My Dungeons Are Popular Chapter 116: Dig the world’s corners

Unfortunately… Qiu Ren’s idea still fell through.

Wanxiang’s father lives in a community in Beicheng, and the houses in the community look very high-end.

And Qiu Ren’s luck was not bad. When Wanxiang contacted her father, he was not on a business trip due to busy business, and happened to be at home.

It’s just that when Wanxiang used her mobile phone to contact her father to inform her that she was coming here, Qiu Ren heard a hint of panic in her father’s tone.

Frightened because her daughter came home without warning. Could this guy be looking for a stepmother for Wanxiang?

Qiu Ren did not know the status of Wanxiang’s biological mother, but according to the original owner’s memory, Wanxiang’s mother never showed up during her studies.

Kan Shaoni also heard the slightest abnormality in Wanxiang’s father’s tone. She and Wanxiang’s family were also friends, so she drove the car into the community as soon as possible, and led Qiu Ren and Wanxiang directly to her door.

When Wan Xiang took out the key and opened the door, Qiu Ren didn’t need to go in to smell the alcohol inside.

It’s not a good sign for a man to drink in the daytime, and most likely it’s decadent.

“Uncle Lin.”

Kan Shaoni was the first to enter the door, and she looks like a police investigation.

But at first glance, the living room was very clean. With Kan Shaoni’s reasoning ability, I couldn’t see any clues, but the smell of alcohol flowing in the air was still too obvious.

“Shaoni, did you bring Xiao Wan back this time because something happened to the internship team?”

Lin Wanxiang’s father, named Lin Jianhong, is a middle-aged man who looks quite dignified.

He thought that Shaoni Kan would bring his daughter back at this time, but there was something wrong with the Nightmare Internship Team at Central America.

“It has nothing to do with the internship team. Xiaowan came back this time to bring someone to see you, Uncle Lin.”

Kan Shaoni already felt that her statement was a bit inappropriate when she said this.

But when she realized that it was too late, Qiu Ren walked in from the door, which made the peaceful expression on Lin Jianhong’s face froze instantly.

My daughter has already made a boyfriend when she has only been in college for less than three months? Not only did he make a boyfriend, but he dared to bring it to him?

This progress is too fast. Lin Jianhong originally thought that with Wanxiang’s background, those boyfriends would have to weigh themselves up for a year or two before they dared to show up in front of Wanxiang’s father.

But after Lin Jianhong recognized Qiu Ren, he realized that Qiu Ren did have the confidence, and the stiff expression on his face quickly brought a little surprise.

“It turned out to be classmate Qiu Ren. Director Feng Nian praised you as soon as he met me a few days ago. I also think that you are a talent you accumulated in high school, and finally fully exerted it after college.”

Lin Jianhong knew that Qiu Ren was his daughter’s high school classmate, and he also had a deep impression of Qiu Ren in high school.

Coupled with Qiu Ren’s performance in the field of nightmare construction after college, perhaps ordinary fans have never heard of Qiu Ren’s name as a young dream maker.

But in the circle of the older generation of dreammakers headed by Director Feng Nian, they are full of expectations for Qiu Ren’s future.

So in his opinion… Wanxiang led Qiu Ren to visit her home today, and it was definitely the most perfect answer among the many wrong answers that would make him angry enough to break his legs with those little things!

“Mr. Lin this time, I am here for a number of projects related to dream construction. I hope to get assistance from Ocean Dream Media… It’s not what you think.”

Qiu Ren looked at Wan Xiang’s father’s expression that he wanted to tie him up and swallow him alive, and suddenly felt like he was going to divert the topic to the main topic.

How can there be a father who whips pigs with whips to spit cabbage?

Qiu Ren’s remarks also made Lin Jianhong calm down, but his expression gradually turned solemn.

“Student Qiu Ren, based on Batman’s performance at the Advent Film Festival, and Director Feng Nian’s recommendation to you, as long as you have any idea of ​​​​building a dream movie or game, Ocean Dream Media will definitely support it… If necessary, I can now help you contact Director Feng Nian.”

Lin Jianhong didn’t put on any airs, maybe this was also for Qiu Ren.

“Mr. Lin’s investment decision by Ocean Media, you should have more say than Feng Dao?” Qiu Ren asked.

“It used to be like this, but it’s different now.” Lin Jianhong glanced at Wanxiang’s puzzled expression and said, “I am no longer the chairman and CEO of Ocean Dream Media.” /

“What time?”

Qiu Ren glanced at Miss Wanxiang who was standing beside her, and she seemed to be shocked when her father was forced to lose his job?

“Let’s sit down and talk, Shaoni, you can sit too.”

Lin Jianhong pointed to the sofa in the living room. After Qiu Ren sat down, he seemed to be making tea for Qiu Ren. Qiu Ren quickly got up and took the kettle… and poured a glass of boiled water for everyone.

“I wanted to tell Xiaowan about this after she obtained the qualification of a national dream maker.”

Lin Jianhong’s voice was slightly decadent, and Qiu Ren also understood why he was drinking during the day.

“Xiaowan got off to a good start. She was recognized by an S-class nightmare seed, and now she can participate in the…world-class nightmare event of the Alai Cup. These resumes can help her successfully get a national-level award. The qualifications of a dream master, so that she can successfully take back the dream seed construction rights left by her mother.”

“Her mother…”

“Wu Guo, one of the three S-rank dream seeds in the Three Kingdoms… was built by Xiaowan’s mother’s dream-making team in his early years. The construction of A to S-rank dream seeds is a big project, which is equivalent to all The world created bit by bit with a team of two or three hundred dreammakers, plus a construction team of ten thousand people, is no less than a national-level infrastructure project.”

