My Divine Diary Chapter 285: Parasite

, update the latest chapter of my becoming a **** diary as soon as possible!

After more than a month of adjustment, [Shijun] Big Moth has been trained by Su Hao to its peak state.

After he was far away from the base, he soared into the air. His steel armor rapidly proliferated to cover his whole body. Two wings spread out behind him. His feet suddenly erupted and he flew into the sky.

Expand the map, pick a city at random, change direction, and fly away as fast as possible.

As long as it is a city of a certain size, the custody office will have a special “Summoned Beast custody center”.

Su Hao didn’t want to reveal his location, so he chose a city at random.

In just two hours, Su Hao arrived at Huangya City, landed outside the city, stopped a car on the roadside, took the car into the city, and went straight to the ‘Summoned Beast Management Center’.

Su Hao showed Bai Jingzhong’s ID card and advanced summoner badge.

The registrar lady was obviously stunned for a moment when she saw the three words “Bai Jingzhong”. Then she looked at Su Hao seriously. Her eyes soon widened, she covered her mouth and said in surprise: “You…you were last year?” Summoner Tournament Champion Bai Jingzhong?”

Su Hao smiled and nodded.

The young lady immediately screamed: “Oh my god! I saw Bai Jingzhong in person! My idol, you actually came to our Huangya City!”

Then he lowered his head and groped around, and unexpectedly took out a photo of Su Hao. It was the scene where Su Hao was making a speech when he summoned Ashan.

Then he handed over a pen and said expectantly: “Bai Jingzhong, sign your name for me!”

The corner of Su Hao’s mouth twitched, he took it and signed the name ‘Bai Jingzhong’, and then said: “I’m in a hurry, please hurry up!”

The young lady patted her chest and promised: “Don’t worry, I will arrange for you to jump in line immediately!”

That’s it. It usually takes at least an hour to go through the procedure, but now it only takes 30 minutes for Su Hao to complete it. The price is that Su Hao signed a name for each of the ladies in this ‘escrow center’ . Later, he asked for a group photo, but Su Hao refused directly.

With such a handsome and unique face, anyone can take a photo with him?

When Su Hao left, the ladies all walked out of the reception hall and watched Su Hao leave with a look of reluctance on their faces.

When Su Hao sent [Shijun] to the secret base of the custody house, the secret base of the custody house immediately took action and quickly arranged various tests for [Shijun].

Facing this obviously higher-level moth, the agency showed great interest.

In fact, they made such a performance after making significant discoveries about Su Hao’s other summoned beasts.

They discovered that these special summoned beasts by Su Hao had very huge body energy, much stronger than the secondary star beasts. This discovery surprised the researchers at the time.

This seems to violate the basic theorem of parastar beasts. This unscientific!

It is common knowledge for everyone that the energy in the bodies of parastar beasts is directly proportional to their size.

This is probably related to the environment of the secondary star. The larger the secondary star beast is, the greater the energy it possesses.

But Su Hao’s summoned beast is not like this. It is small in size, but it also has huge life energy.

This kind of life energy attracted their attention. In their speculation, the extremely powerful abilities of these summoned beasts must be closely related to the huge energy in their bodies.

What is the mechanism of this huge energy? Can humans master this energy?

This aroused the curiosity of researchers and senior management of the agency.

First of all, they unanimously came to the conclusion that human beings can possess huge energy. Bai Jingzhong and Bai Jingyi are living examples.

Secondly, the secret for humans to master this huge energy must lie in Bai Jingzhong and Bai Jingyi.

Finally, in addition to this kind of life energy, Bai Jingzhong and Bai Jingyi must also have supernatural powers, such as the fire dragon lightning shown in the finals.

The fire breath is easy to understand, but what about the lightning? Electric eel?

All the doubts are on those two little boys.

Then the question is, what is hidden behind these two weird little boys?

Everyone in the custody agency knows that no matter what is hidden, the other party will definitely not hand it over obediently.

However, with the usual prudence of their agency, they will not easily turn against Bai Jingzhong before they find out the details about him.

So they set their sights on these summoned beasts! They firmly believe that with their skills and secrets, they will be able to find corresponding clues from these summoned beasts.


Su Hao, who was far away in Yongxin Base, suddenly opened his eyes, a flash of joy flashing in his eyes.

Researchers at the agency have begun experiments on the [Shijun] giant moth!

As for who carried out the experiment on [Shi Jun], Su Hao didn’t care. He would first talk about parasitism.

Su Hao turned into the pinball space and observed the environment of [Shijun] the big moth through the small black room,

This is a large laboratory surrounded by metal. The big moth is kept alone in a square room of about 60 square meters, separated by thick glass. On the other side of the glass, three researchers are looking at The instrument records something while turning various buttons.

At this time, the big moth was too far away from Su Hao, and Su Hao could not control his consciousness. However, Su Hao had already prepared and sent the programmed signal directly into the big moth’s mind through the small black room. The big moth was stimulated and took action immediately.

‘Body Parasitism’ is activated.

Large strands of cells invisible to the naked eye combined into many parasitic units, which began to erupt outwards, and after a while filled the entire compartment where the big moth was located.

The unusual movement of the big moth was sensed by the keen machine and attracted the attention of the researcher.

One of the researchers wearing glasses asked curiously: “Why did the G-2 summoned beast suddenly secrete special gas?”

These parasitic units, in their machine display, are gases composed of a large number of cells. They have not yet realized the special features of these cells.

Another researcher said: “I just released some summoned beast stimulants into it, so it shouldn’t cause that much noise.”

The three researchers walked to the glass together and observed the big moth. The researcher wearing glasses said: “It seems that it was just a little irritated. It should be fine.”

The researcher with big eyes smiled and said: “If our biological team makes a breakthrough in studying these special summoned beasts, it will definitely beat the space team.”

The researcher wearing glasses also smiled and said: “That’s right, the arrogant look of their group is the worst thing to see. Okay, let’s continue working! It seems that we need to collect data a few more times. The previous data may not be too good. Great value.”

While the three researchers were chatting, a large number of parasitic units came one after another, eroding a small hole in the thick glass partition. Then a large number of parasitic units rushed out of the hole and attached themselves one after another. on three researchers.

But they didn’t realize it at all.

Su Hao smiled and said: “First step, success! Just wait for those parasitic cells to slowly transform and spread. In three years at most, the entire hosting office will become my territory.”

Su Hao did not let the cells of the [First King] moth continue to spread. Instead, after successfully parasitizing it, it shrank back and gradually returned to calm.

Because if the number of parasitic units is not it will be difficult for the machine to detect that the moth cells have spread outside, but it is difficult to tell when it reaches a certain concentration.

“Don’t be anxious, take your time!”

Su Hao can afford to wait for this little time!

The plan has reached this stage, and Su Hao has a strong feeling that he is not far away from completely controlling this place!

After observing for a moment, Su Hao exited the pinball space and let out a long breath.

After dinner, Yashan tidied up and said: “Boss Wei, my ‘life detection’ has almost been trained. I want to start taking action tonight to crack down on human traffickers.”

Su Hao was very supportive, but still asked: “Are you ready?”

Ashan said: “Boss Wei, everything is ready!”

Su Hao encouraged: “Then go ahead! Everything is difficult at the beginning. Once you take the first step, you will find that it is nothing more than that.”

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