My Dungeons Are Popular Chapter 123: Women fight!

The tapir did not stop Circe from escaping through the window.

She’s doing this out of the blue, and the ratings have gone up.

But it didn’t take long for the rise to fall back to the starting point, because Qiu Ren didn’t keep up!

Cercy’s truancy expedition would have been a perfect moment to portray her character as a heroine.

The director also deliberately cuts the camera to Sexi, who is truant from school, and her best friend, Yaoji.

The scene of two female high school students riding in the city with little electric donkeys was filmed by Director Feng Nian very literary and healing.

As a result, Sexi suddenly had a showdown, and took Yao Ji to talk about the truth of the world.

Director Feng Nian was so frightened that he quickly cut the screen and turned the camera to Qiu Ren again.

This line mainly focuses on campus romance, and the super-expansion is limited to the super-expansion of the school sister who the hero admires suddenly skipping school.

As a result, I suddenly talked about supernatural things such as nightmare copies, which would make the audience play and the plot would collapse. Therefore, Director Feng Nian had to cut the scene.

Cut to Qiu Ren here is also a disaster.

Qiu Ren stands alone in the teacher’s office, and the appearance of nothing has changed enough to make one yawn.

Tapir can see the ratings, as well as various comments from the audience. Seeing the ratings drop again, she wonders if she should go on stage to continue the progress of the story herself.

But does it work for her to go up? Do human audiences really want to see her preaching to Qiuren as a teacher or something?

The tapir’s anticipation of human interpersonal relationships is still a bit blunt, just as she hesitates.

She saw Wanxiang walking towards her, which made the tapir feel a little lost again for no reason, but still heaved a sigh of relief.

Because Wanxiang is in her opinion… She is the most suitable opposite **** to associate with Qiu Ren, the same age, three years of experience as classmates, the same race, the most important thing is to be beautiful and slender in the real world, with a warm touch and body temperature body of.

The tapir didn’t hesitate too much and let Wanxiang go to the teacher’s office to save the scene.

The arrival of Wanxiang was a savior on this terrible set, adding a little fire to a plot line that had dried up in popularity.

“Is it because of my senior sister that Qiu Ren was brought here to be punished? But what about that senior?”

Student Wanxiang, whether in reality or in her identity in this nightmare copy…is a good student in all probability, and her appearance is destined to be a goddess in this nightmare copy.

She came to this office in the name of helping the teacher with the teaching materials, and she came up to answer because she saw her classmate Qiu Ren.

“She escaped through the window from there.” Qiu Ren pointed to the open window and said.

“Open the window?”

It’s too personal.

Wanxiang didn’t delve into the senior sister’s issue, and focused her attention on Qiu Ren.

“Do you want me to explain it to the teacher?”

Wanxiang wants to take Qiu Ren out of here first, whether it’s back to the classroom or somewhere else where no one else is.

Just when Qiu Ren was about to say that he was in trouble, Sexi’s voice suddenly came from outside the window.

“It’s not necessary.”

Cercy climbed up the window sill with some difficulty while speaking. After she turned back to the teacher’s office with a somewhat inelegant posture, she breathed lightly and patted the dust on the skirt.

“I’m taking him out of here now.”

When Sexi looked at Qiuren, Wanxiang first stood in front of Qiuren and met her eyes.

“It’s class time now, and Qiu Ren will be punished for running around with you again, senpai.”

Tianxiang can be very tough when it comes to women, or women of her age.

This character of hers first appeared in Qiu Ren in high school, especially when it came to grabbing a man.

When any girl is confronted with robbing a man, she will always change her impression of being weak and her fighting power will be full. She will either beat down the bad woman who dares to rob a man, or shell the bad woman who dares to seduce the bad woman. The man was beaten down.

Tianxiang is now dealing with the former situation.

“Are you really a competitor?”

Sexi also saw that although Wanxiang played the role of a female high school student and was more suitable than her, Wanxiang was also an outsider in this nightmare copy.

Thinking of this, Sexi took out a utility knife she was carrying and threw it at Wanxiang.

Wan Xiang easily caught the utility knife thrown by Circe.

“Directly determine his ownership by force.”

Cercy took out another utility knife from the other side of the skirt, held it in her backhand and said to Wanxiang.

Wan Xiang put the utility knife in her hand on the desk beside her with a cold expression.

“Too scared to fight?”

“It’s… too dangerous, it’s more direct this way.”

Wanxiang raised her fists towards Sexi, posing a very standard fighting stance.

Sexi looked at this frail-looking girl and put on this aggressive posture, she admitted that her impression of Wanxiang had changed a little.

“It seems that this nightmare copy is not all cowardice, come on.”

Sexi also threw the utility knife in her hand aside, moved the knuckles of her fist, and accepted Wanxiang’s invitation to fight with her fist.

But wait…

Isn’t this plot going wrong?

