My Dungeons Are Popular Chapter 3: Super Double!

Fengdu Prison.

“Qiu Ren? Qiu Ren, what’s wrong with you, don’t scare me.”

Xu Sheng didn’t notice the black cube’s open eyes.

He saw Qiu Ren suddenly fall to the ground with his eyes closed and his legs staring.

“Get out of the way!”

Miss interpreter of the prison, Kan Shaoni, a member of the dream watchers, immediately reacted to what happened.

She rushed directly to Qiu Ren’s side to check Qiu Ren’s condition.

“What’s wrong with Qiu Ren, classmate?” Qiu Ren’s head teacher also hurriedly came over and asked.

“He was involved in that nightmare copy!”

Kan Shaoni made an instant judgment after checking Qiu Ren’s pupil condition.

“Those amateur **** above! All you have to do is arrange these boring visits!”

“I was…involved in the nightmare copy, how…how could this be?” The head teacher was also panicked.

This is almost as if his student was taken away by the Siberian tiger, even if he is the head teacher who teaches sports, he can’t save him!

“The S-class nightmare seed has been completely blocked by security, and its impact range should have been only 50 meters…”

Kan Shaoni paused for a while, and glanced at the Rubik’s Cube floating in the depths of the space below the glass.

But there are exceptions to everything. Among so many people, the seed of nightmare chose Qiu Ren, a high school student, which gave Kan Shaoni a bad premonition.

“Is there any way to rescue Qiu Ren?” the head teacher asked anxiously.

“Yes, but even if he is rescued, his spirit will be traumatized, and I am worried that something worse will happen,” Shaoni Kan said.

“Worse situation?” The head teacher was taken aback.

What could be worse than dying in a nightmare? Could it be that they were also involved in it together?

The head teacher knew that Qiu Ren’s family was in poor condition, so he had been studying hard and earnestly, just to change his fate in order to get a good grade.

The college entrance examination is almost two weeks away. Qiu Ren is seriously ill to take the college entrance examination, but it will delay his life.

But soon… the head teacher knew the ‘worse situation’ that Kan Shaoni was worried about.


Kan Shaoni watched the death row inmates beside the nightmare seed wake up, and immediately understood that the situation was heading for the worst.

“Is this the worst case?” The head teacher didn’t understand what it meant when the prisoners woke up.

“Yes! Those prisoners woke up, it means that someone was rebuilding that nightmare seed! Your students entered as dream-makers, not dream-seekers like the prisoners!”

When Kan Shaoni said this, the highest-level alarm in the prison was sounded. The surrounding alarm sound made the students and the class teacher not understand what it meant.

“Does this mean that Qiu Ren will not be tortured in the nightmare copy?” the head teacher asked again.

“Not really, but worse!”

Kan Shaoni looked at Qiu Ren who was lying on the ground and said with complicated eyes.

“The nightmare scenario we are using now was made by the deceased dream maker Mr. Li Qiuyan and his team. Your students may be tampering with the nightmare created by Mr. Li Qiuyan…”

“This…” The head teacher instantly understood what Kan Shaoni meant.

If you compare that S-class nightmare seed to a nuclear reactor.

Then Mr. Li Qiuyan is the chief designer of the nuclear reactor.

He has spent his life designing dangerous nuclear reactors into safe and durable nuclear power plants that can provide massive amounts of electricity for the benefit of society!

But now Qiu Ren, the arrogant boy, is tampering with the design of this nuclear reactor.

Any extremely detailed modification may turn this nuclear power plant that benefits society into a nuclear bomb that may be detonated at any time.

Kan Shaoni suddenly pulled out the pistol from her waist and loaded it.

“You…what do you want to do?” The head teacher was startled again when she saw Shaoni Kan suddenly draw a gun.

“I’m saving him now, but according to the relevant criminal law of the Dream Keeper, I have the right to kill him in this situation, but… I’m not that vicious.”

Shaoni Kan showed the bullets in her pistol and said.

“There is a powerful sedative inside, enough to put people into a state of suspended animation! We must prevent your students from tampering with this nightmare seed, otherwise this will be an event that threatens national security.”

But Shaoni Kan’s decision was still a step behind.

The cube-shaped nightmare seed suddenly changed dramatically, and it began to reorganize at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“The refactoring was completed so quickly? How long has it been!”

Shaoni Kan looked at the nightmare seeds that had been reconstructed in just ten seconds.

There was only one thought in her mind, and that was ‘The child doesn’t know how important it is! ’

The dream that Mr. Li Qiuyan and his team built for this S-rank nightmare seed was a tower full of various precision stitched death mechanisms.

It took two years to design the tower of death alone. The tower’s exquisite design has reduced the number of people who can feed this S-rank nightmare seed from the original seventy to twenty!

This reduction seems small but has saved countless lives.

Those who die in the Nightmare Dungeon, especially the S-rank Nightmare Seed, will take one to two months to fully recover.

And this S-rank nightmare seed is fed once every twelve hours.

In other words, twenty dreamers need to enter the Tower of Death to fight every twelve hours.

Otherwise, the Nightmare Seed runs the risk of running wild.

The number of death row inmates held in Fengdu Prison is just enough to reach one reincarnation.

It is to ensure that each batch of executed prisoners who enter it has a recovery time of one month to one and a half months.

Now, the dream copy constructed by Qiu Ren, a high school student…

How many sacrifices would it take at one time to satisfy the appetite of the Nightmare Lord?

Kan Shaoni was praying that Qiu Ren just fiddled with the things in the Tower of Death, but in fact nothing changed.

Because the time Qiu Ren entered was too short, it was too short to be able to reconstruct a new nightmare But the nightmare seed that was reorganized soon showed a number ’20’ ‘.

When Shaoni Kan saw this number, she was overjoyed, but in the next second the number began to soar rapidly until it reached ‘100’ before it finally stopped.

The moment she saw this number, Shaoni Kan felt a sudden cardiac arrest. All the staff working in Fengdu Prison were desperate.

The demand for this S-rank nightmare seed has directly increased by a factor of five!

This is equivalent to five times the human life consumed!

Kan Shaoni’s current mood is the same as when she went out to buy groceries and found that the price of pork had suddenly increased dozens of times.

But the Nightmare Seed didn’t give the prison staff time to hesitate. It began to twist quickly, exuding a strange scarlet color.

This is the seed of this nightmare reminding everyone in prison…

He’s hungry now, very hungry!

It needs to devour more people to be fed!

There is only one thing the dreamer in prison can do now.

That is, as usual, send a hundred death row prisoners to fight in this nightmare copy!

“Also transfer the prisoners who have rested for more than half a month! Now is an emergency, and there is no time to discuss! Be prepared for large-scale deaths.”

A series of dispatch voices sounded on Kan Shaoni’s radio.

“Then… that Ms. Kan.”

The head teacher saw the situation from Kan Shaoni’s uneasy expression, and it may be developing in the most serious direction.

“I hope that the consciousness in the nightmare seeds will not be interested in the dreams constructed by your students, otherwise it will be a major event at the national security level!” said Shaoni Kan.

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