Mutated Tao: Extra: Qingwanglai.

Qing Wanglai slowly opened his eyes, looked at the sun outside the window and waited for the alarm clock to ring at seven o’clock.

Looking down, he looked at his residence. It was a small villa, more than 300 square meters, and the whole was simply decorated. The color is white.

This place is indeed a bit small, but it is enough for one person to live in. He is used to being alone and feels comfortable being alone, and he has no intention of breaking out of his comfort zone.

The moment the alarm clock rang, he suddenly sat up from the bed and began to wash and dress.

Go out on time at 7:20, drive for 30 minutes, buy a pancake and fruit on the way, and arrive at Baita Prison at exactly 8:00.

The work here is naturally not as hectic as the general surgery and obstetrics and gynecology in the compound, but it is not that easy.

Qingwang came to make a cup of tea, and just as he was preparing to make pancakes and fruits, someone came to the door. It was a tall bearded man. “Dr. Qing, our distinguished guest has arrived. Come and have a look.”


“As for the old man who was on the hot search list before, we are lucky enough to get our share.” Qian Fu said. “Oh?” Thinking of the news he had seen before, Qing Wanglai suddenly became interested, “Let’s go and have a look.”

Soon the two of them saw Li Huowang in the intensive care unit. ??

“Doctor Qing, this is the medical record of patient No. 13. Please take a look at it. It came from Anding Hospital.” Qing Wanglai took the medical record and opened it to read. “Is it him?”

Although real names will not be broadcast in the news, psychiatrists also have a circle, and everyone will know if there is any trouble.

“Well, it’s that Li Huowang, the first in the hot search list, the crazy guy wielding a knife to save his girlfriend.”

After quickly browsing the medical records, Qing Wanglai looked at the boy wearing a straitjacket and shouting in despair through a single-sided glass, and listened carefully to his crazy words.

“No,” Qing Wanglai put the medical records together, and the words that came out of his mouth startled the colleagues next to him. “He didn’t go to save his girlfriend, he went to kill her. This guy is too sick.”

“What?! How is it possible? That’s his girlfriend, such a beautiful girl.” Doctor Qian on the side was full of surprise.

“Yeah, I’m thinking about this too, how is it possible? What’s his motive?” Qing Wanglai pondered. “Are we doing a criminal investigation? He is mentally ill in bed 13. Isn’t this motive big enough?”

Qing Wanglai glanced at the other party with some dissatisfaction, “Dr. Qian, what you said is unprofessional. Who said that mentally ill people don’t need a reason to kill? Every mentally ill person has his reasons for killing. It’s just that This reason is only reasonable to him.”

“Hey” Qian Fu sighed and brushed his beard with his hand. “All kinds of monsters and ghosts are coming to us.”

“Stop complaining, let’s figure out a treatment plan. I’ve taken all kinds of conventional medicine in the last hospital, but the effect is not very good.” Qing Wanglai started to flip through the pages quickly.

“Why treat him? To put it bluntly, our White Tower is here to keep the truth secret. If we lock him up and don’t let him escape, then the mission is completed.”

Qing Wang glanced at Qian Fu next to him and said, “Senior brother, you still have to have some ideals in life. Do you really plan to stay in this prison until retirement?”

“What do you want to do? Cure him? Papers are published and professional titles are promoted?”

“No matter whether it can be done or not, we have to see it first.” Qingwang said, walking towards the iron gate on the side.

Qian Fu followed quickly. “Then you have to be careful. This guy is evil. I heard that his last doctor was driven to mental illness by him.”

Qing Wanglai did not alert the snake, but secretly listened outside while waiting for other doctors to observe the condition. The leaders took such a scourge seriously and asked doctors to conduct a consultation on the same day, so Qingwang came naturally.

He did not express any opinions during the consultation, but listened to other doctors’ ideas as much as possible.

The final treatment plan was not too extreme. Simply put, it was mainly conservative treatment.

Qing Wanglai can naturally understand. After all, the other party is now a hot potato, making it difficult for anyone to sleep or eat.

“This kid has a very high psychological defense, and he has been treated by doctors many times, and ordinary treatment methods are no longer effective.”

“In the last hospital, I took all kinds of medicines, and I’m afraid they are all drug-resistant.” Qian Fu leaned half of his body on the pancake fruit and said while eating.

