My House of Horrors Chapter 233: Zhu Xiu

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“The murderer is found!” Chen Ge stood up at once: “Okay, I’ll be here soon!”

Chen Ge grabbed his coat and rushed out of the haunted house. He ignored nothing and went straight to the Xicheng police station.

The first date in his life was in a ghost school, and he was Specter.

His first date did not have any joy and excitement, but only learned about a girl ’s tragic past.

Falling from a tall building and falling in a pool of blood. Pain is coming from everywhere, but it is not yet dead!

Looking at the murderer’s words and laughter, he walked away from him, the truth was buried, the dance shoes were slowly dyed red, and the kind girl became Specter full of resentment.

Zhang Ya told Chen Ge all this, and now he is the only one who can speak for this girl.

Taking a taxi to the Xicheng Police Station, Chen Ge ran into the house.

“Li team is in the room on the left.” Ayong stood outside and recognized Chen Ge at a glance.

“Thank you.”

Pushing open the door, only Li team is in the small office.

“Come on, sit down.”

When Chen Ge saw that there was only Li team in the room, he had a very bad hunch: “Are the murderers determined? Last time it was not that the scope was reduced to three people.”

“I found him, it was him.” Li team took out a document from the drawer and opened a photo: “This man is called Zhu Xiu. He used to be the administrator of the Western Jiujiang’s Private Academy equipment room. At the same time, he is also the principal’s younger son and the ex-husband of the dance teacher Sun Meijing. “

The photo was taken from the surveillance video. There is a thin man in the picture. He is sitting on the roadside stall, piled with a few bottles of beer on the dirty table.

“Are you sure?” Zhang Ya once restored the original scene in the mirror of the dance room. He couldn’t see his face clearly, but he could see a rough figure.

The main murderer in the mirror was very fat at the time, completely inconsistent with the people in the photo.

“At the beginning, we only listed him as one of the suspects, focusing on investigating Western Jiujiang’s Private Academy‘s physical education teachers and foreigners. As a result, when visiting, Zhu Xiu’s ex-wife Sun Meijing accidentally revealed a message.”

“What did she say?”

“She has a dead mouth and said nothing, but we found a photo she posted on a website a long time ago.”

Li team took out their mobile phones, and a couple posing on the screen.

The female looks average, but the figure is well maintained. The male looks younger, fatter, and weighs around 180 pounds.

“The man is Zhu Xiu five years ago.”

Comparing the two photos, Zhu Xiu looks like a personal change after losing weight.

“In five years, Zhu Xiu has lost 60 pounds, which has attracted our attention. After an in-depth investigation, he found that this person has no fixed occupation and spends a lot of money. The most important thing is that he seems to have love. Fetish. “

Li team took out the third photo: “After Zhu Xiu ’s father died, Sun Meijing divorced him, and the house came under the name of Sun Meijing, he has been renting out.”

“We found his landlord and stood outside his house on the pretext of repairing the network cable. He was messy and smelly, throwing a few pairs of female shoes under his bed.”

The third photo was taken secretly, recording the situation inside Zhu Xiuwu.

“Occupation, body shape, hobby, all can be matched! Ten out of ten are him!” Chen Ge gritted his teeth, and such a person should be imprisoned and punished by law.

“Only these can only show that he has the motive and conditions to commit the crime, but it does not mean that he is the murderer. We need a complete chain of evidence to catch people.” Li team rubbed his temple: “I have a good now. News and bad news, which one do you listen to first? “

“Bad news.” Chen Ge blurted out.

“According to the clues provided by you, the other girls who assisted Zhu Xiu to kill the girl together have all died strangely. We can’t find any witnesses now.”

Chen Ge ca n’t do anything about it. The witnesses that Li team wants are all stuffed into the chair, and one has been made into sugar, which has already been eaten.

“Ca n’t he be convicted without a witness?”

“As long as the chain of evidence is valid, conviction is okay. But after all, it happened four or five years ago, and the physical evidence was already damaged. The most important thing is that the results of the forensic autopsy show that the girl did commit suicide. People shoved or had physical contact with her. “

“She was forced to jump off the building, and the **** forced her to the window! This is definitely a murder!” The scene was reproduced in the mirror, and everything was seen by Chen Ge!

“Is it true whether I murdered you or not, and the evidence is only considered.” Li team put away the three photos: “Do you want to hear the good news?”

“You said.”

“Zhu Xiu has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance, and the day after he found out that we were investigating, he disappeared.” Li team took the remaining photos out of the file bag.

“What good news is this?” Chen Ge was wondering. He looked at the other photos on the table.

“If we do not cooperate with the investigation and maliciously obstruct the case, we have reasons to take coercive measures, and we can also request assistance from other police stations, etc.”

Li team said a lot, but Chen Ge did n’t hear it. He picked up a photo on the table, and his eyes were a little unnatural.

“Why is this photo here?”

Li team looked up: “That was the last photo we took in plain clothes. Zhu Xiu disappeared in the building where the photo is located.”

“Why did he go here?” Chen Ge narrowed his eyes gently. The building in the photo is No. 3 building of Fanghuayuan Community!

“We are also thinking about this problem.” Team Li did not know what Chen Ge was saying: “After searching and sorting out many clues, we found that Zhu Xiu was not the first time to enter Fanghuayuan Community. We called In the past three months of monitoring, it was found that Zhu Xiu has entered No. 3 building three times. It is interesting that every time he went, it was late at night, and it was late at night on Tuesday. “

“How long does he stay in it each time?”

“About ten minutes.”

“Can you tell me the specific time?”

“Go in at more than 11:50 on Tuesday night, and it will come out after zero, no one knows what he is doing.” Li team guessed: “This person seems to know that his crime will be one day. I found it, so I’m looking for a way out for myself. “

“Tuesday past zero is Wednesday.” Chen Ge put down the photo and the number “3” appeared again. He now doubts that Zhu Xiu has also received the Ghost Stories Society flyer.

It seems that the guy is still trying to actively search for Ghost Stories Society, but the first few times he seems to have failed.

“Fanghuayuan Community is a key investigation area, but now there are big cases over the city branch bureau, and the police force is not enough. We cannot control the situation alone.” Li team has its own difficulties: “You may need to wait God, but you do n’t have to worry, it ’s easy to catch people, it ’s rare to collect enough evidence to convict. ”

“I understand.” Chen Ge remembered the buildings in each photo on the table in his mind: “Uncle Li, thank you!”

“Thank me for what? I ’ll do it if I violate the law. This is what I should do.” Years of experience in handling cases made Li team aware that something was wrong. He vaguely felt that Chen Ge’s tone was wrong.

“Well, I ’ll go if it ’s okay.”

“Pay attention to safety on your way.”


After walking out of the police station, Chen Ge reached into his pocket and grabbed the Ghost Stories Society flyer.

“After today, it is Wednesday.”

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