My Divine Diary Chapter 856: Worker

Su Hao found that it was good to assign tasks to others to explore unknown and dangerous areas, while he hid in the pinball space and enjoyed the results brought back by others.

Many things that I dared not think about or do before can now be carried out at will after gaining eternal life.

Just like this time, the eighteen gods brought him a pure surprise.

He also laughed at himself: “If I let others do things for me, will it cause me to become evil and lazy, and gradually lose the spirit of inquiry?”

The future is always full of fog, but he will not refuse to do it just because he is worried. At worst, he will just put things right when he finds that things are going in a direction he does not want.

If you can have eternal life, what else can you fear?

There is nothing in this universe that cannot be erased by time, not even himself.

After arranging the third exploration mission for the gods, Su Hao observed the exploration progress of the gods and began to use the designed rune array to simulate the violent energy environment on the red giant star.

All simulations are done in a small world. The simulation items include ‘pressure’, ‘temperature’, ‘gas density’, ‘substance type’, ‘illumination intensity’, ‘various rays’…

Theoretically, as long as the environment can be explored on the red giant star, Su Hao can realize it one by one and complete the simulation in the small world.

Time passed quietly, three years later.

Su Hao returned to the body of the young dragon and wandered around in the secondary world to relieve the pressure caused by the high-intensity experiments during this period and to exercise the body.

In the past three years, he has conducted a large number of simulation experiments in the small world, simulating the harsh environment on the red giant as much as possible, constantly adding new conditions, and using this as the core, he tried to supplement it with the ‘divine light’ and ‘Information’, to obtain real soul power, but failed. In his simulated environment, there was no trace of the birth of soul power.

This made Su Hao very puzzled: “What is it missing? In the distant past, countless ‘accidents’ happened on this red giant star, which led to the birth of Bai Jial. That means that as long as I create the same By coincidence, you can also get soul power…”

As for the Eighteen Spiritual Gods who have entered Baikal’s “Birthplace” to explore, a lot of information has been sent back, but there is no information about the newborn Baikal.

“I don’t have any clue, and the experiment has temporarily reached a point where it is difficult to continue. I need to change my exploration strategy.”

After much thought, Su Hao focused on Bai Jial’s body.

Since you are in trouble in your own exploration, look for new information from Baikal’s body.

“First of all, it can be confirmed that Baikal is an intelligent life, and the numerous small Baikals in the red giant seem to be ignorant and unintelligent. It should be because their thinking lacks enough rich and useful information. The result of being stretched.

As long as I inject ‘rich’ and ‘logically reasonable’ information into Baikal’s body, I can activate a Baikal to the point where it can conduct simple communication.

In this way, I can obtain more information about this red giant through communication with Bai Jial. ”

As for why he didn’t activate the consciousness of Bai Jial in the bodies of the eighteen gods, Su Hao actually tried it before, but found that the consciousness of the eighteen Bai Jiars had been blocked and obliterated by the gods for many years. It originally belonged to Bai Jia. Gal’s information was gradually replaced by information perceived by the gods, which had little practical value.

Even if the Baijia consciousness of the **** is completely awakened to the point where it can communicate normally, Su Hao probably won’t get the information he wants about the red giant star.

Doing what he thought of, Su Hao immediately returned to the pinball space and issued a side mission to the eighteen gods: “Temporary personal side mission: Capture a Baikal and send it to the first planet outside the red giant. Reward: Unlock the game Exchange mall.”

When the eighteen gods under exploration received the side mission, they were all stunned. They quickly reacted and flew out of the ‘Birthplace’, rushing towards the floating Baijia around like wolves and tigers.

At the same time, their group became lively.

“Hey, I said that Mr. Leian will definitely take action against these indigenous Baijia. As expected, I have actually been looking forward to this day for a long time, haha!”

“No, when I first heard that Lord Leian had found Bai Jia’s hometown, I was ecstatic.”

“That’s for sure. With so many Baikals experimenting on Mr. Leian, will he still find trouble with us? No way! After all, we have some friendship with Leian. As long as we don’t If we deliberately cause trouble, Leian shouldn’t attack us. Haha, it’s safe!”

“I always feel that I am not far away from regaining my freedom. To be honest, everyone, I miss the Cross Star! I miss those enchanting and wonderful girls!”

“Hurry up and deliver Bai Jial to Leian.”


For the sake of their own safety, the gods will complete the task as quickly as possible even if there is no reward for the task issued by Su Hao.

Just two days later, Su Hao received a reminder from the Eighteen Gods to complete the mission.

After he teleported to the asteroid, he found that the eighteen gods had used their own methods to imprison Bai Jiaer, waiting for him to accept it.

After Su Hao brought all Bai Jia into the small world, he happily announced that the eighteen gods had completed their mission, and then teleported away.

The gods are not in a hurry to return to the Red Giant to continue exploring. Instead, they stay where they are and eagerly open the assistant to see what the unlocked ‘Game Exchange Mall’ is.

“”The Gods Must Die”, redeem points: 1,000 points.”

“”God-Killing Warriors”, redemption points: 1,000 points.”

“”Rebirth of God”, redemption points: 800 points.”

“”Ten Color Board Disassembler”, redeem points: 500 points.”

“”Escape from the Temple”, redeem points: 500 points.”

“”Happy Fighting Gods”, redemption points: 300 points.”


After seeing the various games on the panel, the gods looked confused.

They can’t figure out why these games seem to regard gods as villains who must be killed…

Will they really have a good experience playing such a game?

Barry, the God of Gold, asked curiously: “What are the redemption points behind this? Do you have any so-called points?”

“No, these games seem to be just for viewing… and of no use.”

Yi, the God of Bathing Light, reminded: “Pay attention to the mark on the points at the back. We can get points by completing the tasks assigned by the assistant, and then use the points to exchange for the games we want. Just like ordinary people making money through work, Then when we buy something, these points are our money.”


The gods were instantly petrified: “You mean, we are working to make money now?”

They had never been so shocked for a moment.

It’s hard to believe that they, such majestic gods, have been reduced to working for people to make money. Pushing forward ten thousand years, which one of them would have gotten whatever they wanted?

They only have other people to serve them. Where can they work for others?

In the past, I was willing to cooperate with anything in order to survive. I never thought that I would become a wage earner Now I have been directly exposed by Yi, the God of Bathing Light, and I can no longer show off my face.

The God of Order – Hong Guang said angrily: “Comrades, I feel that I have been insulted. If I don’t resist now, when will I wait?”

“Yes, you have been insulted, so go ahead and resist. If you are ready, I can help you summon Lord Leian to fight you.”

Other gods are also very supportive: “We all support you, it doesn’t matter if you fail, we will always remember your bravery.”

“By the way, if you have any unfulfilled wishes or things to explain, please tell us and we will help you realize them if we have the opportunity in the future.”

Hongguang: “Forget it, let’s just insult it. I believe in Mr. Lei An’s character and he will not insult us. Besides, how can it be considered an insult to earn points by one’s own ability? Let me change it. Thinking about it from another perspective, I think this is pretty good…”



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