“Well. It’s really difficult.”

Qing Wanglai nodded with his arms crossed. He thought seriously for a while and then said again: “But after watching all his surveillance videos, I

I feel that this situation is not completely impossible. ”

“How to say?”

“We find someone to be the attending doctor and pretend to treat him on the surface, and then we secretly act as the projection of his imaginary person, secretly carrying out treatment when his vigilance is at a minimum.”

“Other patients may not be able to do it, but he may be able to give it a try. His hypothesis is very, very perfect.”

“Us? Why is it me again? You want me to play the role of a psychopath again, right?” Qian Fu’s face instantly drooped.

“What is acting? You obviously are. Look how well this dress fits you.” Qing Wanglai reached out and patted Qian Fu’s blue and white-striped shoulder.

“Don’t be afraid, if the blame comes from above, I will resist it all.”

“Okay, as long as you say this, I’ll help you find a few more actors.” Qian Fu immediately took out the phone and started calling people.

“But now I have one concern: Will doing this really make the condition of bed 13 worse?” “No, he is like this now, how can it get worse?”

“Let’s ask the ward director.”

“Okay.” After saying that, the two of them walked towards the ward director’s office. When I arrived at the place, I found that the door was open and the bald director was chatting with others.

“Director, I want to discuss something with you.” Then Qingwang came and explained his plan in a concise and concise manner. The director took out a pack of Liqun from his pocket, took out a stick from it, lit it, took a sip and said, “Oh, okay, give it a try.”

“Then please sign it.” Qingwang said and handed over the pen and paper in his hand. The other party didn’t move.

“I’m a very open-minded person, and I can treat you as you like, but I won’t sign this word. If you really get results, it will be yours alone. As your leader, I will never sign it.” Share the credit.”

Hearing this, Qing Wanglai was slightly startled. He heard the subtext. Not dividing the credit also meant that if something really happened, it was all done by him in private and had nothing to do with the other party.

But Qing Wanglai smiled nonchalantly, picked up the paper and walked out the door. He was different from this kind of person. After coming out of the office, the two began to take action.

“But Kiyoko, I can play a mentally ill person, but who will be the doctor? I’m afraid other people won’t follow you around.”

“There are no doctors, and no patients yet?” Qing Wanglai pushed the middle beam of the frame and pointed to the ventilation area, where Yi Donglai was treating the patient seriously.

“Oh, you are awesome, you are really awesome, the doctor plays the patient, and the patient plays the doctor.”

“It’s not possible to treat illnesses and save people without any spirit of exploration.” Qing Wanglai walked towards Yi Donglai.

“Doctor Yi, there is a new patient in the hospital. I would like you to help me with the treatment.” Qing Wanglai enthusiastically invited Yi Donglai.

“Don’t you have your followers?” Yi Donglai said, crossing his legs.

“What are you talking about?” Qian Fu retorted, “He and I are from the same university, what’s wrong with getting closer?” “Besides him, you don’t know other doctors, why are you looking for me?” Yi Donglai said A calm look. “Hey, just tell me whether you can help or not. Why are you talking so much?”

“Help, if it’s Li Huowang, then I must help.” Yi Donglai stood up.

“Very good, let’s talk as we walk. Li Huowang is not always in a state of imagination. There are stages. This time the treatment plan is like this””

Everything was ready, Yi Donglai, dressed in a white coat, walked to Li Huowang’s room.

Just when the other party opened his eyes, Yi Donglai smiled lightly and said, “Hello, Li Huowang, let me get to know you. I am your attending doctor, Yi Donglai.”

Qian Fu outside the door gave Qing Wanglai a silent thumbs up. “Look at this proficiency, this opening is so crazy.”

“Shh, be serious. Write down the content of his imagination. We will use it later.”

“Then remember it. I won’t remember it anyway. If I just make it up, I’m mentally ill. Why should his world view be higher than mine?”

Qing Wanglai thought for a while and nodded. “That’s okay. There will be fewer loopholes in negotiations this way.” “In other words, when will I enter the venue?”

“Shh, let’s just follow Dr. Yi’s rhythm.” The two of them continued to listen to the content.

When Li Huowang was trapped in his imagination, the three of them communicated about their illness together and analyzed each other’s mental state.

At the beginning, the effect was not good. Li Huowang was very wary and repelled by all this. But gradually, some new changes appeared in the situation, and he gradually became a little doubtful.

