My House of Horrors Chapter 252: You are not sitting behind the car

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When the passenger got on the bus, it was exactly twelve midnight. He was sitting in the back with a black parcel, wearing a sweater hat and bowing his head. The shirt inside seemed darker.

Lao Zhang forced himself not to look in the rearview mirror, but he couldn’t control it, and he glanced past unconsciously.

“How do you feel like you have changed after you get on the bus.”

Lao Zhang whispered and opened the one-click alarm page on his phone.

“Still going to Huaihua Lane?”


“Does your family live there? There are some old people left in the ancient alleys of Jiujiang. It ’s very rare for you like age.”

“My home is not there.” The passenger’s tone was strange, every sentence was short and a little gloomy.

“Listen to your accent is Jiujiang locals? It hasn’t been quite flat lately, don’t run around.” Lao Zhang really didn’t want to go to that ghost lane anymore, he was very worried that he would encounter him again A passenger: “How about I take you home Where is your home? directly?”

“My home?” The passenger looked down at the black package on his knee and said nothing.

Lao Zhang saw that the passenger did not speak, and he was embarrassed to continue questioning, turned his head, and prepared to drive into the city.

After the taxi started, the atmosphere in the car became more depressed.

Sitting in the same car as the passenger in the back row, Lao Zhang felt a breathless feeling, and he opened the closed window again.

Lao Zhang felt more comfortable when the night wind blew into the car. He looked up at the tourists in the rearview mirror.

No matter how bumpy the vehicle is, the passenger ’s upper body remains in the same posture.

This person seems to have hurriedly went out to get things. The shirt inside was too late to be changed. It was crumpled. The top button was not fastened, and he could vaguely see a circle of striations.

“He was subjected to violence before he got on the bus? That ’s wrong! How did it look like it was left by hanging?”

The driver is even more nervous, and half of his attention is focused on the passengers.

The pupils were beating, and Lao Zhang ’s heart was beating very fast. He was worried that he would be found after peeping, and he was afraid of what crazy things the passengers behind were doing.

The speed of the car is accelerating. In the wilderness, the best way he can think of is to drive faster and wait until there are many people.

The windows are all open, and the wind is blowing into the car, and Lao Zhang keeps watching behind him.

The passenger sitting in the back row remained motionless, except that the black cloth package he placed on his knee was blown away, and a small piece of cloth slid down to reveal the true face of the package.

Blood poured into the brain, and Lao Zhang ’s heart beat even more violently.

The ashes box!

The thing that the NPC came to the crematorium at night turned out to be an ashes box!

The arm does n’t feel trembling, the little finger retracts inward like a cramp, and a cold feeling creeps up the spine slowly.

The black cloth slipped and the passenger didn’t seem to notice.

The taxi ran fast, and the black cloth was blown down on the other side under the blowing of the night wind.

The next Zhang is more clear. Hebri is wrapped in a black urn, and there is a photo in the center of the box.

The driver ’s uncle slowed down a little bit and focused his attention on the rearview mirror. He stared at the photo on the urn in the rearview mirror.

It ’s not clear, but the chin and mouth shape are similar to the passenger sitting in the car.

“He went to the crematorium in the middle of the night and took out his ashes?”

Lao Zhang did n’t dare to continue thinking, his body was trembling, he controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and his other hand was fumbling beside him, trying to secretly call the police.

But when he touched his phone, he habitually glanced into the rearview mirror, and a pair of **** eyes in the mirror also looked at him!

The passenger who kept his head down sometime raised his head. His face was exactly the same as that in the photo of the urn, but he added an abnormal grayish white.

Goose bumps appeared on the neck, and Lao Zhang felt cold all over his body. Fortunately, his many years of driving experience allowed him to control himself forcibly, so there was no accident.

The taxi continues to drive forward, and you can drive into the city in a few minutes, but Lao Zhang ’s situation is getting worse.

The passenger in the back seat has been staring at the rearview mirror. Every time he looks up, he can see a pair of eyes behind him staring at himself.

The night wind had blown the black cloth completely, and the passenger sat behind him holding his ashes box motionless.

“What the **** do you want to do!”

I could n’t see a car along the way. Old Zhang was anxious. He slowly developed an illusion that he seemed to be running in the opposite direction. This is not a road to the city at all, but a more desolate place.

“What should I do?”

He quietly called the police, and he also issued a cry for help in the communication group, but it was far from being able to hydrolyze his thirst, which could not bring him any sense of security.

Every time he looks up, Lao Zhang feels that his eyes are closer to him.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly. The temperature inside the car seemed to be decreasing. His back was numb and he was leaning on the back of the seat, but he didn’t feel a little soft.

“Bum, buzz …”

The cell phone thrown next to it started to vibrate. Someone called, but Lao Zhang did n’t dare to answer it.


The passenger behind him suddenly made a noise, and Lao Zhang was trembling with fright, and spoke for a second or two before saying: “What’s wrong?”

“Someone calls you.”

It was said by the passengers that Lao Zhang looked to the side. The page of the one-key alarm has disappeared, replaced by a unanswered calls.

This phone hangs up soon after dialing, it seems that the person on the other side of the phone also realized that the situation is wrong.

“Don’t worry about it, you can’t answer the phone while driving.” Lao Zhanggan smiled.

After he finished, he glanced at the screen of the mobile phone next to him, and a text message was just sent.

“Hurry up and stop! Run down the road! No one is sitting behind your car!”

This message stayed on the screen for a few seconds. Lao Zhang saw it, as did the passengers sitting behind.

“These people can really talk nonsense.”

The driver picked up the phone and placed it next to the steering wheel. He was about to say a few words. When he looked up in the rearview mirror, he suddenly found that the passenger ’s face was stuck on the protective bar behind him!

The dead gray face was blocked by the guardrail, and the passenger ’s face had a smile that Lao Zhang could not understand.

“No need to deny it, you actually thought about it.” The sweater hat slipped, the passenger’s neck twisted a little, and there was another face behind his head.

“Strictly speaking, he is human, but I am not.”

The lips squirmed. The following sentence was spoken by the face behind the passenger’s head.

Lao Zhang has forgotten what kind of reaction he should make. His mind is blank, as if he has stepped on the brake and the accelerator at the same time.

The taxi drove a few tens of meters before stopping. He shouted and climbed out of the car, running forward.

The door opened and the passenger came out. He turned his back to Lao Zhang, and the deformed face on the back of his head pulled out an ugly smile.

“You can’t run away. This body has been stared at by a madman. I need to change a partner now.”

The passenger turned his back to Lao Zhang. He seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and chased backwards.

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