My House of Horrors Chapter 589: Dense fog

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“You remember a word, no matter what you encounter on the water, as long as the boat does not turn over, there is still hope.” Zhang Dapo was very nice. He saw Chen Ge was ready and entered the management room and took out a life jacket : “The whole reservoir is one piece. It was sent to me by the leader. It has never been used before. You can wear it.”

“Thank you, you go back to the house, the shore is not safe.” Chen Ge was also polite, put on his life jacket, waved his hand at Dapo, and then paddled away.

It’s more late at night and alone rowing in the reservoir is a wonderful experience.

The sky and the water surface are all black, there is no light around, completely surrounded by darkness, and I feel that my body is slowly blending into the darkness.

Chen Ge did n’t take the risk of going to the center of the reservoir. After crossing the river bank, he began to communicate with the cylinder ghost.

This ghost brought from the living coffin village does not retain the memory of his life. Most of the time, he will only act instinctively, and it is very difficult to communicate.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chen Ge ’s behavior at this time is very strange. He constantly waved his hands at the water, as if communicating with the water.

“The body of the little girl is probably so long. After you see it, tell me the location, and then I will give you the rope. You just need to tie the rope around her.” Chen Ge said several times. Still unable to understand such a complicated command, he shrank under the water, his head spitting bubbles, and staring at Chen Ge.

“Forget it, I asked you too much.” Chen Ge can’t blame the cylinder ghost. He took out his cell phone and turned to a picture of a child: “You go underwater to see if there is Without such a child, do n’t make too much movement. If you encounter a danger that you ca n’t cope with, retreat immediately. Your safety is the first priority. ”

Chen Ge often asks employees to do all kinds of things, but he has his own rules in his heart, and he will never rely on sacrificing ghosts to achieve his goals.

It may also be because of this. Those ghosts who were forced to stay in the horror house for various reasons will eventually grow up and become excellent “employees”.

After simplifying the order, Cang Gui seemed to understand that his body sank and gradually disappeared into Chen Ge’s eyes.

“It is not yet twelve in the morning, I hope everything goes well.” Chen Ge looked at the shampoo bottle in his backpack. In fact, he has a more efficient way, that is, let Wen Wen ’s sister let her herself Look for the body: “If the ghost ghost fails, consider Wenwen’s sister again.”

Wait on the shore for more than ten minutes before the cylinder ghost came back. His expression was frightened, and he was terrified.

The body was hiding underwater, the ghost of the cylinder waving his hands disproportionately to his head, and his mouth was babbling and did not know what to say. Chen Ge only saw countless bubbles coming out of the water.

“You say slowly, don’t call anything again in a while.” Chen Ge turned the comic book and called Lao Zhou out: “Can you understand what he is talking about?”

He thinks that ghosts and ghosts should be able to communicate more easily. Lao Zhou stared at the mouth of the cylinder ghost and looked back for a long time before replying: “There are so many people under the water, he is very scared.”

“You ask him if he has found the body of the little girl.” Chen Ge was relieved. He suddenly had the talent of being a translator in Old Zhou, which is definitely a rare talent.

The communication between Lao Zhou and Cang Gui is silent. Chen Ge uses the ability of ghost ears conferred by the black phone to vaguely capture some vague words.

“He didn’t see the girl’s body, but he found that there was a lot of corpses piled up somewhere in the bottom of the water. It is possible that the girl’s body was hidden in it.” After talking with Cang Gui, Lao Zhou came to the conclusion: ” There are many underwater corpses, there should be what you are looking for, but it takes time. “

“One night should be enough. It doesn’t matter if it’s slower.” Chen Ge asked the cylinder ghost to lead the way, and was about to row the boat far away, and a light suddenly hit him.

Blankly turned around, Chen Ge saw Zhang Dapo waving a flashlight on the shore.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just seem to see another person on your ship!” Zhang Dapo’s palm with a flashlight is full of cold sweat: “You can still turn around now.”

“You should have read it wrong.” Chen Ge gestured to Lao Zhou to return to the comic book. He didn’t get any response. When he looked at the bow, he found that Lao Zhou responded faster than him. When I came over, it has disappeared: “Turn off the flashlight, be careful to lead the fish king.”

Chen Ge felt like the protagonist in the horror movies on the market. He did n’t listen to the persuasion and went all alone, until the end of the hell.

Shaking his head, Chen Ge drove this strange idea out of his mind and crossed it towards the center of the reservoir.

Donggang Reservoir said that it was not too big, and that it was not too small. After being drawn to the center of the reservoir, Chen Ge felt as if he had become a part of the reservoir and his body was assimilated by darkness.

There is no light, far away from the shore, and Chen Ge is not worried about Lao Zhou being seen, and releases it again: “Give the ghost to the cylinder, grab the end of the rope, if you find the little girl ’s body, tie it on the rope I will fish her out personally. “

Lao Zhou conveyed Chen Ge ’s words, put the hemp rope on the boat into the water, and the cylinder ghost grabbed the hemp rope and dived into the water again.

The water surface returned to calm again. Chen Ge and Lao Zhou grabbed one end of the twine, as if fishing, maintaining the same posture and waiting silently.

The time passes by, and until Midnight 00:00, the cylinder ghost still does not return.

“Could it be an accident?” Although Chen Ge is very strict with the ghost, but the other party is his own employee after all, and belongs to Chen Ge in his heart.

The night is full of darkness. After one o’clock, the surface of the water rises with a faint mist, completely separating the reservoir from the surrounding area.

“Why is it foggy at this time?” The shampoo bottle in the backpack was trembling slightly, and a ray of black hair protruded from the bottle mouth, as if to remind Chen Ge.

The repeater also made a rustling sound at this time. Chen Ge smelled a faint **** smell. He didn’t call but Xu Yin appeared on the stern.

“Something is wrong, there seems to be some changes in this two-star trial mission.” According to the difficulty of the normal two-star mission, it would be good to have a half-length red dress, and it would not threaten Xu Yin at all. The sound appeared at this time.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker. Chen Ge can vaguely see the light shining on the shore, but after only a few minutes, he can’t even see the light on the shore.

Chen Ge is now in the center of the reservoir. As the water drifts, the ship spins in place. Gradually, he is somewhat confused about the direction and feels that he has been isolated from the outside world.

“Pay attention to the water surface.” Chen Ge also summoned Bai Qiulin, letting him and Lao Zhou guard the bow, Xu Yin guarding the stern, and he was sitting in the middle of the boat.

The fog is still getting thicker, and what makes Chen Ge surprised is that there seems to be a voice coming out of the thick fog. I do n’t know if it came from the water surface or from the bottom of the water. The name and sound are very familiar.

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