My Divine Diary Chapter 4: Escape

Su Hao has experienced various ways of dying before, and he lacks a strong fear of death, which makes him seem quite calm.

The death threat is right in front of him. In his opinion, there is a high probability that he will not escape this time, but he does not intend to surrender.

The murderer’s eyes were blood red, his mind had gone crazy, and the machete in his hand was no longer accurate.

Su Hao saw the path of the knife and rolled to the side with his head flinched, avoiding the murderer’s hasty chops. He quickly got up and ran towards the children’s slide in the classroom. There were some obstacles there, maybe he could Take cover.

The murderer slashed the air with his sword. He didn’t think much about it. Just as he was about to strike again, he saw this cool kid rolling and crawling to the side.

Run? Can you run away? A cruel look flashed in the murderer’s eyes, and he immediately chased after him.

Su Hao caught a glimpse of the murderer behind him and caught up with him, then raised his knife to chop him. He calmly predicted where the knife would land, which was his right shoulder.

Su Hao immediately fell to the ground, the machete passed over his head, and he almost got hit in the head.

Just when he wanted to get up and continue running, he found that his ankle was grabbed by a strong hand and pulled backward. No matter how hard he pulled, he couldn’t stop his body from sliding backward.

“It’s over!” Su Hao lamented in his heart, he really couldn’t live beyond the age of 5!

The murderer smiled proudly, this annoying child couldn’t run away this time. He raised his sword for the third time and slashed at Su Hao’s back.


The machete hit the hard plastic behind Su Hao and bounced back with a crisp sound.

The murderer was stunned, and then slashed again, but the knife bounced back. He opened Su Hao’s clothes, and two plastic plates fell out from his chest and back. The murderer’s eyes grew fierce, and he couldn’t wait to raise his knife and slash again. This last time, he wanted to see what this annoying child could do to block and hide!

When the plastic plate slipped from his body, Su Hao grabbed a handful of broken sand that children had played with from his pants pocket and threw it towards the old face of the murderer who was standing close in front of him.

The murderer subconsciously let go of Su Hao’s ankle and stretched out his hand to block his eyes. Although most of the sand was blocked, the distance was too close. Su Hao’s sand was so fast and abrupt that some sand still entered the murderer’s eyes.

“Ah!” the murderer screamed, blinked desperately, and hurriedly rubbed his eyes with his hands.

Su Hao got up and punched the murderer in the crotch.

“Ouch——” The murderer’s machete slipped from his hand, he covered his vitals in pain, and slowly squatted down.

Su Hao immediately ran out the door.

The sand in the eyes will be automatically cleaned out soon, and the critical blow will be recovered in a few seconds, and then you will be unable to run away. This time the murderer came at him again with a knife, and he had no other way to resist.

Su Hao escaped out the door smoothly. As soon as he went out, he saw several men in their thirties and forties rushing towards the classroom holding various sticks and objects.

“Phew, support has finally arrived!” Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief and kept running forward until he was picked up by a strange man.

The man hugged him and hid in the crowd, put him into the pile of protected children, then turned around and rushed into the classroom again.

At this time, the little kids were crying. Seeing Su Hao come in, they were all stunned for a moment. Then Su Hao glanced around the little kids. The little kids stopped crying collectively and turned their faces carefully. Go and sob silently.

Soon, the assailant in the classroom was pinned down and subdued by several men. The distinctive sirens of ambulances and police cars also sounded in the distance.

Su Hao waved his little hand excitedly, this time he was temporarily safe.

To this day, due to excessive nervousness, his little heart is still beating rapidly, his breathing is rapid, and his face is all red.

If he had panicked a little and made a mistake, now he would be lying inside waiting for the ambulance. He did not think that his small body could block the bright machete.

The most dangerous thing was that when the murderer grabbed his ankle, he was already a piece of fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered. If the murderer chopped his head instead of his back, he would definitely die.

After Su Hao slowly calmed down, he noticed the changes in himself. In the past, he would never have been able to think calmly and adapt to changes when facing such a cruel gangster.

After many deaths, reincarnations, and deaths again, his mental quality has become extremely strong. The more critical the moment, the more calmly he can think about problems.

But it was not all good, he lost his fear of death. This is very scary when you think about it. It is equivalent to losing the desire to survive in a desperate situation.

Soon, the matter was over. The scene was cordoned off. The police took away the murderer. The injured children and security guards were rushed to the hospital for treatment. The kindergarten teacher also notified the parents to come and pick up the children. A large number of reporters People came in droves to carry out various reports.

When Huang Shujun came to the kindergarten with a face full of panic and saw the intact Su Hao, tears rushed out like a flood breaking through a bank. He hugged Su Hao tightly and refused to let go.

Su Hao was glad in his heart that he was still alive and well. If she really died today, how painful and remorseful would this mother be.


Soon, a live video began to circulate.

In the video, a little boy escaped from the murderer again and again. After finally fighting back and injuring the murderer, he successfully escaped.

The little boy in the video is Su Hao.

The comment area below suddenly exploded.

“Oh no, I won’t accept it. This is the legendary victory of the weak against the strong.”

“Who is this kid? He is so handsome!”

“At this moment our boss shouted: Awesome! I’m from the fighting club.”

“I admit that this kid can beat me several times…”

“I was shown off!”

“It is estimated that the criminal was autistic due to this child’s manipulation.”

“Maybe I can’t beat this kid, am I too weak?”

“Be confident and eliminate the possibility.”

“This will be great from now on!”

“I thought the acting in the movie was exaggerated enough, but after watching this video, I found that the implementation was even more exaggerated and sloppy!”

“You must know that people are different.”

“Who is this little boy? I want to marry him and I am willing to wait for him for ten years.”

“The beast upstairs is no better than the beast. He will only be fifteen or sixteen years old in ten years! How can he do it?”

“I don’t know if anyone noticed it, but this kid was very calm throughout the whole process. When he met the gangster, he immediately ran to find two baffles to protect himself. He also grabbed a few handfuls of sand and put it in his pocket. I can only say that it was too much. Stronger. Definitely a genius.”

Su Hao became famous, known as a genius.

After watching the video, everyone had to admit that geniuses really do exist in this world. It’s okay not to accept it.


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