My Divine Diary Chapter 310: A way out

, update the latest chapter of my becoming a **** diary as soon as possible!

“It’s murder! Help!”

As more and more rebels fell in the hands of Su Hao and Yashan, local chaos quickly spread to the entire place.

Almost everyone knows the news: there is a murderer carrying out a massacre in the square. There have been many victims. If they don’t escape, it will be their turn soon.

However, where to escape?

Many people ran towards the wall and tried to climb the black crystal wall, but the inside of the wall was covered with dense black crystal thorns, making it impossible to start. In other words, they could only wait and wait for the butcher’s knife to fall on them. That moment on my body.

Some people tried to stand up, organize a team, and gather everyone’s strength to resist the crazy massacre. However, they found that the two men in black crystal armor only cared about killing random spectators and did not care about them at all.

As for the high-level rebels, they soon discovered the clues through the dead personnel!

“All those who died were the rebels!”

The news quickly reached the four bosses. Mr. Luo narrowed his eyes and his brain was working rapidly, looking for hope.

Mr. Huang is a man in a flat-top suit. He looks like a successful man with tens of billions of assets. His eyes become very dangerous: “It seems that he is coming for us! Just when my twenty-something head is calling The beasts are all here, I’ll go meet him…hehehe! The rebel butcher? Ridiculous!”

Mr. Luo’s words of restraint reached his throat and he swallowed them hard, and then acquiesced to Mr. Huang’s behavior. The other two bosses spoke out to encourage them. Mr. Quan, who looked very young, even said: “That would be great. If my summoned beasts are here, how can I allow them to be so rampant?”

Then Mr. Huang led his summoned beasts up. He hid aside and controlled his more than twenty powerful summoned beasts. He used the ‘layered progressive’ attack strategy to attack Su Hao. Surrounded.

“Puff puff puff!”

“Swish, swish, swish!”

“Chi chi chi!”

After only about twenty seconds, all Mr. Huang’s summoned beasts lost their lives under Su Hao’s long knife, and their blood splattered everywhere. These seemingly powerful summoned beasts are no different from ordinary people under Su Hao’s sword.

If you want to talk about the difference, it is that the amount of bleeding is relatively large, so Su Hao has to dodge…

Mr. Huang looked at Su Hao blankly, unable to believe that the team of summoned beasts that he relied on to dominate the world were so fragile under the sword of the person in front of him!

Then Mr. Huang saw the man in black crystal armor covered in blood looking at him. At this moment, he was surrounded by huge fear as if he was being stared at by an ancient ferocious beast, and all the hairs on his body stood on end.

“You will die!” This is Mr. Huang’s judgment!

Then his judgment was very accurate. When he turned his head to look in the direction of Mr. Luo and others, he shouted “Help…”.


A cold light swept across, and his head was no different from anyone else’s. It would make a crisp sound when it fell to the ground, and it would also roll aside.

But Su Hao didn’t even bother to take a look. He slipped his foot and dodged to the nearest resister. With a backhand slash of his off-hand knife, another big head rolled down!

The killing continued. Su Hao’s armor seemed to be soaked in blood. The original brown-black armor turned into the dark red color it is now.

Every time he jumps and flashes, he will always harvest a life. Although he tries to avoid the sprayed blood, some will still splash. As time goes by, the armor will be dyed red. Later, Su Hao simply stopped dodging and let it be carried away. Warm blood sprayed onto himself.

Those who kill will scream when they are killed, and their blood is also warm.

There is a difference between harvesting life with one knife and harvesting life with black crystal armor field!

Before the long knife cut into the flesh, Su Hao could feel the fear, unwillingness, anger and despair of each person before they died…

The more you cut, the more you will get used to it!

Originally, Su Hao was prepared to be mentally shocked, but he was not! After killing hundreds of people, Su Hao found that his heart was still as calm as before.

‘These people! If you die, die, no big deal! If you don’t die now, won’t you die the same way in a few decades? ’

This is what Su Hao feels like…


Mr. Luo and the others are no longer so calm. Their powerful partner, Mr. Huang, appeared in full form for less than a minute and received his lunch. How many seconds can they, the summoners without summoned beasts, be able to hold on?

I’m afraid!

He asked: “Has the signal for help been sent?”

A woman dressed as a secretary next to her immediately said: “It’s been sent, support will arrive soon!”

