My Divine Diary Chapter 294: Uninvited guest

, update the latest chapter of my becoming a **** diary as soon as possible!

As long as you know what you want, if it is practical, you can always find a way to make it. The biggest fear is not having a goal.

Just like Su Hao wants to create the force fields of the main star and the secondary star, as long as he knows what the force fields of these two airspaces look like, then Su Hao can find a way to restore them using runes.

The force field that can generate pairs of ‘Twin Space Modules’ may only be one of the force fields of the main star and the sub-star, but no matter which one it is, as long as Su Hao creates all the force fields, He will definitely be able to get the pairs of ‘space modules’ he wants.

Su Hao’s ‘Force Field Generation’ rune is progressing very smoothly.

However, uninvited guests have already come to visit.

Su Hao stopped the experiment at hand and sensed that a large number of summoned beasts were surrounding the base from all directions.

It is still outside the range of five thousand meters. According to the speed, it will only take two minutes at most to reach the test base.

“It should be people from the Rebel Association. It seems they have discovered us!”

Su Hao opened the door and walked out of Yashan’s computer room without any haste.

This time the rebels came at the right time. Su Hao was thinking about how to capture some rebels and study what the balancer for humans across space is. Now the people from the Rebel Association took the initiative to step into his territory and personally delivered the experimental materials to his door, which made Su Hao feel very happy.

Su Hao has also studied the balance tissue in the body of the summoned beast. It is a tiny tissue in the shape of a water drop. Each small tissue stretches out eight tentacles, connecting the surrounding flesh and blood. It is like two small benches. Stacked together. It looks very strange.

This kind of balanced tissue is spread throughout the body of every summoned beast. It is this unique water droplet balance organization that allows summoned beasts to smoothly cross space without being distorted and destroyed.

This kind of organization reminds Su Hao of the ‘wind damper’, also known as the magic tool for stabilizing buildings. It is the key to preventing buildings made of reinforced concrete from being blown down by the wind.

Although the structures are different, Su Hao guessed that there should be some similarities in the principles.

Wind dampers protect the stability of the building by effectively reducing the power of resonance. It can be speculated that the balance organization in the summoned beast also uses a certain principle to weaken the pressure caused by space transmission, thereby stably crossing space.

The principle seems simple, but after all, this kind of balance tissue is unique to summoned beasts and cannot be transplanted into the human body for direct use. So how do the rebels achieve teleportation? Su Hao was very curious about this.

“Why wasn’t similar tissue found in the woman who was the rebel caught last time?”

This is something Su Hao cannot understand!

After finding Yashan, Su Hao said: “Yashan, we have been discovered here. It seems that they are people from the Resistance Association. They should have been tracked by something when they came back from arresting people last time. You first The things in the base are sunk into the ground and stored, and you can come back to pick them up later.”

Ashan responded: “Okay, Boss Wei!”

Then he wondered: “Why do we have to wait and come back to get it later? Can’t we just kill them all?”

Su Hao laughed and said: “What you said makes sense, but we should be careful. I’m worried that when we go out to fight, something will sneak in. A lot of information will not be destroyed in time, and it will be bad if it is discovered.”

Ashan’s ‘life detection’ also sensed the arrival of a large number of summoners and summoned beasts at this time, and he geared up and said: “I understand, Boss Wei. Leave the enemies in the east to me.”

After saying that, the diamond armor surged under his feet, sinking the entire base into the ground, and then followed Su Hao out of the base.

Black crystal armor gradually covered their bodies. After walking out of the door, they had transformed into two tall and powerful armored men.

The two jumped to the top of the mountain. Looking up, they could vaguely see a large number of summoned beasts surrounding them. There were at least fifty senior summoners, and there were at least 500 summoned beasts!

It’s like a small army attacking a mountain stronghold!

Being able to dispatch so many summoners was something neither Su Hao nor Yashan had ever thought about.

Su Hao turned to Yashan and said: “Yashan, be careful. Looking at this posture, I’m afraid there are some heavy weapons firing cold shots! There might be high-explosive bombs.”

Yashan’s brain, which had been a little heated by the surge of blood, suddenly woke up, accompanied by bursts of numbness. His mouth was numb and he said: “It’s such an exaggeration, so what!”

Su Hao gestured to the bunch of summoned beasts in front of him and said, “Look for yourself, they are all B-level summoned beasts. Your ‘Rebel Butcher’ seems to be quite successful.”

Ashan smiled proudly: “That’s right!”

Su Hao said: “Let’s go! Don’t put the battlefield here. The mountains and rivers are beautiful. It would be a pity to destroy them. Let’s go out of the scenic area and have a good fight with them.”

Yashan turned around and took a look. The river was clear and the mountain peaks were beautiful. It would be a pity to break it. Then he said confidently: “Don’t worry, Boss Wei. I’ll fight. Don’t worry!”

After that, the two of them moved towards the west and east to meet the summoned beasts.

The summoner’s fighting method is very special. The summoner himself needs to try his best to hide his whereabouts, control the summoned beast to attack the enemy, find the enemy’s summoner, and then kill him.

They put their own lives first. As for the summoned beasts, if they die, they will die. They can just summon them again. The secondary star beasts on the secondary star are inexhaustible…

So, that kind of trash-talking scene before a fight rarely happens in the world of summoners. Even TV would not dare to act like this.

The tradition of hiding behind and launching deadly attacks quickly and accurately has been ingrained in the blood of everyone in this world.

So, when they saw Su Hao approaching his summoned beast and the summoners hiding in the distance, no one jumped out to laugh at Su Hao or draw hatred first.

Instead, they all controlled the summoned beasts to turn around and attack Su Hao!

Just as Su Hao wanted, just cut it off.

And Su Hao’s summoned beasts…

Does Su Hao need to summon a beast?

No need! Summoned beasts can also distract him from combat.

His purpose of becoming a summoner is only to explore the secrets of space teleportation, not to rely on summoned beasts to obtain power.

Nowadays we are not playing a summoned monster battle game.

Whenever he summons, his sword can chop down several summoned beasts! Su Hao condensed two long knives into his left and right hands.

‘Sharp’, ‘Penetrating’ and ‘Hard’!

Three runes are activated instantly.

Su Hao swung two long knives in the air and made two daggers, adapting to the swing of the knives.

Soon, he regained the feeling of a warrior wielding a sword and ‘killing one person in ten steps’.

Su Hao’s steps became brisk, like a butterfly that danced unexpectedly, never knowing where he would fly next.


‘Seismic wave’!


‘Acid spray’!




For a moment the summoned beasts activated their skills one after another and attacked Su Hao overwhelmingly.

Obviously after the last battle with Yashan, they all know that the combat effectiveness of this black crystal armored man is very terrifying, and they must show twelve points of strength, otherwise they may still lose!

However, they are still too naive. It is not that they may lose, but they will definitely lose!

Because they didn’t know that the person they faced was no longer the black crystal armored person they met before!

Faced with the overwhelming attacks, Su Hao remained calm and kept walking!

The sword in his right hand ignited a hurricane fire tornado, rising diagonally upward.

‘Fire Dragon-Horizontal Slash’!

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