My House of Horrors Chapter 1118: Silent Town (4000)

“Haunted?” Several haunted house designers all looked at Zuo Han, and Teacher Wang frowned. He really didn’t expect that he could hear such words from Zuo Han’s mouth.

“Some things have no answer, or I can’t find the answer with my knowledge. Only a ghost can explain it.” Zuo Han’s tone was very serious. scenario Open for the first time, according to previous experience, the first open scenario The difficulty was the highest, and Zuo Han was also afraid, so he told the guess that was buried in his heart.

He wants to find the truth, but it is impossible to find the truth with these Guapi teammates, and even saving his life is a big problem.

“Are you talking about ghosts before you go in?” Fu Bole, the man in sunglasses, laughed directly: “Little brother, what you said at the beginning was quite reasonable, and you almost stunned me. It’s a pity that you were too hasty, When you say the word haunted, you have already revealed your identity as a haunted house actor. Brother, let me give you a piece of advice, haste is not enough.”

In such a gloomy environment, when Zuo Han said that the haunted house was really haunted, everyone was shocked, but when they heard Fu Bole’s analysis, they all calmed down slowly.

What kind of ghosts are there in the world? Those who can say this in the haunted house are most likely to be the people arranged by the haunted house.

Several haunted house designers showed clear expressions, and Ma Feng looked at Zuo Han a few more times.

For someone who has never believed in ghosts, telling him that there is a haunted house in a haunted house is sure to be a prank.

“When you first came up, you said that there are haunted house actors among us, then you said a lot of precautions, and finally set off the terrifying atmosphere. To be fair, you are quite competent as a haunted house employee.” Wei Chaochao, who is dressed in fashion, also opened his mouth.

A few haunted house designers, you said, the more they said, the more they were convinced that Zuo Han was a haunted house employee, and they gave many examples, which made Xiao Sun start to waver, wondering if Zuo Han was sent by the boss. to meet your own.

“I know that you are all capable, so I want to cooperate with you. Unfortunately, arrogance and jealousy cover your eyes. Now you can only see the illusion created by yourself, and you are not willing to think about the facts.” Zuo Han shook his head and said to He Shan and Teacher Wang next to him, “I can’t count on others this time. The three of us must not be separated.”

He Shan and Teacher Wang both knew the seriousness of the matter and nodded.

Seeing the serious looks of the three visitors from Hanjiang Forensic Faculty, Fu Bole smiled again: “You can still play hard even if they have been dismantled, aren’t you embarrassed?”

“It’s quite novel to think of this haunted house to set off the atmosphere and introduce precautions, and it’s worth our study.” The big fat Liang Erchao waved to Fu Bole: “Get ready to enter scenario, I’m very much looking forward to the inside Be frightened.”

Although each has a ghost, the fifteen people gathered together, and they officially entered the scenario, the fetus of the dead, along the dilapidated street.

The black iron gate behind him is getting farther and farther. After turning a corner, the first fork appears in front of him.

There was a faint odor in the air, and the shadows of different heights and heights in the corners of the walls were shaking, as if someone was squatting in the corner and watching them silently.

“Which way?”

Fu Bole turned back to ask Ma Feng’s opinion, while Ma Feng looked at Shangguan Qinghong.

“You can’t see anything just by looking at it this way. Why don’t you just pick one at random. Let’s mark it well and change the route at any time in case of trouble.”

“Wait a minute!” Zuo Han wanted to say something, but those people didn’t give him a chance at all, and went directly into the left passage.

Old-fashioned street lights on the corners flickered, reflecting the odd human figures on the walls, and there were whispers from the buildings on either side, and someone could vaguely hear someone talking.

They are avoiding something, and seem to be looking for something, and occasionally they can hear words such as limbs, undead dolls, etc.

“Our mission is to find the remains of the doll. The owner of the haunted house only gave us a photo, but he didn’t say how many parts the doll was divided into. I don’t think we can let go of any building.” Wei Chaochao He stopped and pressed his body against the door of a dilapidated bungalow next to him: “Someone is talking here, there should be a scaring point hidden behind the door.”

“I advise you not to open the door casually. In this haunted house, it is better to do more than one less thing.” He Shan reminded him, but the designers of the haunted house had already assumed that he was a haunted house actor, so they just ignored him.

