sumo, an old foodie, can’t fault it at all.

After the meal, ten new beautiful maids greeted them. The destination of the next stop is…

Go to bed!

“Enough, I know what this is, stop!”

During the whole experience, Sumo tensed his mind and body, even when eating food, he chewed it and then spit it out.

In terms of experience, it’s not that good.

After knowing that all this is fake, I can’t immerse myself in it. Even if the technology is high-end, there is a strong sense of disobedience. I want Sumo to fight back against these virtual characters.

Fortunately, as the voice fell, unlike the slow loading, the end was completed in an instant.

The manor was gone, the blue sky was gone, the creek, the grass, all disappeared as if they had never appeared before.

Moore, who was still being served by ten female bears, touched his head and looked around blankly.

In the room, even the previous white walls disappeared, returning to the original “poor”.

“It’s fun, it’s ridiculous, I’m glad you can stop, but I’m sad”

“Even a person who sees it for the first time knows how dangerous this thing is, but they don’t know, they don’t want to know!”

“Hahahahaha, the poor one million people are kept in the dark and become maggots who open their mouths to dream and shut their mouths to go home”

Ma Fei laughed wildly.

From his laughter, Su Mo could hear the madness, and even more the frustration of being powerless in the face of the general situation.

However, what Ma Fei said next made Su Mo immediately serious and quickly recorded it.

“Do you want to know why the summit vigorously promotes this thing? Guess why they want to protect us and abandon us at critical moments”

“This is the tragedy of scientists entering politics, and this is the end of all mankind under the torrent of the times!”

“Yan Kingdom is a victim set up by scientists who want mechanical ascension. The game is raising Gu, and they are also raising Gu”

“They always say that there is only one winner. I think I can probably understand what this sentence means before I walk out of this door!”


Without giving Su Mo a chance to continue to think deeply, Ma Fei seemed to have made up his mind.

A 24-inch LCD screen slowly popped out from the wall in Su Mo’s sight, and led by the telescopic frame, it stretched to the open space in the center of the room.

“Congratulations, future one, you are today’s winner, you can take all the things on the second floor here”

“But I will give you a choice, I set four ratings, and I personally intercepted a piece of my true consciousness, he will come to judge your answer”

“Come on, make your choice, take these things and fly away, or choose to go against the current and take a road that belongs to you”

“It’s your turn!”


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: Mobile version reading URL:

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