My House of Horrors Chapter 1175: The Cursed Hospital

“A ghost with warm eyes? Isn’t that a person with warm eyes?” Chen Ge couldn’t understand Dr. Sun’s words.

“Doctor Sun! Do you have any antibiotics here?” Patient No. 2‘s voice came from the emergency room: “The wound was just bandaged, and the bleeding was stopped. The wound on his chest suddenly deteriorated, and there was a lot of pus. Out!”

“The wound suddenly deteriorated?” Chen Ge also ran over, he felt that all this could not be so coincidental.

Entering the interior, Chen Ge saw bandages and various sundries all over the floor. At this time, Zhang Jingjiu was unconscious on the operating table, and his chest had stopped heaving.

“He’s still alive, he’s just lost consciousness, but if we let the wound continue to deteriorate, it’s going to be hard for him to survive the night.” Patient No. 2 panted, his hands covered in blood, looking a little scary.

“Why did the wound suddenly worsen?”

“I don’t know, it may be because the wound is too deep.” Dr. Fang was standing beside the operating table wearing gloves. He looked very professional: “I need hydrogen peroxide to wash the external wound and disinfect it with iodophor. By the way, he There are black silk threads sticking to the flesh on his wound, which may be infected with some kind of fungus. To cure him, he must perform an operation in a sterile environment.”

Doctor Fang was sweating: “I have never done a similar operation, and the tools here are not complete. We still need to find a professional doctor!”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Dr. Sun and Dr. Gao: “Let’s put aside our treatment for now, saving this patient’s life is the most important thing.”

“Look at me, it’s useless. Dr. Gao and I are psychiatric doctors, and our knowledge of surgery is probably not as good as yours. We’ll go to other wards now. If we’re lucky, we might meet other night-shift doctors.” Dr. Sun said casually.

“That’s the only way to do it now. He can’t move easily. The second guard and I are here for treatment. You guys go to other night doctors together.” Dr. Fang and Patient No. 2 tried their best to relieve Zhang Jingjiu’s pain, but It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Without suitable medical equipment and an operating environment, they dare not use a knife on Zhang Jingjiu casually. In case of widespread infection, that Zhang Jingjiu will surely die.

“Do you want to act separately?” Patient No. 5 felt that something was wrong: “The murderer is still in the hospital, and it is easy for him to defeat each other after we are separated.”

“This patient can’t stand the toss anymore. Carrying him together will affect the speed. The best way is to temporarily place him here, which is also good for his condition.” At the beginning of medical school, his teacher kept telling him the truth that doctors are benevolent, and they must be saved no matter what.

“No. 1, think about it carefully?” Patient No. 5 is not afraid of death, he seems to be worried about the safety of Patient No. 4: “Now not only is this patient in a life-and-death crisis, but we are all also the target of the murderer. Do you think it’s worth it to put all survivors at risk if you can save those who can survive?”

“What risk did he put you on? We are only temporarily separated. Some people go to find medicine, doctors, and help, while others stay here.” Patient No. 2 is a little dissatisfied: “There may be only one murderer, we have seven Personally, don’t be too afraid of him.”

Two seems to have been dealing with all kinds of vicious criminals before, so he doesn’t appear to be very scared or even thinking about catching the killer.

“Leave three people, and the other four go out to find medicine. No. 1 must pay attention to the patient’s condition at all times, he must stay, Dr. Sun and Dr. Gao know the way outside, and one of the two doctors must follow us Let’s go together.” Patient No. 2‘s thinking is clear, and it doesn’t look like a patient at all.

In just a few minutes, Patient No. 2 has already divided teams.

Chen Ge, Dr. Sun, Dr. Gao, and Patient No. 2 went outside to find medicine and other night-shift doctors, while Dr. Fang, No. 4, and Patient No. 5 stayed to take care of Zhang Jingjiu.

“Hurry up, the wounds are already oozing pus. The speed of this deterioration is a bit outrageous.”

“Lock the door, we will find someone and come back immediately.” In fact, Patient No. 2 did not plan to let Chen Ge go out at first, because Chen Ge was inconvenient, but Dr. Gao and Dr. Sun seemed to be unwilling to separate from Chen Ge, Patient No. 2 There was no other way to let Chen Ge go out.

