My House of Horrors Chapter 1058: Two Helpers (4000)

Chen Ge’s initial plan was to find Ying Tong, but from the clues he has now, he may need to find A Ying, A Mu, A Tong and Ying Tong.

“The respondent knew about the existence of the three Amu brothers. It can even be said that the appearance of these three children was related to him. He personally created these three tragedies.”

“The three children suffer from three different mental illnesses. These three illnesses are likely to be forced out by the ministers. They correspond to sharp weapons, imprisonment, and fright.”

“He asked the ‘corpse’ to take care of the three children. In reality, he hid the corpse at home, and Ying Tong lived with the corpse for a long time, resulting in three stressful personalities.”

“This can also explain why none of the three children could leave the house, and only Ying Tong kept choosing to escape.”

“Also note that Amu is not blind, but Amu is only six years old. If there is no problem in my previous analysis, Amu is one of Yingtong’s stress-bearing personalities, then it can also be indirectly proved from here. Ying Tong was not blind before the age of six, at least not completely blind.”

The more analysis, the more terrifying Chen Ge felt. He took a deep breath and asked towards the living room, “Are you still there, lady in skirt? Can you tell me about the first time Ying Tong left When did you leave home?”

“It’s very early, probably five years ago. At that time, the relatives of the respondent had just moved out, and the two brothers, the respondent and Ying Tong, were left at home.” Ms. Skirt revealed another very important information.

“Do you really think that there is a problem with your relatives leaving home as soon as they moved out of Yingtong? How could Yingtong leave without any reason? His brother Yingchen must have done something bad to make his younger brother Ying Tong is scared.” Chen Ge couldn’t see the expression of the lady in the skirt, and he didn’t know whether the other party agreed with him: “You think about one more thing, Amu age is the same as when Ying Tong ran away from home, Amu suffers from benefits. I have a phobia of weapons. After Ying Tong ran away from home and was found by the minister, a nail was nailed near the eye. Isn’t a nail a sharp weapon? Isn’t Amu always imagining that someone will take a sharp weapon and want to stab his eyes out?”

“What the **** are you trying to say?”

“Amu was Ying Tong at the time. The reason why he suffered from sharp weapon phobia was because Ying Chen had done similar things to Tong, so he was afraid when he saw sharp objects. This is his cause. The world behind the door is absurd and weird, and many times there is no way to speak logic, but combining with the memory of the person who pushes the door in reality, we will find that under all the absurd skins, there is the scarred heart in reality.

In order to convince Ms. Skirt, Chen Ge told all his inferences and guesses: “If you don’t believe me, you can take me to see Ah Tong and Ah Ying. The combination of the experiences of these three children is Ying Ying. Hitomi has been injured.”

“I still can’t understand. Amu is a living person and an independent existence. How could he represent the memory of a certain age segment of Yingtong?” Ms. Skirt, as an aborigines in the world behind the door, is herself a Based on Ying Tong’s memory, the meaning of her existence is to take care of Ying Tong, accompany Ying Tong, and be Ying Tong’s friend.

“You will understand this problem when you find Ying Tong. Although he is disfigured and blind, he has absolutely no problem communicating with people normally.” Chen Ge sighed: “You have never been serious. The voice of the child that you have listened to, those words that sound inexplicable to you are actually his cry for help. The tragedy will not be repeated, but it is a pity that all of you have been deceived by the ministers. The kindness and enthusiasm you see are all That **** pretends to be disgusting for all of you the way he really is.”

Residents in the building all think that Ying Chen is a very good person, and they all think that Ying Tong is a fuel bottle. In fact, this is exactly what Ying Chen deliberately created.

Because of believing the courtier, most of the residents turned into corpses.

“I don’t expect you to trust me completely, I just hope you can give me a chance to prove it.” Chen Ge’s attitude is very sincere, and he can’t help it. The world behind Ying Tong’s door is the most difficult he has ever experienced. In the world behind the door, we must do everything possible to seize all opportunities, and only in this way can we find a possible way out in the cracks.

The room was quiet, and after a long time, the lady in the skirt said, “How do you want to prove it? Let me help you find Ying Tong?”

“At least until you find Ying Tong, don’t tell the minister about me, and you must protect yourself.” The tenants in the building regard Ying Chen as neighbors, but in Ying Chen’s eyes, these tenants are just stands Once he got tired of playing with it, he would kill it without hesitation.