Although there were some twists and turns along the way, just a few months later, when they saw Li Huowang standing on the slide and taking out the dice from the lampshade, everyone immediately gathered around him and applauded happily.

Seeing a smile on Qing Wanglai’s face, Qian Fu, who was applauding from the side, nudged him with his elbow. “Don’t tell me, this course of treatment is still effective.”

“The next is the second course of treatment. It’s your turn. The projection under the Qingqiu, the controller of death.” “Tsk, tsk, tsk, can you stop talking like that? It’s too silly. I’m going to change clothes. .”

After saying that, Qian Fu left and walked towards the intensive care unit. “If I appear, then Chen Hongyu and the others will also appear. Please inform them.”

“I called a long time ago.”

Originally, the treatment process was as normal, but the situation changed.

“What’s going on? Why was he suddenly transferred to another hospital? The patient hasn’t recovered yet!” Qing Wanglai came to the director’s office very dissatisfied. ??

Seeing that everything was going well, the superiors actually asked Li Huowang to be transferred to another hospital.

“Isn’t his condition stable? Hasn’t he already been sorted out? If he doesn’t send him away quickly, what if he is smashed into our hands?” The director spread his hands.

“But that’s just an illusion! Our goal is to cure Li Huowang, not to completely trap him in hallucinations! Besides, his family will not agree.”

“Hey~” The other party sighed deeply, then took out another cigarette and started smoking. “Dr. Qing, you also know that I am not the boss. The person in charge of our affairs is Xie Qiuquan. He is the warden. Don’t forget that ours is not the Baita Hospital after all, but the Baita Ward.”

Qing Wanglai clenched his fists hard. “Li Huowang is a high-risk patient now. Don’t forget that he has killed someone before! If you transfer him to a private hospital now, what if he kills a few more people?”

The director’s body leaned back, and his bulging belly made the chair creak. “Then at least the responsibility will not be on us then. As long as he stays in our White Tower for one day, the warden and I will be worried.”

“Dr. Qing, I know you are capable and very motivated, but I am 52 years old and will retire in a few years, so don’t embarrass me, an old comrade.”

The livid-faced Qing Wanglai stood up suddenly, walked outside, and slammed the door hard. As soon as they came out, Yi Donglai and Qian Fu immediately gathered around and asked, “How do you say it?”

“It’s no longer possible. The director is determined to send Li Huowang away.” “What should we do?” Yi Donglai’s face was full of anxiety.

“What else can we do? Can a living person suffocate to death? Since he is out, let’s follow him out for treatment.” “But I still have life in hand, and I can’t spare any time to get out for the time being.”

After hearing what Yi Donglai said, Qing Wanglai smiled slightly. “It’s okay, you are busy with your business. It’s my turn to appear now.”

In the university cafeteria, Qingwang moved his legs back and forth, trying to strike a suitable posture. When he heard the sound of dense footsteps approaching, Qing Wanglai looked in the direction of the sound.

He put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands and walked towards the other party. “Long time no see, how are you doing?”

Although I am Li Huowang’s attending physician and have been observing each other for several months, to be precise, today is the first time they have met.

“Hello, Qingwang, come and introduce yourself, I am Li Huowang.”

“Xiaoqing, it’s not that bad, it’s really not that good! I’m locked up by others again, I’ll give it to you.

When Qian Fu started to answer the call, the second course of treatment officially began.

With Qing Wanglai personally joining in, the somewhat out-of-control situation was stabilized. Not only was treatment very convenient, but some medicine could be secretly put into his meals.

At the end of the treatment, you can even use the trust between the other person and yourself to make him take the medicine willingly. This is much easier than forcing him to take the medicine.

When I was in the hospital, if I wanted him to take medicine, I couldn’t even think about it if there were less than four strong men.

Li Huowang’s situation was gradually getting better, and everything seemed to be getting better. However, at this time, something unexpected happened again.

“What’s going on? What’s going on?”

A **** plucked eyeball is placed in front of everyone. Everyone’s face looks ugly. As a doctor, his patients are in his own hands

Forcibly pulling down his eyes, what does this mean?

“Whose responsibility does this medical accident belong to? How about we draw lots?” Chen Hongyu said.