Pushing open the door of the emergency room, the figure of the other Dr. Sun instantly appeared in Chen Ge’s mind. He knew that the other doctor was hiding in the darkness, and he might be looking at him at this time.

“The things that Patient No. 2 needs are in fourth floor, but I don’t recommend going to fourth floor to get medicine. It’s better to go to other wards to be on the safe side.” Dr. Sun’s words seemed to be deliberately quoting Chen Ge to ask.

“Why can’t I go to fourth floor? Is the door locked?” Chen Ge was also very cooperative.

“The dean’s office used to be in fourth floor in the fourth ward. Later, after the first dean committed suicide, the new dean moved the office to another place.” Dr. Sun’s expression was calm, but what he said was revealed to Chen Ge has a lot of information.

“The first old director of this hospital committed suicide? In this hospital?” Chen Ge became more and more curious.

“Well, this is a taboo in the hospital, and few people will talk about it.” Dr. Sun lowered his voice: “This hospital used to be the largest hospital in Xinhai, built in Xinhai New District, but I don’t know why. The reason is that there are always dead people in the hospital. At first it was a medical accident, and the dead were critically ill patients. Later, cleaning personnel began to disappear, and then there were nurses and doctors.”

“Are they murdered?”

“If they were murdered, then nothing would happen.” Dr. Sun said meaningfully: “The cause of death of each of the deceased is clear, most of them died of suicide, and one of them died of suicide. A small number of bodies have not yet been found.”

“What you said is quite scary.” Chen Ge felt his arms chill, and the temperature of Doctor Gao beside him was very low, almost like a corpse.

“The facts are even scarier than what I said.” Dr. Sun and Chen Ge walked side by side: “I remember that the first undeserved deceased was in the fourth ward. Strictly speaking, it was a medical accident. The patient’s family was very angry and came to the hospital to make trouble, so scared that the doctor finally hid in the morgue. The director personally negotiated with the patient’s family, and finally fooled the patient’s family away, but when they came to the morgue, they found that the doctor was dead .”

“Dead? What was the cause of death?”

“The result given by the Xinhai police was suicide, and the scene was indeed the same as suicide. The doctor hung himself with a shroud and died of suffocation, and the body was hung on the door beam.”

“Is it a bit hasty to directly judge suicide?” Chen Ge felt that there was a problem, but the police judged cases based on evidence, and everything was based on facts.

“The doctor committed suicide, in fact, everyone can understand that his life was a mess, plus he had a serious medical accident, he had no background, he could not keep his job, and he might get into a lawsuit. Under such a lot of pressure, he can’t help thinking about it.” Dr. Sun seemed to be looking for a reason for the doctor’s death.

“The second accident happened to a night shift nurse. Surveillance showed that she had been lying in the duty room and kept the same posture all night. Only in the morning did she realize that her body was cold when she was on shift. “When Dr. Sun said these extremely terrifying things, his voice and expression did not change, as if he was simply telling a story.

“The doctors and nurses had accidents one after another, and the dean held an emergency meeting. He didn’t think about solving the problem at the root, but was going to suppress all these things. The first dean had his own considerations, which may also be related to Xinhai. At that time, it was related to the vigorous construction of the new district. If all goes well, the new district where Xinhai Central Hospital is located may even surpass the old city.”

“Actually, we can’t blame the first dean either. They have sufficient evidence to prove that the deceased committed suicide. To consider the issue based on the premise of suicide, it is normal for them to make such a judgment.”

Dr. Sun, Chen Ge, and Dr. Gao walked side by side on the dark corridor of the hospital, with Patient No. 2 frowning and following behind.

“The third accidental death was a male nurse who jumped out of a corridor window when he went crazy while patrolling the ward.”

“No one knows what he saw in the corridor that day, and the police are also very strange. What kind of thing can frighten a grown man off the building.”

“The atmosphere in the hospital gradually became strange, and the doctors and nurses who knew the truth were panicking. Although the director wanted to suppress this matter, all kinds of strange things were spread to the patients’ ears.”