“Okay, until I find Ying Tong, I promise to keep it a secret for you. But after I find Ying Tong, if you can’t prove what you just said, then I will hand you over to the minister.”

“It’s fair, that’s it.” Chen Ge breathed a sigh of relief after receiving a positive answer from the woman. He leaned against the wall: “Have Amu been out of the house once since he lived with you?”

“Yes, I haven’t been out since the minister sent Amu.”

“Is this what the minister entrusted you with?”

“Well, he’s worried about Amu being hurt.” Ms. Skirt didn’t know what Chen Ge was thinking, she just told everything she knew.

“Amu suffers from sharp object phobia. It’s understandable that he can’t leave the hut. What about Atong and Aying? You said before that Atong suffers from a severe phobia of confinement, and this child can’t leave his house casually. Is it really good for him to keep a child who suffers from airtight phobia in the house?” Chen Ge asked about the point, the woman thought for a while, and she suddenly realized that what Chen Ge said made sense. .

“It’s not really good for Yingchen not to let Amu leave the house, I just want to hide him so that he won’t be found by Yingtong.” Chen Ge finally found a chair after fumbling for a long time and sat down. Go up: “Amu is a part of Yingtong. I suspect that after Yingtong finds Amu, something will happen to him.”

Ying Tong didn’t dare to open his eyes because he had to be blind, otherwise he would die and be blinded, so Amu appeared.

If Ying Tong behind the door finds Amu, Ying Tong will likely recover some of his vision.

More importantly, as an outsider, Chen Ge has experienced the most desperate experience of Ying Tong. If Ying Tong’s situation can improve, he should also be able to obtain great benefits.

“I discovered the problem as early as when I was pushed downstairs by the child. They didn’t say I was blind, but just wondered why I kept my eyes closed. At that moment, I wondered if Ying Tong was really blind? Unexpectedly, I guessed that it is close to ten, Ying Tong is not completely blind, he just dare not open his eyes, I must let Ying Tong get out of despair and try to open his eyes.”

Chen Ge’s tone is firm. He has never wanted to help a person so much. Some pain can only be experienced after experiencing it. Chen Ge is experiencing this kind of experience now.

He must walk out of the door alive, save Ying Tong in reality, and then let the minister receive the punishment he deserves.

Chen Ge’s voice is gentle and contains strength, with a firmness that will never retreat, the woman in the room also has a great change in Chen Ge: “I’ll take you to Mr. Wood first, but He’s not as easy to talk as I am, he’s a dead wood lump.”

“Thank you.”

“No need to thank me, I’m just curious about what you said.” The lady in the skirt was a very nice girl before her death, she opened the security door and grabbed Chen Ge’s arm: “Mr. Wood lives on Tuesday, let’s first Go upstairs.”

“Living on Tuesday?” Chen Ge stopped: “What do you mean living on Tuesday?”

“You can understand it as the second floor, the first floor is Monday, the second floor is Tuesday, and seven days a week corresponds to seven floors.” The lady in the skirt was carefree and didn’t talk much with Chen Ge on this issue, she supported Chen Ge Song enters the corridor.

“The number of floors is the date, and the date may represent the date of death.” Chen Ge felt the cold wind blowing from all directions, and he was extremely insecure now: “Miss skirt, can you promise me one thing later?”

“What’s the matter?”

“If there’s an accident, I’ll let you take me to run in whichever direction you go, don’t ask anything, don’t say anything.”


It may be that the courtier has not finished disposing of the body, Chen Ge and Ms. Skirt did not meet him, and the two went to the third room on the second floor near the stairs on the left.

Knocked on the door, the lady in the skirt whispered A Tong’s name, and the security door opened after a while.

“Didn’t you just come to get the medicine? Why did you come here again?” It was the voice of a middle-aged man who spoke in a flat tone, as if he was not interested in anything.

“I want to ask you something.” The lady in the skirt helped Chen Ge behind her and walked into the house.


“He just told me a story, I think it’s quite interesting, do you want to listen to it?” The lady in the skirt asked Chen Ge to sit on the sofa, but Chen Ge was worried about closing the security door first. .

“Can I also listen to it?” Another voice came from the room. This voice was eight or nine points similar to Amu’s voice. Judging from the sound, Amu looked like a four- or five-year-old child. , the owner of this voice should be seven or eight years old.

