My Divine Diary Chapter 742: Not my kind

The captain left the small world with his mind in a mess, and his walking steps seemed a little messy.

He tried hard to organize his thoughts, thinking about how to communicate this matter with Xia Qingjun later.

The more I think about it, the clearer my thinking becomes: “Although Mr. Feng Cheng’s proposal sounds a bit outrageous, but after thinking about it carefully, I found that there is nothing wrong with it! After all, human beings today are no longer the humans in the past.

In the war with the Eight Hands Clan, humans gradually gained a certain advantage and gained a firm foothold. To be honest, the Compound Eye Clan’s current ability is just a super detector that can help us detect the Eight Hands Clan’s actions. With one move, the latest technology of the Eight Hands clan was stolen at the same time…

It sounds very important and indispensable, but compared to the use of the Compound Eyes to humans, they are a stronger threat to humans.

After all, humans, who have a certain advantage at this time, need to maintain the current state. The Compound-Eye Clan is likely to turn over to the Eight-Handed Clan at some point in the future and hand over human technology to the Eight-Handed Clan, destroying the current balance. That will be the real disaster at that time…

It is better to take advantage of this opportunity for a break to capture them and bring them under complete control.

In this way, the Compound Eyes can still serve as our detectors, and we don’t have to worry about them betraying humans and turning us into an army…”

The more the captain thought about it, the lighter his feet became, and there was a whistling sound of wind as he walked.

When the captain saw Xia Qingjun, he said excitedly: “Leader, I have something important to talk to you about!”

Xia Qingjun has a quiet room, which Su Hao personally arranged using space technology to isolate the compound-eyed people from prying eyes.

After arriving at the quiet room, Xia Qingjun asked: “What did Daqiang and the others say?”

The captain said: “Confirmed, what happened to the Compound Eye Tribe was indeed done by Daqiang.”

Xia Qingjun’s eyelids twitched: “Sure enough, I guessed right…”

It’s hard to guess wrong about this kind of thing.

The captain said: “The advice given by Daqiang’s assistant Jia Fengcheng is to find an opportunity to take down the compound-eye clan’s home planet, hold it in your hands, and kill the threat that the compound-eye clan may bring.

Aren’t we always worried that the Compound Eye Clan would steal our technology and transfer it to the Eight Hands Clan to reverse the current situation? As long as the Compound Eye Clan is completely controlled by us humans, we will be able to ensure that we are worry-free. ”

Xia Qingjun turned the cup in his hand and fell into deep thought, while the captain waited quietly.

After a long time, Xia Qingjun whispered: “It’s not impossible.”

Human beings have been living with the compound-eyed tribe for many years, and have always been very particular about credibility, and have established a very good impression among the compound-eyed tribe.

Xia Qingjun cherishes this reputation very much and cannot trample on it easily.

However, no matter how precious something is, as long as you can afford the price and there is enough profit, you can sell it…

Even if it is to maintain the ‘reputation’ for many years.

In other words, isn’t ‘credibility’ meant to be torn up at the most critical moment in exchange for sufficient benefits?

When you decide to tear up your credibility, it means you no longer need it from now on.

What’s more, after all, the compound-eyed tribe and humans are two different races in the universe. Every step must be taken with caution, because if you are not careful, it is very likely that humans will disappear in the cloud ring system.

Not my kind…


While Su Hao was wandering around the gathering place of the Compound Eye tribe and quickly absorbing the language of the Compound Eye tribe, Feng Cheng sent a message to the group, telling the story about the disappearance of the Compound Eye tribe.

This actually made Su Hao very surprised: “Hey~ I acted so covertly and quickly, but I was still discovered! The compound-eye clan’s detection ability is really powerful.”

Feng Chengdao: “The Compound Eyes actually don’t know that you did it, but they are generally stubborn and assume that it was done by humans. It just so happens that the captain knows our abilities, and he guessed what you have done. ”

Su Hao said: “That’s it. I didn’t do anything to those hundreds of compound-eyed people. In order to avoid trouble, I just locked them up temporarily. I was thinking of releasing them all at some time, but now it seems that I can release them all. On the contrary, it turns out that it was humans who took action.”

Feng Chengdao: “There is no need to let Boss Wei go. I have already made suggestions to the captain, asking them to find an opportunity to send warships over to directly capture the compound-eye tribe’s planet and control the compound-eye tribe.

