My Dungeons Are Popular Chapter 19: Persuasion

She’s finally safe!

Vera sat in the co-pilot of the jeep driven by Xiao Zhou, and after drinking the energy drink Xiao Zhou gave, she temporarily recovered her physical strength.

At this moment, Vera is really grateful that the ‘knight’ who protects her is strong.

Now she can feel a huge sense of security just by staying by Xiao Zhou’s side.

All that’s left to do is to let Xiao Zhou take her to a place to hide, and then wait for this terrifying nightmare to end.

Vera thought so until Vera heard the sound of gunshots in the distance.

This made her stand up straight and look around like a frightened bunny.

But Vera listened carefully and found that the series of gunshots was very far away from her.

Now Vera is sitting in a fast-moving car, and even if the shooter tries to catch up, she won’t be able to catch up.

She relaxes again at the thought of this, but soon realizes that something is not right.

Xiao Zhou didn’t drive the car away from the gunshots, but… instead, he stepped on the accelerator towards the position where the gunshots sounded.

“I said… there was a gunshot in that direction!”

Vera thought that Xiao Zhou’s hearing was not good, but she didn’t hear the sound of gunfire in the distance.

“Well.” Xiao Zhou nodded to indicate that he heard it too.

“The sound of gunfire means…there are two teams there…it looks like three teams, or the kind that are fully armed.”

Vera listened to the approaching gunshots. It didn’t look like two teams were fighting at all, but an entire army! The sound of gunshots was also mixed with the sound of grenades exploding.

No need to doubt! If Xiao Zhou continued to drive, he would definitely break into the center of the battlefield and be beaten to pieces by the hail of bullets from all directions.

Vera doesn’t want to be scrap metal! So she looked at Xiao Zhou again.

Xiao Zhou just said “um” very calmly.

“Then why are you driving over there?” Vera heard the sound of gunshots getting closer and closer, and even her voice was a little distorted.

“Because I’m going to persuade.” Xiao Zhou said expressionlessly.

Persuade? What kind of persuasion is this… It’s completely to die!

Finished… It turns out that the person who rode a horse to save himself was not a knight, but a complete lunatic!

Aren’t there any normal people on this Jedi island? Wouldn’t it be the best option to find somewhere to hide?

“Then…can you let me down first?”

Vera was afraid of death, she said she wanted to open the car door and run away.

But she found the door was locked.

Still want to go after drinking my energy drink? Be at ease when you only sell cute level 4 packs!

Xiao Zhou stepped on the accelerator again, and under Vera’s whimper, he drove the vehicle into the side of the battlefield where the gunshots continued.

When the jeep stopped, Vera clenched her head and tried to avoid the flying bullets in the car, but she found that although the gunshots continued, no bullets flew towards her.

“Get out of the car, we’ll be found soon.”

Xiao Zhou got out of the jeep with the 98K in his hand, and Vera hurriedly got out of the jeep with her HK416.

When she saw the surrounding environment clearly, she found that Xiao Zhou was not a wild horse who lost his mind completely, he was still rational.

The place where Vera is located is an excellent commanding height, and she can clearly see the movement of the battlefield below.

Xiao Zhou had already run to the edge of the commanding heights with the 98K in his hand, aiming at the group of people who were exchanging fire below.

“Is it any good to hit them?”

Vera crawled bit by bit and touched Xiao Zhou’s side. She glanced at the melee battlefield below.

It turned out that the situation was much worse than she had imagined. There were four teams below, maybe more, and Vera could see seven people with the naked eye.

The people below haven’t found them yet, and they still have room to escape. Vera really can’t think of a reason to take the initiative to trouble this group of people.

“Kill them all and you’ll know.” Xiao Zhou handed her a quadruple scope and said.

Kill all? It’s easier said than done… Vera thought to herself.

Under the urging of the live broadcast barrage, and looking at the rising kill bounty pool in the live broadcast room, Vera had to install the quadruple scope on the HK416, and then aimed the muzzle at the bottom. battlefield.

Quadruple scope, single shot mode, hold your breath, aim and… pull the trigger.

Vera aimed the HK416 at a death row prisoner on the battlefield below.

The death row inmate did not find Vera and Xiao Zhou. He was still hiding in a bandaged place where he thought he was safe.

Vera directly aimed at him with the scope in the dark, which gave Vera the thrill of hunting prey, and this time she didn’t seem to miss it again.

HK416 missed four consecutive bursts, which alerted the condemned prisoner. When he wanted to find cover and hide, Vera fired three consecutive shots.

