My Divine Diary Chapter 743: Stargazing Temple

The compound-eyed people are completely confused!

A question came to mind: “Aren’t humans afraid of their threats?”

They wanted to resist, but all their advanced weapons were provided by humans. When faced with the threat of war and tried to activate the warships, they found that all the warships and weapons and equipment were locked.

The Compound Eyes tribe was furious: “Fuck! Humans actually tampered with these weapons.”

Not only can the warships not fly, large weapons cannot be opened, even the energy blocks on the planet have shrunk inexplicably and become useless.

Fortunately, they were well prepared, and not all the facilities on the planet are driven by energy blocks.

There is still room for resistance. Even if they perish, they will take humans with them.

So they started the ‘energy burst wave’ that humans had loaded for them!

However, it has no effect because they don’t know that humans have developed an ‘energy burst wave disruptor’…

Finally, the Compound Eye Clan pressed the button to send the information package to the Eight Hands Clan, claiming that the Eight Hands Clan had obtained the most advanced technology of mankind.

And organized the Compound Eye tribe to launch a defensive counterattack on this planet, trying to bring down mankind and drive it away.

Then they were greeted by a large group of human warriors with various superpowers.

Two months later, the Compound Eyes surrendered unconditionally, and their planet was also under human control.

Under the crushing force of absolute strength, war is so simple. Their strong will to resist was in vain in front of the shells.

The backward ending is so unacceptable.

Thinking about it from another angle, if Su Hao hadn’t appeared, human beings might have ended up in this way when facing the Eight-hand Clan, or it might have been even more tragic.

At least, after the Compound Eyes surrendered, humans did not massacre and exterminate the tribe, but instead allowed them freedom to a certain extent.

Xia Qingjun and other senior officials leisurely drank tea in the conference room. They all smiled and chatted easily, and there were many comments praising Xia Qingjun for his sharp judgment on future events.

Today it is rare for everyone to sit together and enjoy this slow time, with relaxed smiles on their faces. Usually things are spinning around in our heads and we can’t stop at all.

Listening to everyone’s chatter, Xia Qingjun smiled and said nothing, and said to himself: “If it weren’t for the three of them, Da Qiang, who was behind the scenes, I wouldn’t have dared to act like this! So, having a foresight and a high degree of control over the development of the situation, but It’s just a prerequisite for being ‘powerful’. The essential reason is actually ‘acting recklessly’ without any worries.”

When talking about the compound-eye tribe’s powerful detection method, everyone was amazed: “I always thought that the compound-eye tribe’s detection method was some kind of special organ on their body! It turns out that this is not the case. It really surprised me. It opens your eyes that there are such strange planets in the universe.”

“It is true. The mystery of the universe is beyond human comprehension.”

“This compound-eyed family occupies such a wonderful planet, but it cannot develop early and dominate the cloud ring system. It is simply ridiculously weak. In the end, it was destroyed by foreign races, which is what they should have done.”

“It’s true! The Eight-Handed Clan has endless energy blocks, the Compound Eye Clan has such a magical planet that can peek into the universe, but what do we humans have? Nothing!”

“Hahaha!” Everyone laughed.

Xia Qingjun said leisurely: “Why not? We humans have Xu Shiqiang.”

The conference room fell silent, and he suddenly said: “The leader is right.”

After mentioning Su Hao, Xia Qingjun suddenly said: “By the way, the Compound Eye Clan planet has been taken down, and the collected information has been handed over to Xu Shiqiang?”

The secretary immediately said: “As soon as the information was obtained, it was sorted and corrected and handed over to Jia Feng.”

Xia Qingjun nodded and picked up the tea cup again.


At this time, Su Hao, who was already familiar with the language of the Compound Eye Clan, was leading his two ‘friends’, the head of the Compound Eye Clan, into the most sacred place of the Compound Eye Clan – the Stargazing Temple.

The Star Observation Temple is a place built deep underground. It is the same as most of the Compound Eyes buildings. It is obvious that Compound Eye has specially disguised it for the Star Observation Temple.

Su Hao has been wandering around this planet for so long, but he has not found anything special about it. On the contrary, there is a fake “Earth Temple” on the surface, which is magnificent and magnificent for the compound-eyed people to worship.

