My Divine Diary Chapter 179: Thunder Realm

, update the latest chapter of my becoming a **** diary as soon as possible!

Su Hao looked at the faint shadows of claws all around him, and immediately opened up all his defenses. His black crystal armor was enlarged and thickened, just in case.

This move should be [Mingzi]’s skill similar to ‘flesh and blood assimilation’, which can introduce cells and blood into the air, making the air have special properties and be controlled.


Su Hao slashed with his long knife, breaking most of the claws, but a small part of them were scratched on the armor. The ‘secondary barrier’ was instantly broken, leaving many deep marks on the black crystal armor. scratches.

Su Hao instantly broke through the range of the claw shadow and stayed away from this space.

“There’s something wrong with his claws. Why can he tear through my barrier easily?” Su Hao glanced at [Ming Zi] who was chasing him. He silently prepared the large ‘Fire Dragon’ rune, hoping to take advantage of it. Don’t be prepared, burn the other person’s long, smooth hair first.

At the same time, the ‘air transformation’ was activated, generating a large amount of ‘black sand’ that filled almost the entire sky.

Can’t the opponent assimilate air to generate claws?

He can too!

As the entire sky was occupied by black sand, [Mingzi] who was chasing behind Su Hao also noticed something unusual. At the moment of hesitation, Su Hao turned back.

‘Level 2-Fire Dragon’!


A huge fire dragon more than a hundred meters long spurted out, swaying in the air, and instantly swallowed [Akiko] who didn’t react hastily.


With a scream, [Mingzi]’s fiery figure suddenly jumped out of the distance. After getting out of the range of the fire dragon, he tossed in mid-air and extinguished the flames on his body.

By the time he put out the flames, it was already too late. All the long hair on his body had been burned away by Su Hao, revealing [Ming Zi]’s true appearance, with black smoke still rising from his body.

“Winged snake?”

Su Hao’s eyes widened and he quickly changed his words: “Pterodactyl?”

However, they are not the same, they just have the same shape. [Akiko]’s body is like a slender snake, with a wing membrane connecting its hands and feet. The hands are long and the feet are short, and there is a long tail, like a ray.

If Su Hao hadn’t burned off the opponent’s hair, no one would have known that [Mingzi] would be like this.

How is it comparable to my handsome black crystal armor?

[Mingzi] saw her ugly appearance exposed in front of others, and immediately became angry and flew away into the distance.

While flying, he transformed back into his original human form. After a while, he transformed into [Akiko] again, and his long black hair had returned to its original form.

Seeing that the opponent was about to run away, Su Hao immediately chased after him and said with a smile: “This sky is my domain!”

Then the black sand that filled the air began to gather, forming one black ring pattern after another, spreading across the entire sky, which was Su Hao’s rune array.

This is the thunder field that he specially uses to deal with fast and slippery enemies.

The ‘Thunder Domain’ is spread over a two-kilometer radius in the sky. No matter how fast [Mingzi] is, she cannot escape instantly.

The blood is huge and so willful.

‘Thunder Domain’ is activated!

Su Hao almost shouted “Roar! Thunder!” to increase his momentum.

The runes near [Mingzi] are activated immediately.


At first there was a crack of lightning, and then the sounds merged into one, and their momentum gradually became louder and louder.

It was also this roaring sound that made people in Huiyang City below look up to the sky.

For a moment, everyone saw the thunder net in the sky and the two black spots in the battle.

“It’s [Akiko]!”

“Who is the other person?”

“I don’t know, I can’t see clearly…”

Soon, everyone knew that there were two powerful strangers fighting in the sky.

Have they ever seen such a fierce and dazzling battle?

One by one, they dropped their hands, found a good position, raised their heads and watched with relish, as if they were watching a sudden movie.

And above the sky.

A large number of arcs flashed out and connected into a power grid, covering [Mingzi].

[Mingzi] was suddenly struck so hard that she couldn’t make a sound, her whole body twitched, and she fell downwards.