Qiu Ren looked stupid next to him. According to the development of a normal school romance comedy, even if the relationship between one girl and two girls is discordant to a certain extent.

The conflict between the two female characters is limited to slap each other at most, right?

But what’s with the atmosphere in the KOF MMA ring? And Wanxiang, when will you be boxing?

Most importantly, where is the director? Don’t mind the director!

How about a sweet love routine? Wouldn’t the audience suddenly turn into a fighting fan to tear up the tickets!

However, Qiu Ren and Tapir both heard the background music in the teacher’s office at this time, that is, the BGM suddenly became excited.

I don’t know where Director Feng Nian found such a **** BGM.

Although Wanxiang and Sexi couldn’t hear the background music, Qiu Ren and Tapir could hear it. Director Feng Nian meant it was very good! great! Hurry up and don’t stop!

As soon as the two girls began to confront each other, the ratings began to slowly increase.

The tapir wasn’t happy with this increase in ratings, because she didn’t want to see this situation.

She and Qiu Ren thought the same, enough fights and fights between the Nightmare Lords.

Can’t you two fight for your sweetheart in a way that’s more like a girl in love…?

Unfortunately, it was too late for the tapir to stop it. Sexi and Wanxiang told the lord of nightmares with their actions…

Even if you fall in love, even in war, when you step into the field of love, you are not only superior, but also life and death.

When Qiu Ren instinctively took a step back to make room for the two of them, Sexi had already punched and rushed towards Wan Xiang.

The sudden attack of this shadow beast mistress made Qiu Ren very worried. No matter what, she is the mistress of those shadow beasts, and the danger is no less than that of a terrible nightmare master.

Sexi’s punches and forward gait tell Qiu Ren that she is trained, and then… Wanxiang is also trained.

The first punch of Sexi’s left hand almost brushed Wanxiang’s chest. At this moment, I don’t know if Wanxiang lamented the benefits of her bust development lagging behind her peers.

But she didn’t think so much. The moment she avoided Sexi’s punch, Wanxiang had a good chance to chase, but because of her position, Wanxiang could only wave her fist to greet the opponent’s face.

This made Wanxiang hold her hand for a while, Sexi seized this opportunity and swung her right hand sideways and slashed towards Wanxiang’s neck with a sharp blade like a sword.

Wanxiang raised her hands to block the blow.

“I…have to get him out of here!”

Sexi showed no mercy, and threw another punch from diagonally below her chin that was close to Wanxiang.

But this punch was firmly held by Wan Xiang’s hand.

Sexi felt that her fist could not move an inch, but was pressed down by Wanxiang little by little, which also allowed her to see Wanxiang’s cold eyes clearly.

“Qiu Ren is not your thing…” The moment Wan Xiang said these words, she directly bumped her forehead into Sexi.

At this moment, Sexi felt dizzy, but she didn’t let her back down. After just one step back, she stood firm and rushed towards Wanxiang again.

This fight scene made Qiu Ren shiver a little beside him, but the character played by the Queen Mother of the West was lying by the window watching with relish, and even cheering for the two girls.

Wanxiang is very good at fighting, very good at fighting, and she can fight beyond what Qiu Ren can understand for high school girls, and even beyond the understanding of female college students.

Maybe this is also related to the fact that she has been exposed to various nightmare copies since she was a child.

Lin’s father’s training for his daughter was not limited to making her familiar with deep thinking and understanding, but also taught her the art of taming a man in a literal sense.

Sexi may not have expected such a powerful enemy.

Both she and Wanxiang had a victory and defeat, and in the end, Wanxiang was slightly better and directly knocked down the mistress of the shadow beast to the ground and couldn’t get up again.

Wan Xiang also gasped for breath, looking at Sexi who fell to the ground… A strange sense of joy emerged in her heart.

Win! she won! I don’t know what I won, but I won!

When Wanxiang thought of this and looked at Qiuren again, she saw Qiuren clutching her forehead and couldn’t stand still.

“What’s wrong with you Qiu Ren?”

Wanxiang heard footsteps in the corridor outside the door as she approached Qiu Ren, and a dim black mist drifted from Qiu Ren’s back.

“It’s going too far.” Qiu Ren said to Wan Xiang with her last strength before her consciousness was eroded, “Run away.”

“Run away?” Wan Xiang stayed for a while, and then the tapir walked quickly into the teacher’s office to check Qiu Ren’s physical condition.

“What’s wrong with Qiuren?” Wanxiang asked, a little bewildered.

“Negative…reviews, and…nightmare consciousness…the self-defense mechanism of those shadow beasts.”

The tapir checked and found that Qiuren’s conscious body was not in serious trouble, and then directly said to Wanxiang.

“It’s time for you to leave… here, the collective subconscious of the shadow beasts is treating you… as an enemy.” The tapir said and glanced outside the teacher’s office.