The timbre is not so young, it sounds a lot softer.

“Are you A Tong?” Chen Ge looked towards the source of the voice, but of course it was pitch black and he didn’t see anything.

“Well, you know me?”

“I know not only you, but also your father and mother.” Chen Ge smiled: “I want to chat with Mr. Wood and Ms. Skirt, can you go back to your room first?”

“Okay.” The boy is very well-behaved.

Chen Ge listened to the footsteps. After waiting for the boy to walk away, he whispered to the lady in the skirt: “Close the door, some words are not good for him to hear now.”

“I can’t do it, this kid suffers from airtight phobia. I demolished all the doors in the house, leaving a security door in the living room.” Mr. Wood seems to think that Chen Ge is a liar, and his attitude towards Chen Ge Not too friendly.

“It’s fine, so be it.” Chen Ge told Mr. Wood what he said to Ms. Skirt again.

After listening to everything, Mr. Wood did not reply immediately, he thought for a long time, and finally A Tong ran out.

The child also heard Chen Ge’s story. He sympathized with Ying Tong in the story, and instinctively begged Mr. Wood to help Ying Tong.

“I still can’t fully trust you, hearing is false, but seeing is believing.” Although Mr. Wood is a good person, he has an old-fashioned personality.

“What you see with your eyes may just be what others deliberately want you to see. His true appearance has long been rotten under his beautiful appearance.”

In order to convince Mr. Wood, Chen Ge said one more thing: “There is a middle-aged man living in fourth floor, and the minister killed him not long ago. Now I can walk around the building unscrupulously because I know He’s working on corpses in fourth floor.”

“I still don’t think it’s possible unless you show me the body.”

“There is a headless corpse hidden under the bed of the respondent’s bedroom. If you don’t believe it, you can go and see it, but I advise you not to do it. Once you see the corpse, the next one will be punished by the respondent. You are the one who killed.” Chen Ge must win the trust of Mr. Wood, if the other party doesn’t obey him, it is likely to expose his existence, and the situation will get out of control.

Chen Ge didn’t look like he was lying, and with A Tong talking next to him, Mr. Wood finally decided to temporarily cooperate with Chen Ge to find Ying Tong together.

“In any case, don’t tell the minister that I exist, let alone that someone is helping Yingtong. You should keep the same as before, and give the minister the illusion that the whole world is isolating Yingtong. Only in this way we Everyone can survive.”

After the explanation, Chen Ge was about to leave, and he wanted to hurry up and find Miss Hong.

“A Tong and Amu are just like ordinary children when they are not sick. I even think they are more sensible and cute than ordinary children.” Chen Ge sighed, and then entered the corridor on the left with the help of the lady in the skirt. : “What floor does Miss Hong live on?”


“The sixth floor?” Chen Ge frowned, the world behind the door was the world he frowned the most: “The minister may be disposing of corpses at fourth floor, we must go through fourth floor to go to the sixth floor, if he finds it, we will It’s not good, and the sixth and seventh floors are very close together.”

My heart was beating so fast that Chen Ge felt like he was walking a tightrope on a cliff.

Stepping into the corridor, Chen Ge and Ms. Skirt quickly came to the third floor. When they were about to walk towards fourth floor, a faint cat meow suddenly sounded.

“Stop!” Chen Ge grabbed the lady in the skirt with his backhand: “The minister is at fourth floor.”

“How did you know?” The lady in the skirt asked in a low voice, but Chen Ge didn’t answer.

He held his breath as he listened to the meowing, which made him wonder that the meowing was neither louder nor weaker, as if the courtier had been standing in the same position.

“What is he doing?” Chen Ge leaned back against the wall: “Did he hide in a room with a murder weapon in his hand, ready to appear suddenly when someone passed by?”

Chen Ge signaled to the lady in the skirt not to speak. He carefully came to fourth floor, and the cat’s meow still did not change.

“Could that **** sense that I have a means of predicting his location? Is doing some kind of experiment at the moment?”

The more I think about it, the more uneasy, Chen Ge pointed at fourth floor: “Miss skirt, please help me to see if the minister is standing in the corridor?”

“No, no one is in the hallway.”

“Okay, then let’s go to the sixth floor first.” Chen Ge pointed to the top of his head, he didn’t dare to stay here for long, and was going to go to the sixth floor to find Miss Hong first.

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