Kan Shaoni said something about the past.

“Xiao Wan’s mother also fell into a long slumber due to a nightmare-related accident. Ocean Dream Media should still be able to control the construction of the S-class dream seed.”

“No way. Some time ago, there was some dispute about the direction of the Three Kingdoms’ dream seed construction. I was on the wrong team in the dispute and was withdrawn by…”

Lin Jianhong’s “retreat” sounds a little free and easy, but he may know how much bitterness and unwillingness is buried behind this free and easy.

“Dispute? Standing in line? Mr. Lin…” When Qiu Ren wanted to ask further questions, Lin Jianhong raised his hand and made a gesture of Qiu Ren not to ask any more questions.

“This is not something you should know. It’s better than anything else to study at a university with peace of mind and get the qualification of a national dream maker.” Lin Jianhong said this to Wanxiang and Qiu Ren together.

“Then let me ask another question, Mr. Lin, are your assets still there?”

Qiu Ren’s question stunned everyone present.

Kan Shaoni wanted to pat Qiu Ren’s head and scold Qiu Ren for not being able to speak, while Lin Jianhong smiled wryly and wanted to ask, ‘Are young people so direct now? ’

Qiu Ren’s question is equivalent to saying, ‘I’m chasing your daughter for nothing else! It is because he took a fancy to the property of his father-in-law’s family! ’

Simple and straightforward! Not contrived.

“You still have savings. With your current achievements, Qiu Ren will not worry about money when you graduate from university.” Lin Jianhong said.

“I’m not worried, but the dream consciousness I raised is worrying, so I’ll just say it straight, Mr. Lin this time… I’m here to recruit you.”

As he spoke, Qiu Ren took out his laptop, which recorded the dream construction plan that he had sorted out, as well as several dream movies that he wanted to make, as well as plans for dream games.

Lin Jianhong took Qiu Ren’s laptop with a serious face and looked at the multiple dream movies and TV drama scripts written on it. He read it slowly and carefully, which means he read it.

But just as Lin Jianhong was about to make a final decision, he said that I voted for this movie script, and a fool would not vote, but he noticed that the starring actor that Qiu Ren specially marked was… Erlang Zhenjun.

“Student Qiu Ren, is this actor Erlang Zhenjun… that actor’s stage name?” Lin Jianhong asked.

Dream movies and dream games still have the profession of an actor, which is somewhat similar to the motion capture actors in the production of 3A games.

“It’s not a stage name, the actor is the true deity of Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian!” Qiu Ren said.

If an outsider told him that, he must have thought he was crazy.

But the person sitting in front of him is Qiu Ren, who is sitting on the two masters of nightmares. Lin Jianhong can fully believe that Qiu Ren can do such a shocking thing as digging the corner of the Central Research Institute.

“Akihito doing this will bring you a lot of trouble, and…you don’t need to do this, you can find another actor.”

“Mr. Lin, you will be dismissed at home. You should know why I did this.” Qiu Ren stared at him and said, “Don’t you want to prove that you are on the right team?”

The team he stood on is right…Lin Jianhong listened to silence for a while, took out his mobile phone, and called up a report and put it in front of Qiu Ren.

“What is this?”

“Mrs. Sun’s… reset report.”

Lin Jianhong uttered the two most cruel words ‘reset’ for dream consciousness.

Qiu Ren’s expression became a little dignified when he heard this word, and he picked up the record on the report and briefly checked the contents.

Mrs. Sun is exactly Sun Shangxiang, but because the Three Kingdoms script in this world uses the Three Kingdoms, the title of Mrs. Sun is more widely circulated.

Mrs. Sun played the role of ’emotional purification’ in the dream seed of Soochow.

They exist to remove the ‘nightmare pollution’ accumulated by powerful characters fighting on the front lines.

Sounds bad, but it’s actually doing what a wife should do to help her husband share the pressure of work.

But it is these roles in the role of the Nightmare Purification that are often the most polluted.

Once the Nightmare Contamination reaches its limit, they are reset before being rampaged, and the Nightmare Contamination stored in their bodies is expelled in the form of Nightmare Seeds.

This is a violent but effective way to keep Dream Seeds battling Nightmare Pollution for a long time.

But what about dream consciousnesses with ego? The former pillow-side person has become an emotionless and unconscious machine, and then everything starts all over again?

Qiu Ren felt a little creepy looking at this report.

“Are you trying to save them?”

Lin Jianhong didn’t know that the immortals of heaven were planning to overthrow the rule of the dreamers by the United Legion.

At this time, Lin Jianhong just thinks that Qiu Ren is the same as those dreamers who know the truth. Because of the plight of the dream characters, he wants to rescue them from the frontline battlefield and rebuild a new life for them.

“I don’t want to save them, I just want them to be used by me. It’s like a director who likes an actor and has to pull him to make this movie.”

“Do you really think your scripts can support them?”

Lin Jianhong feels that Qiu Ren is still hiding something, but the most important thing now is… Can the popularity of Qiu Ren’s movies and TV series scripts really support the consumption of these extremely popular dream consciousness?

“Mr. Lin, what do you think?” Qiu Ren said it doesn’t count, and it needs the people in front of him to say it.

“It is absolutely possible, but it is a difficult road. You are breaking the tradition, and you are also digging the corner of most dream-making companies in the industry today, but you will be blocked by them.” Lin Jianhong reminded Qiu Ren Say.

“Let’s talk about the works. Dream consciousness prefers to stay in the works I constructed, or the original copy of the dream.” Qiu Ren said.

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