“There is no time to worry about this! This is a necessary price! We must cure Li Huowang! It’s easy to say anything after curing him! If we really fail, I will bear all the responsibilities!”

As Qing Wang spoke, he turned to look at Zhao Shuangdian. “Call Li Huowang and see how the patient is doing now.”

Zhao Shuang nodded and made a call directly. After she put down her hand, her face became a little weird.

“What did Li Huowang say?” Qingwang came and asked.

Zhao Shuangdian’s expression was a little strange. “He told me it was topology.”

After hearing this, Qing Wanglai breathed a sigh of relief, “Fortunately, the situation is still under control. Let’s all take action. Let’s keep up the good work.”

Qingwanglai’s treatment is still going on. As the treatment progresses, everyone becomes more cautious. People like Qian Fu who have been offline are also not idle, working hard in invisible places, renting houses and cars.

After going round and round, finally, with the efforts of everyone, Li Huowang returned to the ward in the White Tower Ward. Seeing the restrained Li Huowang struggling continuously, Qing Wanglai, who was sweating on his forehead, leaned against his ear and kept repeating. “Li Huowang, wake up quickly, Li Huowang, wake up quickly, everything you have experienced is fake!”

“It’s all fake!!”

Suddenly, Li Huowang’s eyes suddenly opened. The dazzling sunlight shot out from behind the blown white curtains, and the harsh tinnitus sounded in the ears of Li Huowang, who was wearing a hospital gown.

“I feel like something is starting to overlap on both sides.” Li Huowang looked at his bony hands in confusion.

Hearing this, Qing Wanglai took a long breath.

“Well, this is a normal phenomenon. It means that my method is effective. Remember to take medicine on time in the future. It will heal faster with cooperation.”

The door to the ward was suddenly pushed open, and a large group of doctors rushed in, pointing at Li Huowang in amazement.

Sun Xiaoqin squeezed them away, and tears of joy fell on Li Huowang.

Seeing this scene, Qing Wanglai finally let go of the burden he had carried over the past few months and breathed a long sigh of relief.

When the applause slowly died down, Qing Wang came over, reached out and patted Li Huowang on the shoulder,

“Xiao Li, let’s go. I’ll make a note for you. You can move from the intensive care unit to the mild care ward. You can be more free at ordinary times.”

“After I’m discharged from the hospital, I’ll go back and study hard and try to get into a good university.”

Li Huowang is happy, and Qingwang is happy too. He can write as many papers as he wants. “Dr. Qing, can I ask you a favor?”

“Your girlfriend?” Qing Wanglai, who was very knowledgeable, handed over a cup of tea. “Well, I want to see her.”

“Call your mother first and tell her that you are cured, and then I will take you there.”

Li Huowang’s little girlfriend is sick, and Qing Wanglai knows it. After all, with such a boyfriend, it is difficult not to be sick.

But this is not a big problem. After all, Li Huowang has been cured, and the other party’s illness is not a problem. Over a period of time, Qing Wanglai spent some effort and used medicine to stabilize the other party’s condition.

Sitting in his new and spacious office, Qing Wanglai picked up tea and looked at the banners on the wall while drinking.

“Medical technician Desai Hua Tuo, his heart is as hot as fire and he is like a family member, a gift from Li Huowang and Bai Lingmiao”

Looking at the banner, Qing Wanglai felt a sense of pride in his heart. His choice to take the medical examination was indeed the right one. Although I have money, no matter how much money I have, I can’t buy this kind of satisfaction. I still have to pursue something in life.

At this moment, a pleasant cell phone ringtone rang from the drawer. Qing Wanglai walked over, picked up the phone, looked at it, and flicked it. “Hello? Sister Sun, what’s wrong? Is Huo Wang’s condition recurring?”

“No, I’m not from here. Yes, I was born in 1989 and bought a house here. How many square meters? Not big. Sister Sun, why do you ask this?”

“No, no, no, thank you, thank you, but I really don’t need your introduction for now. I don’t go on a blind date. I know she has good conditions. That’s not what I meant.”

After a good meal, Qing Wanglai sat down on the armchair again. He opened the drawer and threw his cell phone in.

Slowly taking a sip of tea, Qing Wanglai looked at the red invitation in the drawer and smiled knowingly.

“Haha, this eldest sister is really interesting. My son no longer has to press for marriage, but has started to press for others.”

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