My Dungeons Are Popular Chapter 63: Invincible superhero

Paris…The Advent Film Festival has set off a wave of travel to Europe around the world.

Because on the opening day of the film festival, the latest masterpieces of major dream-making media companies around the world are only shown in theaters in European countries.

Paris, the capital of one of the few major European countries, has also seen a surge in tourist numbers in recent days.

In particular, the cinemas in Paris were surrounded by water, and the rush to buy movie tickets spread to all parts of Europe.

Movie tickets for a popular movie are even more difficult to find, and the most difficult to buy is the movie tickets for “Lightning Thunder 2”.

Even if the European theaters try their best to fill the lineup of “Lightning Thunder 2”, they will be robbed in the blink of an eye.

If it wasn’t for trapping those few dream seeds that were about to come, Supernova Films would directly open the service of watching the movie in the dream copy theater.

Among the fans, Jim’s girlfriend is undoubtedly the luckiest one. She not only grabbed the movie tickets for the premiere of “The Flash 2”, she also snatched the live performance version of “The Flash 2”. movie ticket.

The meaning of the dynamic performance version is… the content broadcast on the screen is not pre-filmed, but the director’s camera follows the lightning in the dream copy to perform a live broadcast.

This real-time live broadcast will follow the storyline of “Lightning Thunder 2”.

But there will be plenty of Flash Thunder fans, behind-the-scenes crew members, and even other superhero characters making cameos on this livestream.

So let the whole story go with unexpected surprises!

Sometimes the dynamic performance version is even more popular than the filmed theatrical version, especially for fans who have watched the theatrical version…

Jim followed his girlfriend into the movie theater, ready to experience the surprises beyond the story development of the theatrical version of “Lightning Thunder 2”.

His girlfriend actually wanted to be in the main world of the dream copy of “Lightning Thunder 2″… It would be good to play a small citizen if she participated in the role in person.

It’s a pity that the server load of Flash Thunder’s Dream Dungeon is always full. It’s more difficult to squeeze in than to buy its premiere movie tickets.

His girlfriend is excited enough to be sitting in the movie theater now.

Jim is more calm. He is not a diehard fan of superheroes. After watching the theatrical version of “Lightning Thunder 2” with his girlfriend, he can only say that it is really good.

As a result, just a few days after watching it, he was pulled over by his girlfriend to watch this dynamic performance version.

Even in the dynamic performance version, he felt depressed after eating the overnight meal.

Jim can only pray that the fans who play the role of citizens are a little better at playing in the dream copy of “Flash Thunder” at this time.

In the past, Jim has also seen the recording and broadcasting of the dynamic performance version of many movies. Basically, the dynamic performance version of all power sources, no matter how deep and tragic the movie is, it will be very funny.

Because the fans who play and appear in it are very good at doing things, some of them have even become classics.

In the most basic detective reasoning movie, the protagonist of the detective points to one of them at the beginning and shouts, ‘He is the criminal! Let’s all work together to catch him! ‘ is the most basic operation.

The most amazing thing Jim has ever seen is a love movie about life and death. A female movie fan turned the heroine away, and finally used this method to save the mortal heroine.

So Jim is looking forward to the fans who squeezed into the dream copy world of “Flash Thunder 2”, and what unique skills can they contribute to the audience in front of the screen.

It’s a pity that the dynamic performance version opened, and Jim’s expectations were quickly lost as the plot progressed.

It has not been three days since the movie was released. The people who can squeeze into the dream copy of “Flash Thunder 2” in such a short period of time are undoubtedly fanatical fans of Flash Thunder, and it is not an exaggeration to call them believers.

These fanatics are certainly not very restrained in order to present themselves in front of their idols.

Even if Supernova Pictures has already had the experience, let the director schedule the camera, and at the same time let the characters played by the staff appear in the lens, so as to maintain the plot direction and context of “Lightning Thunder 2” as much as possible.

But every now and then there will be one or two fish that slip through the net, screaming “Little Sparkle I love you!” “Take me away!” and so on, which can make people very dramatic.