“If you normally design a haunted house, the first fright point is very important. From this fright point, you can see the style of the haunted house.” Wei Chaochao grabbed the door handle and said expectantly, “Are you ready? “

Those haunted house designers talked about all kinds of haunted houses that belittle Chen Ge, but when it came time to trigger the fright point, they all became careful one by one.

“Open the door, I want to see how terrifying the haunted houses are on the Internet.” Fu Bole stood at the front, looking like he was used to seeing the wind and waves.

Zuo Han, who had opposed before, stopped talking now. He stared at Wei Chaochao and Fu Bole coldly, as if he was looking at the corpse of the victim waiting for an autopsy.

He wants to cooperate with those haunted house designers, but they don’t want to, so he has changed his mind now, and is ready to let those haunted house designers go to mine.

Anyway, it is necessary to “die”. It is not as valuable as “death”. Zuo Han’s idea is as simple as that.

Everyone held their breath, and their eyes moved with Wei Chaochao’s arm.

Grasping the door handle with five fingers, Wei Chaochao yanked the door open by a quarter, then he stopped directly and blocked the door that was not fully open with his body.

“Boom!” The actor hiding in the haunted house saw the door open and immediately wanted to come out as rehearsed to scare people, but he didn’t expect the tourists outside the door to open the door only a quarter, let alone the tourist He even deliberately blocked the door so that the door could not be fully opened.

Unpredictable, the haunted house actor in the house slammed directly into the door.

The haunted house actor didn’t expect such a thing to happen at all. After hitting his head on the door panel, he sat directly on the ground.

“That’s it?”

The designers of the haunted house looked at the actors sitting in the middle of the door, their hanging hearts fell back into their stomachs, and they all showed disdain.

“It’s a scary method that can’t be more cliché, the business is very unfamiliar, I don’t know how to adapt, and the ability to respond on the spot is extremely poor.” Wei Chaochao opened the door completely and commented casually: “I can set up a haunted house scenario at 8:50, and I am an actor. Only three points.”

“I’m dying of laughter, why are you pretending to be a ghost to scare tourists? Are you here to laugh?”

“Have you all seen it? I believe you all know the level of this haunted house now. Those good reviews on the Internet are definitely the navy hired by the boss himself.”

These haunted house designers are very rude, and a group of them surrounds the actor and keeps talking.

It is also fortunate that the actor’s psychological quality is very strong. He rubbed his red forehead, tidied up his single ponytail, and got up from the ground.

Just now was calculated to be embarrassing, but he didn’t care at all, as if it never happened.

He raised his head, revealing his mortified face.

“You’d better be quiet. You’ll be heard by ghosts when you talk in a silent town.”

“If they are all ghosts like you, what if they are heard?” Fu Bole shrugged his shoulders: “I was looking forward to it just now, what is it? There is nothing new.”

“I’m not a ghost, I’m a human like you, but there are ghosts in this town.” The actor didn’t lie, he told the truth with his conscience.

“My head was swollen, but I didn’t forget to say my lines. You are very dedicated. My rating for you has risen to 3.5.” Wei Chaochao patted the ashes on his arm.

“Everything I said is true. My kids and I are trapped here after dark. We are forced to play hide and seek with the ghosts. Once they are caught, the consequences will be disastrous!” Actor The expression is in place, but the designers of the haunted house are constantly nitpicking.

“This is the background of the story? 4 Stars scenario just looks like that.”

Those haunted house designers are still mocking. Zuo Han and He Shan have already come over. They are staring at the actor with serious expressions: “You just said that you will be heard by ghosts when you talk in this town?”

“Well, this town is called Silent Town. As long as you make a sound, you will be noticed by ghosts.” The actor explained it dutifully.

“What will happen if you are caught by a ghost? I think you are alone here. What about your child? Has he been captured by a ghost?” Zuo Han is quick-witted, and it is rare to meet a haunted house actor who can communicate with him. He wants to get some more information.

“My child and I were chased by ghosts at the time. I took the initiative to divert those ghosts and left him alone in a utility room on the north side of the town.” The actor lowered his voice: “If you Bring my children and I’ll tell you a secret about the world.”

