Mutated Tao Chapter 784: motorcycle

Chapter 784 Motorcycle

Looking at Yang Na who looked like an angry lioness in front of her, Qing Wang came to Yang Na for a while, then calmly explained to Yang Na: “Since it is for him to wear, then this clothes must be bulletproof, don’t worry, I have a sense of proportion, and I won’t hurt your little boyfriend.”

Then he raised the helmet in his hand towards Li Huowang who got up from the top, “There is also this thing, which is also bulletproof and can protect your head.”

“More importantly, unlike guns, which are easy to cause trouble, wearing body armor is completely legal, and it is sold on Taobao. You will have a lot less trouble with these things than guns.”

“If someone asks you what these things are, you can also say that you can deal with them directly with motorcycle helmets and riding protective clothing.”

“Really? Then I want to try!” Li Huowang stretched out his hand and pulled Yang Na behind him, took the helmet from Qing Wanglai’s hand, and put it on his head directly.

“Why is this thing still attached to the shoulder? I put it on, and I can’t even turn my head. I can only look at the front.”

“Of course the helmet should be attached to the shoulder. Think about it, if the bullet hits your head and your helmet is not attached to the shoulder, the impact force of the bullet is enough to break your spine several times.”

“So that’s what happened, I’ve gained a lot of knowledge.” After putting on this suit, Li Huowang jumped vigorously, and said to Qingwang in great surprise: “Awesome, Qingzi, this thing is amazing Ah, come on, come on, a few more shots, I feel it.”

The gunfire rang out again, and this time Li Huowang was mentally prepared, and did not fall down after shaking a few times.

He took out his saber and began to fight against the imaginary people in mid-air, trying to find the feeling of attacking while wearing this clothes.

At this moment, Wu Qi, who was pulling Yang Na to hide beside the bed, looked at Li Huowang who was in the hail of bullets, frowned and said, “Before, I could take apart a truck with a knife. Now, Li Huowang might be able to take down an airplane.”

“It’s more than that,” Qian Fu said, “This guy is still mentally ill. He doesn’t break the law when he kills people. He is invincible. He can do whatever he wants.”

Yang Na on the side, when she heard this, her face became even uglier.

Besides, Zhao Lei, who had never had a sense of presence, snorted coldly, just sitting there playing with the black fidget spinner in his hand.

“Here, take it.” Li Huowang reached out to catch the two keys and a small black leather notebook thrown in the air.

Opening the small book, I found that there was a motorcycle driver’s license written on it, and there were pictures I didn’t know when I took it.

“What is this?”

At this moment, Qing Wanglai opened the door of the RV, and a brand new black heavy motorcycle appeared in front of Li Huowang.

“With a riding helmet and riding protective clothing, how can there be no motorcycles? Doesn’t it seem strange to walk on the road wearing a cycling clothing, but as long as you ride this thing, you can go anywhere, even the traffic police I won’t stop you.”

“I’ll go! Did you get this thing? It’s expensive. Qingzi, this thing is expensive.”

Li Huowang got down from the RV, and surrounded the thing, like a little boy seeing a new toy, constantly looking and groping.

“It’s not expensive, it’s just some projections, as long as it can help us, these are irrelevant.”

The whole car is streamlined, and the side shape looks very sporty. In addition to the obvious muscular feeling, a large number of steel pipes are also designed to make this motorcycle look tougher.

The whole is full of mechanical beauty, and on this mechanical beast, Li Huowang saw a small hp4 logo.

He doesn’t know much about this aspect, and he doesn’t know what it means.

“Can a mentally ill person take a driver’s license test?” Wu Qi walked up to Qing Wanglai and asked.

“Yes, as long as it can prove that the illness is cured.” Qing Wanglai replied, touching his face lightly with his hands.

“Hmph, recovered from the illness? Enough.”

Qing Wanglai laughed dumbfounded and then walked towards Li Huowang, “Li Huowang, do you know how to drive a motorcycle? I can teach you this.”

“Stop looking down on people, I can drive a battery car.”

Under the patient teaching of Qing Wanglai, Li Huowang was finally able to barely go on the road after studying for a long time. Li Huowang was excited to drive the car between the unfinished buildings, enjoying the feeling of speeding like lightning.

“If you dare to drive it for him, you won’t be afraid to hit the wall directly.” Chen Hongyu looked at Li Huowang on the motorcycle and said.

“It’s okay, I told him that the speed will never exceed 50 yards, as long as it stays within 50 yards, it is no different from a battery car, even some battery cars are faster than him, and it is very safe. The car is only used to camouflage the body armor on him.”

After turning around for a while, Li Huowang, who had gotten used to the new vehicle, slowly stopped behind the others, took off his helmet with difficulty, and said to Yang Na, “Come on! I’ll take you for a ride on a motorcycle!”

Yang Na glanced at the others and jumped onto the back seat without saying a word, wrapping her arms around Li Huowang’s waist.

“Remember to send me a Wechat message for the negotiation time! I will definitely be there!” “Omm————” The roaring roar of the engine sounded, and Li Huowang took Yang Na away.

Li Huowang drove Yang Na slowly on the road. Yang Na pressed against Li Huowang’s back tightly, listening to his heartbeat, and the soft black hair on her back fluttered gently.

“You obviously felt it! He didn’t hesitate at all when he shot at you! Qingwang came to him, he was just pretending!”

Li Huowang put one foot down, stood on the ground and waited for the red light, and replied calmly: “Of course I know, but so what, it’s very good to pretend, after all, it’s not relative.”

“Since those of us want to cooperate to deal with foreign enemies, we must be able to face it. If we don’t pretend, then everyone will be embarrassed.”

“As long as we can get through this crisis, we probably won’t see each other in the future. After all, I want to spend my whole life with you, not them.”

Seeing the red light, Li Huowang twisted his wrist and drove the brand new motorcycle slowly towards home. “Nana, trust me, I’m really not crazy.”


When he came back to the community, Li Huowang’s new attire immediately caught the attention of the old security guard. “Who are you? Are you the owner of this community?”

“It’s me.”

Seeing Li Huowang take off his helmet, the security guard took two steps back quickly, and then looked at the motorcycle under him.

“Ah~, it’s no wonder you’ve been out early and late late recently, so you went to a driving school to learn how to drive a motorcycle.”

Hearing this reason, Li Huowang nodded immediately, “Yes! That’s right, I just went to learn motorcycles recently.”

After Li Huowang left, the security guard nodded in satisfaction, “That’s right, the young man is self-motivated and can’t afford to go to college, and driving a motorcycle to deliver food is better than staying at home and eating his parents. It seems that he is ill. It’s really good, it’s not easy.”

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