My House of Horrors Chapter 420: Start!

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“No problem, but this bracelet seems to work only if I wear it.” Fan Yu removed the jade bracelet from the living coffin village female ghost on his wrist. After the bracelet left his wrist, the scarlet blood on it disappeared. It looks just like an ordinary bracelet. When he put it on again, the scarlet blood reappeared again.

“If you need my help, you can take me there.”

“That’s still forgotten.” Chen Ge didn’t want Fan Yu to be involved in danger, nor did he think about distracting him to take care of Fan Yu.

He touched his chin and looked at Jiangling again.

The living coffin village female ghost has left Jiangling. She is just a very ordinary child. She was almost crying after being so seen by Chen Ge.

The girl hid behind Fan Yu at once, which made the two adults present a bit embarrassed. Chen Ge did n’t know how to speak, and the female nurse felt like she was completely ignored.

Coughing lightly, Chen Ge first let the female nurse go out, and then try to make a kind expression: “Jiang Ling, uncle is going to do a big thing tomorrow night, can you borrow your sister?”

Chen Ge has slowed his tone as much as possible, but Jiang Ling was scared crying when he heard this.

“Am I so terrible?” Chen Ge has no way to deal with children. It feels like Fan Yu and mobile phone ghost get along easily.

Jiangling cried louder and louder, and finally, Fan Yu lying to Jiangling’s ear and said something to her. This little girl slowly stopped crying, and her big tearful eyes stared at Chen Ge.

“Did she agree? What did you say to her?”

“I said that you are her sister’s friend. You are very nice and can make her sister happy.”

“That’s right.” Chen Ge nodded. He felt that Fan Yu was learning his own strengths, and the child made rapid progress.

Jiang Ling ran out on her short legs and took a plastic bottle from the back of the sofa. She gave it to Chen Ge very reluctantly.

“Relax, I just let her go to support me, and I will never let her be wronged.” Chen Ge took the plastic bottle with a tiny spider in it: “Is your sister inside?”

Jiang Ling nodded pitifully, always feeling like she had been cheated.

The goal was achieved, Chen Ge did not continue to stay here, left Jiujiang Welfare Home and ran to Third Sick Hall.

He waited until twelve o’clock in the evening and slipped in when the blood gate appeared.

Once again and again, when Chen Ge appeared next to the old dean again, the lonely head was about to cry because he found another Specter followed by Chen Ge.

Without spending time with the old dean, Chen Ge directly found Men Nan. He doubled the urgency of the matter ten times and said it again.

After listening to it, Men Nan struggled.

After leaving Blood Gate, his strength seems to decline a lot, and for him, Chen Ge poses no less threat to him than Doctor Gao.

Men Nan was worried that she had just escaped from the wolf den and fell into the tiger’s den.

“You let me think about it.”


More than one o’clock in the morning, Chen Ge left from Third Sick Hall, he looked back, if everything goes well, this will be his last visit to this place.

Back to the New Century Paradise, Chen Ge sorted out all the information about Underground Corpse Storehouse before going to bed.

“Carefully paint the passageway painted with red paint and enter it to be absolutely quiet.”

“There are only seven corpses in the periphery of the corpse, and you cannot enter the eighth corpse.”

After he memorized all the information, he lay in bed and went to sleep.

At nine o’clock in the morning, the park opened at almost the same time. Zhang Li sent a map of Underground Corpse Storehouse to Chen Ge ’s mobile phone. There were more than a dozen photos and two more than one minute videos.

“Is this guy really treating me as a police informer?”

Taking advantage of Dr. Gao ’s absence in Jiujiang, Chen Ge decided to start the Underground Corpse Storehouse mission tonight. After sending the tourists into the scenario, he hid aside and began to read the photos carefully.

The Underground Corpse Storehouse of Jiujiang Medical College has a large area. It has been expanded three times before and after. The date of the first expansion and the drawings of the expansion were not found. The second expansion was due to the merger of two medical colleges in Jiujiang. The expansion was the one where Zhang Li participated.

“Includes the entire West Campus, is this too large?”

Underground Corpse Storehouse can be roughly divided into three areas, surrounded by various transportation channels and two debris warehouses, and five morgues.

The middle area is a disused morgue pond, which was closed many years ago.

According to Zhang Li, Underground Corpse Storehouse still has a core area. The information in this area is written, but no one can find the way to go in. Zhang Li is also clearly written in the photo. He suspects what happened in the core area. It was completely blocked.

Chen Ge looked at all the photos and videos, only the map of the peripheral area, and the map of the middle area seems to be artificially processed.

“The biggest secret of Underground Corpse Storehouse should be hidden in the core area. I have to find the way to the core area in the middle area.”

He carefully wrote down the map on the photo, read it all morning, and repeatedly confirmed that it was correct before putting away his phone.

In the afternoon, Chen Ge was also working, and was busy until 6:30 in the evening.

After Xu Wan and Gu Feiyu got off work, Chen Ge locked himself in the lounge.

He took a few deep breaths, and after checking all the props and equipment, took out his black phone.

Underground Corpse Storehouse is the eighth Side Mission of 4 Stars horror scenario psychic ghost school. After completion, I am eligible to open 4 Stars scenario.”

Sitting at the table, Chen Ge swiped his finger on the screen and lightly clicked on the task.

“Do you accept the eighth Side Mission of psychic ghost school?”


Side Mission Eight: Eternal Life (in the unopened area of ​​Underground Corpse Storehouse, a group of immortal people live)”

Mission Location: Jiujiang Medical University Forensic Faculty.”

Mission Hint: The meaning of life is not whether you breathe, but something else.”

Mission Requirement: Enter the core area of ​​Jiujiang Forensic Faculty Underground Corpse Storehouse before midnight! Survive till dawn!”

After reading the information on the black phone, Chen Ge ’s face is not too good: “I want to enter the core area before twelve, it seems that I have to leave as soon as possible.”

Chen Ge ’s eyes are fixed on the last words of Mission Requirement: “This kind of task that requires survival until dawn is usually very difficult. Fortunately, I have also made sufficient preparations.”

Taking up his backpack, Chen Ge walked out of staff restroom. Just like last time he went to the living coffin village, he is also planning to bring all the employees in the haunted house this time.

“Even if there is no fighting power, it is still possible to support the scene.”

Pen Xian, Xiao Xiao, Xu Yin, Skull Hammer, Chen Ge packed all the things he could think of into the bag, and finally picked up the white cat while he was not paying attention.

“Is there something missing? By the way, there is a sculpture in the underground scenario.”

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