“Hidden mission?” Zuo Han nodded: “I will help you find the child, by the way, what’s your name? Can you give us some tokens, we must prove to your child that we are I have accepted your commission.”

The actor was stunned for a moment. The script didn’t include this, but he was also very capable of playing on the spot: “My name is Wu Jinpeng. After you find my child, you only need to say the name.”

“Then what does your child look like? I’m worried that the ghost finds your child one step ahead, and then we treat the ghost as your child.” Zuo Han considered various situations.

“He is very short, wearing a red coat, his name is… Wu Nan.”

“You hesitated just now, is there anything else you haven’t told us?” Teacher Wang also came over, and their teachers and students cooperated, which brought a lot of pressure to Wu Jinpeng.

“The children here like to play hide-and-seek. In fact, from the moment you entered the town, you have been forced to participate in the game of hide-and-seek.” Wu Jinpeng grabbed the door handle: “Remember, you must Be careful of ghosts and find more places to hide!”

After finishing what he had to say, Wu Jinpeng closed the door and returned to the room.

“Is the theme of scenario hide-and-seek? He just said that the children here like to play hide-and-seek, which means that there are many children here, and the name of scenario is called the ghost. Obviously, all horrors are related to children. Zuo Han looked at the closed door: “We better not touch this task of his, because his child is also a child.”

“Well, when he was describing his child, he thought for a long time, and there was a pause in the middle. I suspect that the child he described was not his child at all.” Teacher Wang said casually: “The name Wu Nan is estimated to be Made up, from the most malicious point of view, the man in the room is a group with the ghost, and he is just trying to feed us to the ghost.”

Mr. Wang and Zuo Han have the same opinion, they are analyzing seriously, and they do not shy away from other tourists.

Hearing their discussion, Fu Bole confirmed his guess even more. The three so-called Hanjiang Forensic Faculty should be the actors installed in the haunted house. They have been actively cooperating with the haunted house actors to perform.

“Let’s act, let’s see when you can act.” Fu Bole said suddenly, he smiled disdainfully, and scared Sun Xiaojun next to him.

“We have seen the strength of this haunted house just now. Next, we will check the rooms one by one. Don’t worry about it.” Wei Chaochao was a little disappointed. He was very curious about Chen Ge’s haunted house at first. Now I find that those scary methods are very general, no different from the haunted houses on the market: “Everyone speed up the customs clearance, I will catch the afternoon flight.”

The town of Wuyan is very big. The designers of the haunted house pushed open three doors in a row, but still didn’t find anything. They gradually relaxed.

“What does this haunted house mean? It’s all empty rooms? There are no scaring props or actors in it, just like the scenario has not been perfected.” Liang San also began to complain, he felt that he went to Hanjiang exclusively to play This haunted house is not worth it.

Several people were less and less paying attention to their surroundings. On the contrary, Zuo Han and He Shan were highly nervous: “Someone can be heard talking in every room, but when the door is opened, no one can be seen. It’s a bit strange.”

“The voice was not played by a machine, but more like someone was talking to our ears.”

“Leave this place alone, follow them closely, and let them explore the way ahead.” Zuo Han just finished saying this when Wei Chaochao’s voice came from the front of the team.

“Huh? I found something interesting!”

In front of Wei Chaochao is the entrance of a unit building. There is a missing person posted on the wall next to him. The lost child is named Jiang Ming.

The entrance of the corridor is right in front of them, and the steps are down. Because the light is too dark, they can’t see how many floors underground when they stand outside the corridor.

“Is the interior space so big? I thought there was only one floor…” Shangguan Qinghong’s bad premonition became stronger and stronger, and he followed closely behind Ma Feng.

“Let’s go in and have a look.” Liang San opened the iron door of the unit building. He didn’t feel anything unusual when he first entered the corridor, but after staying for a while, he suddenly discovered the problem: “It’s so quiet here, and there are no sounds. Can’t hear, even the background music suddenly disappeared.”

“Indeed, the street outside seems to be two different worlds, how did he do it?” Liang Er also walked in: “It’s so quiet that it’s eerily quiet, and now I feel a little bit like visiting a haunted house. “

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