It will not only facilitate your research, Boss Wei, but also prevent the Compound-Eye Clan from colluding with the Eight-Handed Clan after humans become stronger, which in turn will cause trouble for us. ”

At this time, Yashan gave a thumbs up expression.

Su Hao smiled and said: “This is a good method. Just watch it! If you can capture the Compound Eye Clan’s planet as soon as possible, maybe I can save some effort.”

Feng Cheng was recognized by the two bosses and became more convinced that his decision was correct: when encountering a problem, he should start from the source and eradicate it completely. If the problem cannot be solved, then solve the questioner.

Humanity soon gave a reply, indicating that this matter was not done by humans, and at the same time accused the Compound Eyes of believing that humans were the murderers without sufficient evidence.

He also said that humans have reason to suspect that the Compound Eyes have ulterior motives and deliberately stir up trouble.

If the Compound Eye Clan makes random accusations and cannot give a satisfactory answer, then the Compound Eye Clan will lose a powerful ally in the human race!

After receiving the reply from the human side, the Compound Eyes tribe was simply stunned.

They have never thought that human beings have done bad things and just don’t admit it, but they actually turn against them and accuse them of provoking trouble for no reason?

I couldn’t bear it anymore, so I sent a reply to the human side, saying that this matter was done by humans. Humanity’s space technology is the evidence, and the compound-eye tribe’s intelligence capabilities do not need evidence.

At the same time, he accused humans of secretly seeking allies. If they did not return the tribesmen as soon as possible, humans would also lose their trust.


The two sides accused each other of quarreling, and the quarrel became more and more fierce, but the humans never admitted the fact that they abducted the Compound Eyes tribe.

Many palace chiefs from the Compound Eye Clan gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

“I have long seen through the evil nature of the human race. The trust they have built up over the years is just their disguise. Human beings are not trustworthy!”

“That’s right! If we didn’t have a better choice, why would we have cooperated with humans? There used to be such kind-hearted races in the universe, but it was a pity that they were wiped out by the Eight Hands long ago…”

“Yes! It is safer to cooperate with kind races. Human beings are too evil.”

“It’s too late to say anything now! The most important thing is, what if humans don’t admit it? Even the Eight-Handed Clan can’t help them, and we are no match.”

“It’s too much to bully others! It’s conceivable that humans in the future will be even more unscrupulous, which will only hurt our children.”

“I still can’t figure out why humankind is developing so fast. All kinds of new technologies appear out of nowhere without any warning.”

“Do you think it’s possible that humans have been secretly developing new technologies without our knowledge for a long time? It’s just that recently when the technology matured, they started to do so unscrupulously.”

“It’s very possible. It can be seen from the fact that humans don’t pay much attention to our teachings. Our children have been studying with humans for so long, but there is not even a qualified scientist… It must be humans hiding their secrets!”

“Human beings are so abominable! They will definitely be punished as they should.”

“What should we do? We don’t have anything that can threaten humanity right now. How about we try our best to record human technology and threaten them by sending their technology to the Eight Hands clan?”


After a heated discussion among the Compound Eyes, they finally came up with a plan that satisfied all the palace chiefs: record human core technology and use it to threaten them!

They are very familiar with this method. They have always used the position of human blue light to threaten humans and make humans serve them. They have used it for many years without any major problems.

This gives them the illusion that humans are afraid of threats.

It was only twenty or thirty years mankind suddenly rose, and the threat of ‘blue light location’ also lost its effect on mankind.

Therefore, the Compound Eyes need to regain control of something that can threaten humanity in order to restore their status in the ‘Human-Compound Eyes’ alliance.

The eldest chief of the temple ordered: “All star-gazing temples will do their best to collect human core technology!”

What humans do is very simple. They put some specious technologies in front of them and let the compound-eyed people take them…

Then suddenly one day, the compound-eyed tribe, who thought they had mastered various core technologies of mankind, got angry and sent a threat notice directly to mankind, telling mankind that as long as they press a button, various technologies of mankind will be destroyed. Appeared on Houyan, the home planet of the Yaju Clan.

In response, Xia Qingjun and other senior officials showed incomprehensible smiles, and then directly declared war on the Compound Eye Clan.

Not long after, a large number of human warships arrived on the Compound Eyes home planet…


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