Su Hao immediately raised his knife and pounced on him, while [Mingzi] could only watch as Su Hao pounced on him fiercely, but there was nothing he could do.

Because even though he was falling, the lightning around him was still hitting him one after another, making his whole body paralyzed and unable to control his movements.

‘Fire Dragon’!

A fire dragon swept past, burning all the opponent’s hair clean, revealing his slender body.

And [Mingzi] couldn’t even scream.

When [Mingzi]’s body was exposed, Su Hao raised the long knife and aimed it at her body.



[Mingzi] was stabbed through by Su Hao.

‘Hook and Thorn’!

In an instant, the long knife pierced into [Mingzi]’s body erupted with dense barbs and spikes, and penetrated from the body, with a little blood on the barbs.

Then some of the spikes continued to extend, changed shapes, and wrapped around [Akiko]’s body, locking him tightly and almost turning him into a mummy.

Su Hao looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, nodded and said: “I can’t run away now.”

Su Hao canceled the Thunder Domain, turned around and flew away from the sky above Huiyang City with [Ming Zi].


After Su Hao led his people to retreat, the bottom of Huiyang City suddenly started boiling, and everyone’s eyes were full of excitement.

“Why don’t you fight? Didn’t you fight well just now? It looks good!”

“It’s thunder and fire again, it’s so exciting!”

“Didn’t you see? One of them has been defeated!”

“Failed? Didn’t see it!”

“You must be blind, that lanky alien was defeated and was caught and taken away!”

“Who is that lanky stranger? It can’t be [Akiko]!”

As soon as this guess came out, everyone around them took a breath and became eerily quiet. Everyone saw the incredulity in each other’s eyes.

Everyone has one thought in their mind: “[Akiko] has been arrested, something serious is going to happen!”

Su Hao carried [Mingzi] to a rocky place, threw the tightly tied [Mingzi] aside, and then said: “Let me ask you an answer, cooperate well, behave well, consider letting go You’re in a hurry.”

Mingzi was in good mental condition. Even though she was punctured with holes, it was still not fatal. However, she could not move now and was at the mercy of Su Hao.

I don’t think [Mingzi], who is a dignified seventh-level stranger and is known to both heaven and earth, has ever been treated like this. He just snorted coldly and didn’t reply.

I met another person with a harsh mouth, but Su Hao didn’t care. He gave the other person a chance and it didn’t matter whether he said it or not. If he didn’t say it, someone would.

Furthermore, Su Hao never had a good impression of people who would take action without saying anything when encountering something. Facing such people, he also liked to use his hands rather than his words.

If you meet someone who is a bit polite, Su Hao will have a good impression, so you can consider speaking first and then taking action.

However, the results will probably not change, just the order will be different.

Su Hao said lightly: “You are the seventh-level alien [Mingzi] of the [Night Walker] sequence, right? So the first question is, who are the other three seventh-level aliens?”

[Mingzi] closed her eyes and did not reply.

At this level, his heart has already been as solid as iron, and he understands that the man in black crystal armor in front of him today will never let him go back no matter what, so why bother talking? Being able to make the opponent uncomfortable at the last moment is his staged victory.

He just regretted that he was a little reckless today. He fought with the opponent recklessly without understanding the opponent’s abilities. It was really irrational. Since he failed, let’s stop here. After all, he has reached the peak, not in this life. No regrets.

After all these years of living comfortably, I have lost my awe of the world and my heart to continue to grow stronger…

[Mingzi] sighed in his heart. But he didn’t understand that if he had a better attitude, Su Hao could still let him go!

But his hard heart did not allow him to put his hope of survival above the kindness of his enemies. He relied on himself for everything, and he had always done so.

Su Hao stretched out his hand to generate a long knife and took two steps forward.

Since the other party won’t say anything, let’s not waste each other’s time.

At this moment, a shadowy figure with sharp claws appeared behind him and grabbed Su Hao.

Death struggle.

The sword flashed.


[Mingzi]’s head flew away.


When vital organs are injured, it is useless no matter how much blood you have. Not everyone has the abnormal self-healing ability of [Earth Lord].

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