My Divine Diary Chapter 31: The money can’t be found

The streets in Lingyun Town are very tidy and clean. They are not the same as the dirty and messy medieval western cities that Su Hao imagined, and there is no smell of garbage and sewage. The streets are paved with stone slabs that are tightly jointed. The houses on both sides are of various types, but they are neatly arranged and extend into the distance.

There was an endless stream of people coming in and out of the town. Most of them were villagers from the surrounding villages bringing their own goods to sell in the city. Large cars and small cars came in and out, making it very lively.

For He Qingqing and Xiaopang, this is the first time in their lives that they have seen so many people, and their eyes are “everyone…”. Look at this curiously, look at that curiously.

“Little sugar beast~2 copper yuan each!”

He Qingqing and Xiaopang stared at each other with wide eyes and swallowed their saliva.

“Wild mountain pork buns, freshly baked wild mountain pork buns, 3 copper yuan each.”

He Qingqing and Xiaopang suddenly changed their minds when they smelled the fragrance.

“Hot sesame cake~”

He Qingqing and Xiaopang also want to eat.


He Jianyong and Lao Li were both very generous today. Seeing that their children liked it, they just paid. Of course, Su Hao was also included.

Su Hao tried everything, it tasted good!

Then He Jianyong took everyone to the tailor shop and ordered two sets of novel styles of clothes for the three children.

Su Hao followed the local customs and did not create any special problems for the tailor. Instead, he chose a style that looked comfortable and natural. The top was divided into a lining and an outer garment. He chose white for the lining and light blue for the outer garment. The style was a bit retro. , then tie it with a belt, it looks very refreshing.

He Qingqing chose blue-colored clothes, blue and white, which looked very good-looking, turning her into a slim and delicate girl.

The style Xiaopang chose was the most high-profile. At first glance, he thought he was a rich young man, so flashy. It kind of feels like sunglasses, slippers and beach pants.

This time Su Hao didn’t have the nerve to ask He Jianyong to pay for it, so he dug into his own pocket and spent two silver dollars. He suddenly found that he seemed to be short of money again.

He Jianyong then took them to a weapons store to choose armor and blades.

The weapons store was very big. Su Hao walked around and found that there were various types of armors and knives, as well as hammers, axes, broadswords, spears and other weapons, but he didn’t see any swords.

His dream of becoming a swordsman was instantly shattered. The opponents of the human race in this world are mainly ferocious beasts with huge sizes and powerful defenses. Perhaps sword-type weapons are not as effective as knives.

Su Hao’s armor was changed a year ago. Now it is not a big problem to wear, but the short sword looks a bit damaged and short. So he sold his short knife to a weapons store and got 2 silver dollars, and then spent 5 silver dollars to buy a knife with a blade length of about 70 centimeters, resulting in a blood loss of 3 silver dollars.

The more he looked at the new knife, the more he liked it. Only then did he realize that there is nothing wrong with liking the new and hating the old.

He Qingqing and Xiaopang each picked out their favorite long knives and armor, and everyone left the weapons store.

Wander around the streets, buy all the daily necessities, and go straight to Lingyun Warrior Academy.

Today is the day to register for new students in the Warrior Academy. The academy is particularly busy inside and outside, and it can be considered crowded.

Registration is very simple. You must feel the blood and become a warrior before the age of twelve, then fill in the basic information and pay 1 gold dollar, which is 100 silver dollars.

The conditions seem simple, but not many people can achieve them. The first is the ability to sense blood at the age of twelve, which can win over most people. Then there is the tuition fee of 1 gold dollar, which can be said to be sky-high. Not every family can afford so much money at once.

Su Hao fumbled in the money bag for a long time before he found out 1 gold dollar. He reluctantly handed it over to the registrar and received a special sign with a cloud on it.

“This sign is the identity certificate of Lingyun Warrior Academy students. Don’t lose it. If you lose it, you will have to spend money to replace it.” The registrar solemnly explained.

Su Hao thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t figure out where to put this thing so that it wouldn’t be easily lost, so he finally threw it into his money bag.

After successfully registering for school and arranging their dormitories, He Jianyong and Lao Li returned to Chashan Post.


A dormitory in the college can accommodate 4 people. Xiaopang and Su Hao were placed in the same dormitory, and there were two other roommates who had not yet appeared.

The number of girls was small, and the dormitory was arranged on the other side of the college. After Su Hao and the two packed up, they took He Qingqing to her dormitory and waited outside for her to pack her things.

At this time, Xiaopang turned to Su Hao and said, “Xiang Wu, what are we going to do next?”

Su Hao said inexplicably: “What are you doing?”

Little Fatty said with a tangled look on his face: “My father and the others have all gone back, and now there are only three of us, which is a bit…”

Su Hao realized that Xiaopang was scared.

It is human nature to feel hesitant when you leave the wings of your parents for the first time and face your own life alone.

Su Hao patted Xiaopang on the shoulder and said: “You don’t have to do anything, just wait for the arrangement of the college. Didn’t you get a note? Just follow what is written on it.”

Xiao Pang was still very uneasy and said: “But… I still feel a little empty. Xiang Wu, don’t you feel anything?”

Su Hao laughed and said: “How can I feel? Aren’t they all the same? Don’t worry, little fat, it’s your first time going to school, you’ll get used to it, you will like it here.”

Little Fatty nodded and stopped talking.

After a while, He Qingqing came out. Although He Qingqing hid it well, Su Hao still felt that He Qingqing was as uneasy and confused as Xiaopang.

I couldn’t help but shake my head and sigh: “He is indeed a child.”

“Let’s go!” Su Hao waved and left first.

“Where to go?” Xiaopang asked.

Su Hao raised the note in his hand and said calmly: “Take you around for a while to familiarize yourself with the location, otherwise I’m afraid you will get lost. Then go have dinner.”

Xiao Pang asked: “Xiang Wu, isn’t this your first time here too?”

Su Hao nodded and said: “ is my first time!”

Little Fatty had an expression of admiration, and He Qingqing also showed inexplicable envy in her eyes. She also wanted to be like Wu Xiangwu, calm, natural, and wise in situations, as if everything was under control.

“This is the cafeteria. I will come here to eat from now on… This is the martial arts training ground. Basic training is held here. I estimate that I will stay here for a long time in the future… and here is the bathhouse for bathing. Place… This building is a classroom, where cultural classes are held… This is where the teachers live, and they usually don’t come here if they have nothing to do…”

The eyes of Xiaopang and He Qingqing were full of little stars.

“Okay, that’s it. Do you remember it all?”

He Qingqing nodded, Xiaopang nodded first, then shook his head and said: “Xiang Wu, why should I remember it while you are here?”

Su Hao sneered and said: “Humph, you think of me as a nanny? Then you are overthinking.”

Little Fatty smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Su Hao looked around and saw that the sun had set, and said: “Let’s go! Let’s go have a meal.”

Little Fatty suddenly said: “Okay! Today is the first day, let me treat you to something delicious!”

After saying that, without waiting for Su Hao and He Qingqing to object, he immediately pulled the two of them towards the boys’ dormitory: “Let’s go back and get the money first.”

Su Hao frowned and said: “Little Fatty, from now on, valuables such as money should not be left in the dormitory. They must be carried with you.”

Little Fatty waved his hand and said: “Hi! It’s okay. Don’t worry, can you still run away on your own?”

After returning to the dormitory, Xiaopang rummaged for a while and suddenly shouted in panic: “Xiang Wu, come and help me look for it, I can’t find my money!”

“!!!” Su Hao suddenly had a bad feeling.

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