No matter which race you belong to in this world, in order to survive, you really take the “true and false” to the extreme.

Two mushroom-man palace chiefs led the way, one was older and had very steady steps, and the other looked middle-aged.

They are all dressed in platinum, and the styles are influenced by humans. They are brief and formal. The exposed skin is dark blue and glows with a long luster under the light.

The tails behind the heads of the older mushroom men were hanging down. As they walked, they introduced their Earth Temple to Su Hao: “The Star Observation Temple was originally called the Earth Temple. Later, our tribe found that we could pass through the Earth Temple. After watching the stars in the sky, it was renamed ‘Stargazing Temple’.

However, only a few people know this. The vast majority of people do not know that our compound-eyed people can observe the stars in the sky through the temple. Moreover, the vast majority of the tribesmen do not have the talent to observe stars.

The tribesmen with talents were selected at a very young age. After deliberate training, he became the ‘Stargazing Priest’ of our compound-eye tribe’s temple. ”

Su Hao pointed to the ‘bud’ on the tip of their tail and asked curiously: “What is this? Does the so-called stargazing talent have something to do with it?”

The old mushroom man nodded and said: “That’s true. We call the tail on the back of the head ‘Di Luo’, and the knot behind the Di Luo is called ‘Di Luo Eye’, or ‘Compound Eye’ for short, and our tribe calls itself Compound Eyes.

As for the main function of Diluo Eyes… Well, you are my friend, and I won’t hide it from you. They are used to find food and please mates. Stargazing is just a hobby that developed later.

We, the compound-eyed people, rely on our Earth Eyes to perceive various things within the huge cloud ring system.

As for why this is the case, we actually don’t know, or it may be attributed to the gift of the great Earth God. This is a talent possessed by our compound-eyed people. ”

The middle-aged mushroom man nodded and said: “Our planet is called the Earth God, and we believe in the ‘Earth God’. The Earth God is supreme in our eyes, and the Earth Temple is also the most sacred place.

If you were not my friend, I would not bring you humans in even if I died. The secrets of the Earth Temple cannot be known to outsiders! ”

Su Hao smiled and said: “You should be more generous when treating your friends.”

The middle-aged mushroom man said: “You are right, my friend!”

While chatting with two compound-eyed tribesmen, Su Hao quickly went deep underground and came to an empty underground space.

It can be seen that people often come in and out of this place, but it has been deliberately made into pits by the Compound Eye Clan, making it just like an ordinary cave, unremarkable.

After Su Hao came in, he was immediately attracted by the central location of the underground space.

There is a huge circular platform in the center. A huge crystal is inlaid in the center of the platform. It has sharp edges and a light blue luster, reflecting the entire underground space in a faint blue color.

The outer ring of the platform is evenly inlaid with many fist-sized light blue crystals. The exposed part is ellipsoidal and looks very smooth.

The old mushroom man pointed to the blue crystal and said: “This is our ‘dream stone’ to communicate with the earth god. Through it, we can see everything we want to see.”

Su Hao swept it away with his spiritual thoughts and immediately discovered that the exposed crystal was only a small part. Its body was as huge as an iceberg, and more parts were buried deep underground.

He suddenly became curious. His mind had observed this kind of thing before, but he thought it was an ordinary rock and didn’t pay much attention. He didn’t expect it to be so special.

Su Hao closed his eyes slightly, and his spiritual thoughts spread out, instantly covering the entire scene within a radius of 200,000 meters.

Unexpectedly, he did not see the limit of this crystal.

As you go down, the blue crystal becomes larger.

As soon as Su Hao had a thought, multiple layers of ‘spiritual thoughts’ instantly unfolded and extended underground. The divine thoughts quickly formed a huge perception ray that penetrated the planet and came to the other side of the planet…

After a while, he changed the direction again and extended his spiritual thoughts.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and murmured: “This kind of blue crystal is all over the crust of the entire planet…”

In Su Hao’s initial perception, the blue crystals were of different sizes, distributed in various locations in the planet’s crust, and connected to each other in a network, and could even be seen as a whole.

It’s like a huge cage was casually discarded in the universe. Under the action of gravity and time, a planet was formed…

But Su Hao didn’t know exactly how this planet was formed. Even if he was as knowledgeable as he was, he couldn’t imagine the conditions for its formation.


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