Two shots hit the death row prisoner in the body, the last shot hit the death row prisoner in the head, and the blood splattered the death row prisoner and fell to the ground, turning into a box.

Huh? I am…killed?

Vera couldn’t believe it, but the prompt flashed in front of her told her…she ushered in the first kill in her life.

‘You completely killed the enemy Xiao Feng with HK416’

‘1 kill’

‘Destroy the enemy completely

Destroy the team


The distance is 192.04 meters’

Ah… Vera looked at the message of the successful kill that appeared in front of her eyes, along with a series of ratings for the kill.

When Vera confirmed that this was true, an emotion called excitement rose in her heart.

“I killed him, did you see it just now! He was hiding behind that window and was shot four times by me. There was nowhere to run.”

“There are still people!” Xiao Zhou reminded Vera that it was not yet time to celebrate.

Vera’s four shots caught the attention of everyone below, and several bullets were fired at them in an instant.

One hit Xiao Zhou’s shoulder, but Xiao Zhou endured the pain and raised the 98K in his hand to fight back!

Vera didn’t fish anymore. She regained the feeling of playing the shooting dream copy before, and aimed the lens of the quadruple lens at another executed prisoner below.

‘You completely killed the enemy Lin Yan with HK416’

‘2 kills’

The alarmed death row inmates took cover one after another to avoid Xiao Zhou and Vera’s guns, but these murderous death row inmates wanted to shoot at Xiao Zhou and Vera.

Vera felt like a hunter with a gun, facing a bunch of wild boars, bears, and deer. Although they resisted, they were also dangerous to her.

But the superiority of the commanding heights gave her a sense of superiority and superiority with a gun. She could hit those executed prisoners, but the executed prisoners could not hit him, and would be sniped by the surrounding enemies.

‘You completely killed the enemy Shen Qingwen with HK416’

‘3 kills’

In the end, Vera used a 5.56mm bullet to end the life of the last executioner below. When the warehouse below returned to silence, leaving only a pile of boxes…

Looking at her kill count, Vera filled her heart with a small sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

The satisfaction made her want to find someone to cheer on.

“Good fight.” Xiao Zhou reluctantly praised her.

At this moment, Vera’s live broadcast room is like New Year’s, and the barrage of ‘OHHHHHHHHH!’ almost broke through the entire screen.

‘I’ve decided to call today Vera’s first kill anniversary! ’

‘It’s not easy! ’

The audience in the live room was like an old father seeing his daughter finally walking.

They watched Vera all the way and either couldn’t find where the enemy was, or the gun was aimed at the ground, and the bullets went to the sky.

If it weren’t for the nightmare dungeon of the death battle royale, which is now closed, it is estimated that a bunch of grumpy old men would rush in to teach her how to use a gun.

Now Vera finally succeeded in killing three people in a row. How can I put it… They were a little moved.

“Go get your loot, the circle is shrinking.”

“My spoils?”

“You killed those people, and all the supplies they worked so hard to scrape in this battle are yours.”

“So it is!”

Vera licked her bag for the first time. She had wondered what the executed prisoners were doing in front of a wooden It turned out to be collecting their own spoils.

Originally, when Vera took the supplies given by Xiao Zhou, she was still a little soft.

But this time, she won the loot on her own! She was not only relieved but also very excited!

Vera happily ran all the way to the room where the dead prisoner’s body was.

At first glance, I saw the wooden box lying quietly on the ground. In Vera’s eyes, this wooden box is no longer a simple wooden box, but a treasure chest!

The treasure she painstakingly salvaged from the depths of the sea.

Vera felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and fulfillment when she opened the box.

Although all she can use in the wooden box are bullets, medical resources, and a HK416 firearm accessory, she is in the same mood as when she has drawn five SSRs in ten consecutive draws.

“What is this?” Vera asked, taking out the five dog tags in the wooden box.

“Currency, if you live to the end and take it out, you can exchange it for things, up to C-level dream seeds, provided you survive.” Xiao Zhou explained.

“The reward of living to the end is so good?”

Vera couldn’t believe it, even if the C-rank dream seeds overseas were also expensive, if she wanted to buy them with her current wealth, she would have to take out a loan.


Xiao Zhou is also not sure whether the final reward will be given to C-level dream seeds.

While Vera was busy looking at the loot in other wooden boxes, there was a gunshot in the distance, and she raised her head again like a frightened rabbit when she heard the gunshot.

“Want to… have a look?” Vera asked eagerly after loading the fully equipped HK416 in her hand.

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