Someone is already knocking on the door outside the door. If the tapir hadn’t locked the door, the people outside the door might have rushed in directly.

Those passers-by characters without actors in this nightmare copy have self-awareness, but they are collectively mixed with the consciousness of shadow beasts.

As the mistress of the shadow beasts, Sexi lost her ability to control them, but the shadow beasts could still feel the damage the mistress suffered.

Wan Xiang did beat up this arrogant senior sister happily, but it also inspired the self-protection mechanism of the shadow beasts.

The consequences could be dire if Wanxiang doesn’t leave this nightmare dungeon quickly.

“Then I…”

“Wait… when he wakes up… you can come back.” The tapir stopped Wan Xiang, who was about to leave this nightmare copy, and said, “Maybe when he opens his eyes… he would prefer to see you sitting next to him.”

Wanxiang listened to the sound outside the door. She knew that she was only causing trouble for Qiuren by staying, so Wanxiang had no time to say a few words to Qiuren in this romantic comedy, so she could only use this kind of way to withdraw temporarily.

After Wanxiang left this nightmare copy, the knocking on the door stopped, and the consciousness of the shadow beasts gathered outside the door gradually disappeared.

After a while, the door of the teacher’s office was opened by the Queen Mother of the West, and then she walked to the unconscious Sexi and helped her up.

“You and your dream maker are too close, tapir,” said the Queen Mother of the West to the tapir.

“I’m…restrained, and it’s none of your business.”

The tapir’s hand rested on Qiuren’s shoulder, absorbing the emotional flow that eroded Qiuren’s consciousness.


The Queen Mother of the West lifted the unconscious Sexi up and glanced around

“The source of the incense and the eye of the sky have been cut off. It seems that my dreammakers have also discovered our traces, and they must be asking for us from outsiders.”

The showdown between Sexi and Wanxiang did raise the ratings, but it also caused some problems, the biggest problem being the Queen Mother of the West.

Some people from the Central Research Institute have recognized the immortals trapped in each story line one after another.

As Sexi expected, all parties may have to put pressure on Director Feng Nian to find a way to recapture the immortals.

“As long as… the story lines your children are in are exciting enough… enough people like your current characters and hope that your current life will continue, then the people outside… can’t help you.”

The tapir also picked up Qiu Ren, who had passed out in a coma.

“Are you really so confident in the story of the dream copy created by this dream maker?” The Queen Mother of the West asked directly while looking at the tapir.

The tapir didn’t say anything but gave a meaningful chuckle and quickly brought the topic to the point.

“It’s not safe here. Before the next shadow beast erosion, it’s better to take him to a shelter in this area.”

The location of the sanctuary is Circe’s home, because Circe’s sister Alai is there.

Alai, the mistress of the Legion, is the only hope to check the power of the shadow beasts.

When the Queen Mother of the West heard this, she glanced at Sexi, who was unconscious in her arms, and could only sigh.

“Is it up to me to take it back in the end? Sigh… this is a terrible dream copy, and I don’t know how my other children are doing in this dream.”

The Queen Mother of the West has always wanted to find an opportunity and place to catch up on dramas comfortably.

Although she has permission to view other storylines, she has not yet had time to see what the storylines of her sons and daughters are.

The Queen Mother of the West should decide according to the brilliance of the other storylines, her attitude towards the pursuit of the Central Research Institute, if the other storylines can be splendid enough for her to sit down and chase after her.

She may stand firmly on Qiuren’s side and help Qiuren guard the ‘resort’ together, if not, then she will turn to support Sexi.

“What’s the story line that Yang Jian is in… Xianjian? Or… I don’t care, I’ll send you this unfortunate child back first.”

The Queen Mother of the West held the fainted Circe and threw her directly into the back seat of the little electric donkey. The tapir’s means of transportation was more adult, it was a small car.

Of course the tapir can’t drive, but in this dream copy to make the car move… no need to know how to drive.

In this way, they all came to Sexi’s doorstep in this dream copy.

“A few rare Alma, who was watering the flowers in the garden, looked at the Queen Mother of the West and the tapir who appeared at the door and said.

“I should have known that you would be here, it doesn’t matter… You also have the ability to spy on the direction of the entire dream, right?”

The Queen Mother of the West also knows Alma, and she also knows that Alma has the ability to monitor the outside and inside of this nightmare copy.

“Sure, do you need me to recommend a few storylines that I personally find interesting? There are also quite a few characters played by your heirs.”

Alma really welcomes these two old friends. They can set up an old man to catch up with the troupe or something.

“I hope it doesn’t disappoint.”

The Queen Mother of the West accepted Alma’s proposal, and then glanced at Qiu Ren as she spoke.

Before Qiu Ren and Sexi…the two leading actors and actresses wake up, their supporting characters can only pass the time by watching the progress of other story lines.

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