As soon as the woman finished speaking, a “thud-thud-thud” sound suddenly came from the distance.

Everyone looked up and saw five helicopters flying from a distance and passing over the crowd.

Mr. Luo and others looked happy. Mr. Mo and Mr. Quan smiled and said, “You can leave now! I’m not used to being in such a fragile state! I don’t know what tricks they used. It’s really amazing!” ”

At the same time, Su Hao also saw the helicopter passing by in the sky. He couldn’t help but pause in his movements. The black crystal armor immediately stretched out two thin flying wings from behind. Su Hao jumped up high, with his feet It suddenly exploded and flew towards the helicopter.

The long knife in his hand becomes longer and wider.

‘Sharp’ and ‘Hard’!

Then flew past the helicopter.


A sound of steel clashing sounded, followed by electric light jumping on the helicopter.


The next moment, a helicopter suddenly exploded in mid-air, exploding into a huge firework. Broken parts flew everywhere, accidentally injuring many people.

Before it was over, Su Hao turned around and passed by four other helicopters one after another. Each helicopter turned into a gorgeous firework in the sky with the sound of a long knife slashing!

All five helicopters were killed within less than a minute of their appearance.

Mr. Luo and the others were stunned.

Mr. Luo looked around and realized that he really couldn’t run away.

Mr. Shi and Mr. Quan looked at Mr. Luo eagerly, hoping that he could lead them to find a way out, just like before.

Mr. Luo sorted out his messy thoughts, took out a big cigarette from his pocket, lit it, took a deep breath, and said slowly: “How many summoned beasts do we still control?”

A manager woman next to her immediately said: “There are eighty-three more. Sixty of them are Chow Chows, and the rest are…”

Mr. Luo immediately interrupted: “Okay, immediately separate forty Chow Chows into two teams and attack the armored man!”

The manager woman nodded immediately and ran away to make arrangements!

Then Mr. Luo’s fat body started to run. Mr. Shi and Mr. Quan were shocked and didn’t understand where Mr. Luo was going.

I saw Mr. Luo running as fast as flying towards the high platform at the foot of the Holy Mosque Snow Mountain. He jumped suddenly and was about to jump onto the high platform. Unexpectedly, his body was too heavy and his feet were unstable, and he almost fell from the edge of the high platform.

After all, my physical strength is not as good as it was back then!

I heard Mr. Luo say angrily: “What are you two doing standing around, don’t want to live anymore? Come over and help!”

Mr. Shi and Mr. Quan immediately stepped forward, and they worked together to send Mr. Luo to the high platform. Mr. Quan couldn’t help but curiously asked: “Mr. Luo, what are you doing?”

Mr. Luo said: “You will know later. Whether he can survive or not depends on him!”

Yes, in Mr. Luo’s opinion, if this sudden change is not handled well, all of them will be blamed here!

After trying to communicate with the summoned beasts and teleporting himself to the secondary star to no avail, he understood that this attack was premeditated and did not give them a chance to resist!

This is the most dangerous time he has ever encountered in his life. If he doesn’t handle it well, his life will end here.

But he firmly believes that all events that seem desperate must have a glimmer of hope! If you find it, you will live; if you don’t find it, you will die!

Mr. Luo sighed in his heart: “This is the real test of life!”

His eyes followed the Chow Chow closely, not missing every detail!

The Chow Chow started to take action. Forty Chow Chows divided into two groups and attacked the two armored men respectively! Mr. Luo pulled hard with his blinking, he shouted in his heart: “My way of life!!!”

On the other side, Su Hao’s expression didn’t change at all when facing twenty Chow Chow beasts charging towards him!

Twenty? Even if two hundred of them rush over, it may not be useful.

Su Hao just subconsciously attached the ‘sharp’ and ‘hard’ runes to the long knife, and then waved his hand mechanically.

“Puff puff puff!”

One by one, the heads of the huge Chow Chows were cut off with a knife and rolled to the ground. The twenty Chow Chows were quickly wiped out!

Ashan was also besieged by twenty Chow Chows, and they were all killed by Yashan through various methods such as horizontal cutting, vertical slashing, and black crystal armor. Then he turned around and continued to chase the marked ones. Rebel.

For him, these twenty Chow Chows just added a little more seasoning to the massacre.

However, for Mr. Luo, seeing this was enough. He had a look of ecstasy on his face and murmured: “Guys, maybe we still have a way to survive!”

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