My Dungeons Are Popular Chapter 4: If I die, starve to death in the street, jump out of here!

Xiao Zhou is a dream explorer in Fengdu Prison.

He has just graduated from the police academy and has been working in Fengdu Prison for a year.

Actually, he was a dream explorer, but it might be better to say that he came to Fengdu Prison to sit in the office to get his qualifications.

If nothing else happens, Xiao Zhou will stay in Fengdu Prison for another month before he can apply to transfer to the city’s police force to take a leisurely clerical job.

The premise is that there is no accident… and today the biggest accident since the establishment of Fengdu Prison has occurred!

A visiting student tampered with the S-Class Nightmare Seed in the seal, causing the Nightmare Seed to risk collapsing.

“Team… Captain, are you kidding me? With my current rating, I can’t handle such a dangerous event at all.”

Xiao Zhou shrank his head and really wanted to become a turtle.

He and two other dream explorers were unfortunately chosen…

He will directly act as a pioneer and go to the nightmare dungeon built by the student to explore.

This is almost a death mission for Xiao Zhou.

The mental capacity of the dream explorers is also divided into three, six, nine, and so on, and Xiao Zhou belongs to the worst category.

He experienced the feeling of dying in a nightmare instance once when he first started his job.

That time he fell into a meat grinder-like mechanism, and he still remembers the feeling of flesh and bones being crushed inch by inch.

It took him half a year to gradually relieve the mental and physical trauma.

Since then, Xiao Zhou swore that he would die! Resign! Jump off the roof of this ghost prison! It is also impossible for him to enter that **** nightmare copy again!

The most terrifying thing is that in general, master-level dreammakers will give more or less “pity” to the dreamers when they are responsible for constructing nightmares.

The most intuitive part is the death tower, each floor has two or three safe houses.

This design can make the dream explorer’s mental trauma a little less.

But Xiao Zhou didn’t think that high school student would have such a place for ‘sympathy’!

“We don’t want to send you asshole, but you’re the only one of us who takes more than half a year off!”

Kan Shaoni looked at Xiao Zhou as the captain of the dream explorer and said.

“Everyone else is mentally overwhelmed, and you have at least one death left.”

While Shaoni Kan said this, Xiao Zhou noticed that she was having a nosebleed…

Every time that S-rank nightmare seed eats, it eats not only the spirit and life of executed prisoners, but also the dreamers stationed in Fengdu Prison.

For every nightmare exploration, Fengdu Prison will send one or two detectives and death row prisoners to enter together.

This has resulted in the majority of dream explorers suffering from ‘traumatic’ illnesses with varying symptoms.

If Shaoni Kan hadn’t entered the Nightmare dungeon just yesterday, she wouldn’t have sent Xiao Zhou, a rookie who is pure and simple.


Xiao Zhou just wanted to say, ‘I quit my job! ’, Kan Shaoni directly took out a job transfer application and put it in front of him.

“This is your last job in the ghost place of Fengdu Prison! As long as you finish it, you can go to the best agency in the city to work as a clerk…”

Kan Shaoni saw that Xiao Zhou was slightly moved, so she continued to add.

“And this time, special people will be sent to protect you in the nightmare. If there is any danger, you can also forcefully leave!”

“Special human protection?” Xiao Zhou is more concerned about the previous guarantee.

In that perilous nightmare, no matter how well-trained a warrior is, there is no guarantee that he will survive the nightmare 100%!

“When the person arrives, you should know him.” Shaoni Kan pointed to the door and said.

Xiao Zhou looked at the door and found that the person walking in was wearing prisoner’s clothes.

He is a death row prisoner in Fengdu Prison!

But Xiao Zhou knew the death row inmate and was a fan of him.

“Team Zhao!” Xiao Zhou called out subconsciously.

Zhao Yanqing, former captain of the city’s SWAT team.

There were thirteen lives on him, but Zhao Yanqing didn’t regret it at all.

In one operation, Zhao Yanqing’s wife and daughter were killed at the hands of a criminal gang.

Knowing all this, Zhao Yanqing did not listen to the orders of his superiors, and privately brought the criminal gang to ‘bringing justice’ in the most cruel way.

Afterwards, the sentence was life imprisonment. Zhao Yanqing could have stayed in a relatively leisurely prison.

But he still volunteered to come to this… hell.

This way he can protect the country in a different way.

Xiao Zhou also came to Fengdu Prison after hearing about it.

Zhao Yanqing is not very talkative. After he glanced at Xiao Zhou, he silently found a seat and sat down.

If there is a Zhao team to protect…

Although Xiao Zhou thought so in his heart, he still couldn’t overcome his fear of nightmares.

“Captain… I still think…”

Before Xiao Zhou could finish his words, his arms were held up by the other two dream explorers.

“You have no right to refuse since you joined the job.” Shaoni Kan looked at Xiao Zhou with a smile, her tone suddenly lowered and said, “Dedicate your life for the country! We will rise up after you die!”

“Ah? I don’t want to be in that high school student’s nightmare copy! I definitely won’t be able to live long in it! I…I don’t want to die yet! Let me go! Let me go!”

Xiao Zhou shouted out a series of words in fear if they were placed in the former Soviet Union, they would definitely be shot by the political commissar.

But Xiao Zhou did not have the right to refuse, and the two dream explorers directly forcibly pressed him into the machine that entered the nightmare copy!

Directly forced him to enter the copy of the nightmare that took away countless lives.

Before Xiao Zhou’s consciousness was swallowed by the nightmare his only thought was…waiting for him to live, no, dead, no matter what!

As long as he came out of the damned nightmare copy, he immediately applied for a transfer to leave this **** Fengdu prison.

The dream explorer’s job is not done by humans at all. He would rather starve to death on the street than to have this **** nightmare again!

When Xiao Zhou was forcibly thrown into the nightmare, Shaoni Kan wiped the blood under the tip of her nose and prepared to enter the nightmare copy together.

But Zhao Yanqing stopped her first.

“You won’t be able to wake up if you die in a nightmare again, go to rest, leave it to us here.”

Although Zhao Yanqing is a death row prisoner here, the dream explorers here seem to be more willing to listen to him.

“Well… and this nightmare was constructed by that student in a very short period of time, and there is a high probability that it will be very monotonous and boring…”

Kan Shaoni said, paused for a while and continued.

“But the owner of the nightmare seed, the tapir, recognized the nightmare that the student constructed. The degree of danger should not be lower than the previous nightmare copies… Now I can only hope that the tapir let the student construct the dream on a whim.”

A dream explorer at the level of Shaoni Kan knows the name of the Nightmare Lord that inhabits that S-class Nightmare Seed.

At the same time, Shaoni Kan also knew the preferences and tastes of the Nightmare Lord.

Now she can only hope that the nightmare constructed by the student does not quite fit the appetite of the Nightmare Lord. After a little taste, he changed the Nightmare dungeon back to the previous Death Tower.

If you think about it, this is the most realistic situation.

Because no matter how you think about the fight staged by a nightmare constructed by a high school student, it is impossible to be more exciting than the nightmare constructed by a long-established dream master…

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