“It’s a coincidence that the fourth person who died was the patient in the inpatient department.” Dr. Sun said here, turned his head and glanced at Chen Ge: “The patient lives in the third ward, and his Midnight 00:00 suddenly went crazy. Said that there is a ghost hidden under his bed, and that the doctor on duty will change his ward at night.”

“Of course the doctor did not agree, but he couldn’t let the patient mess around. After he fed the patient medicine, he stayed in the ward for a long time, and he didn’t leave until the patient fell asleep.”

“But what the doctor didn’t expect was that the patient ran to the roof of the hospital and jumped off before he left.”

“The patient died, and the hospital wanted to put the blame entirely on the doctor, but the doctor also felt aggrieved because the door on the top floor, which was usually locked, was opened that night.”

“The fifth accident is this hapless doctor who wants to find out who opened the top floor door that night.”

“The hospital only installed surveillance cameras at the corners of the corridors. The doctor recorded everyone who showed up at the corners that day. It is said that he watched the surveillance cameras and saw it late that day.”

“In order to restore his innocence, the doctor was very serious. In the end, he really found out in the surveillance. On the night when the patient jumped off the building, a person in a red coat appeared at the corner of the corridor and was walking upstairs. “

“You know what the scariest thing is?”

“The doctor only saw the man in red on the surveillance camera going upstairs, but did not see him go downstairs.”

“There is only one way from the corner of the hospital to the top floor. The doctor’s mind was stunned. He looked at the time displayed on the monitor. When the patient jumped off the building, the man in red hadn’t come downstairs.”

“That is to say, when the patient jumped off the building, the man in red was on the top floor, maybe even standing beside the patient.”

“The doctor has finally found the murderer, and he is determined to find this man.”

“He was sitting in the surveillance room, staring at the surveillance camera with all his attention, trying to find out when the person went downstairs and where he went after he went downstairs.”

“Something happened that made the doctor gradually uneasy. He checked all the surveillance cameras, and the man in red doesn’t seem to have come down from the upstairs until now!”

“The doctor began to panic, and he kept comforting himself. Maybe he missed it, or maybe the surveillance didn’t catch the other person when they came down.”

“Thinking like this, the doctor kept changing the surveillance video. He was in a hurry and finally found the figure in red on the screen.”

“The other party was standing behind him, and when the screen turned black, he saw himself and the red clothes behind him.”

“The doctor was crazy. He told everyone about his experience, but no one believed him. In the end, he died in the garbage dump in the fourth ward.”

It seems that Dr. Sun is not just telling stories, he seems to want to tell Chen Ge something deeper through these.

“The sixth deceased was the nurse who found the doctor’s body. He was usually an ordinary person, without any personality flaws, nor anything special. He returned to the hospital inexplicably on the night of the discovery of the doctor’s body. , and his body also appeared in the garbage the next day.”

“In a very short period of time, six dead people appeared in a row, and the dean couldn’t hide it. He ordered the garbage dump and the ward where the accident occurred, and also welded the door leading to the roof of the hospital.”

“He thought he would be able to sit back and relax, but who knew he became the seventh dead person.”

“The death of the dean is a mystery. He returned to his office after handling official business as usual, but he never came out again after returning.”

“The next day the doctor saw the dean’s body in the dean’s office. He spent one night writing dead words all over the office wall.”

“No one knows why the dean suddenly went mad. Everyone speculates whether the hospital has suffered some kind of curse, or it can’t be explained at all. How can so many horrible things happen in just a few weeks? things.”

Chen Ge thought that Dr. Sun’s story would end here. He was about to speak, but Dr. Sun suddenly stared at him with a very scary look, as if to see through him.

“The dean is the seventh dead person. Since then, the most unlucky number in this hospital is seven. Once seven people enter the hospital at the same time, then seven of them will be cursed and die one by one. “

“Is it a little late for you to tell me this now?” Chen Ge felt that Dr. Sun in front of him was familiar and unfamiliar: “Counting you two doctors, there are exactly seven people who came out of the ward.”

“Thinking about how the seven of them died should help you.” Dr. Sun turned his head, the scars on his neck and cheeks were slowly cracking.

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