The more Jim watched, the more disappointed he felt. The staff in the dream copy did change the direction of some small plot points, but the feeling of the deliberate arrangement was too heavy, which made Jim very embarrassed.

The dynamic performance version of “Lightning Thunder 2” was pushed to the last part in this drama and awkward atmosphere.

The big overall plot is still the same. There is no change that makes Jim’s eyes shine. Those fanatic fans want to appear in front of the camera regardless of the bottom line, which is annoying to watch.

The staff members who were arranged by Supernova Pictures to deliberately change the direction of the small plot also made Jim feel a little boring.

The overall impression is that he re-watched “Lightning Thunder 2” again.

Compared to his excitable and screaming girlfriend beside him, Jim’s mood is really as bad as eating overnight meals, cold pizza, and soaked potato chips.

But thankfully it’s almost over.

The plot has progressed to the final conclusion. Shan Lei went to war with the villain “Negative” alone, in order to save his girlfriend who was kidnapped by “Negative”.

This is an earth-shattering battle in the theatrical release, and Jim doesn’t think the people behind Flash 2 will make any changes here.

But when the lightning flashes on the screen rushed to the final battle place agreed with the villain… Jim, who was already a little sleepy, was instantly attracted by the picture on the screen!

The theatrical supervillain in Flash 2, Negative… is dead.

The super villain who was supposed to have a final battle with Shan Lei here turned into a corpse and lay down in the final battle field when Shan Lei arrived.

At this moment, not only the audience in front of the screen was stunned, but even the superhero himself, Shan Lei, was stunned.

“Ketos!” Flash shouted the name of the villain, Negative, and said the next line “Give Jane back to… me?”

Before the lines were finished, the anger and fighting spirit of Flash Thunder instantly cooled down… The young superhero stayed where he was, looking at the corpse lying on the ground.

Flash Thunder is a superhero for teenagers and children, so no matter how evil the villain is, in the end Flash Thunder will only send the villain to prison after knocking him down.

Gore and death scenes are even rarer.

Negative is also a close friend of Shan Lei in the relationship between characters, but in the end he went down the wrong road because of jealousy.

The negative pole of the cinema version was finally knocked down by him and sent to prison. After they were finally released from prison, the two reached a happy ending full of positive energy of reconciliation.

But now… this positive happy ending has been completely shattered.


Flash Lei cautiously approached Negative Electrode’s corpse. He didn’t know what happened, and thought it was some kind of conspiracy by his rebellious friend.

But when he saw the appearance of Negative Electrode’s corpse, he was horrified to find that Negative Negative’s face was painted with pale foundation, and the blood on his lips drew a terrifying smile!

“What’s the matter!”

Thunderbolt was taken a step back by this but he mustered up the courage to approach Negative’s body.

Lightning found a playing card representing ‘JOKER’ on the body of the negative electrode, and wrote a simple line of words on the playing card.


It means come to me.

Who? Who to find…

At this moment, the confident young hero who can defeat the ultimate villain, after the super villain he was about to defeat was brutally killed by an unknown person, fear and anxiety flooded his body instantly. heart.

Now… what should I do?

Flash looked left and right, he was asking his creator, the director of Flash 2, but the creator didn’t answer him at this moment.

In the end, his eyes fell on an empty chair. According to the original plot, his girlfriend should be tied to that chair.

When he defeats the villain Negative, he can embrace his girlfriend and usher in a perfect ending.

But now there is nothing left… The super villain he was about to defeat was brutally tortured to death, his girlfriend disappeared, and the happy ending will not come.

But he’s a superhero…

Flash took another look at the playing card in his hand that represented ‘JOKER’, with the location written on it.

As a superhero, no matter how big the crisis or how strong the villain is, you can finally turn the corner and defeat the villain to usher in a happy ending.

Now it’s just a new villain. No matter who left this card, Shan Lei will let him know that in this world, no matter how he is a superhero, he will defeat these villains. , to win the final victory!

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