Mutated Tao Chapter 663: Fengdu

Chapter 663 Fengdu

“Senior Brother Li? Are you really Senior Brother Li? Senior Brother Li, are you here to save me?”

Seeing Li Huowang appearing in front of his eyes, Child Yang seemed to have found his backbone, and ran over to pour out everything that happened before like pouring beans.

When Kid Yang finished speaking, he saw Senior Brother Li looking at him, and that look made him a little weird.

“Follow me.” Li Huowang said, then he ignored Yang Zizi and walked towards the west quickly.

Little Yang was actually a little hesitant in his heart, but when he thought that senior brother Li had saved his life from that weird person just now, he should not harm himself, so he hurriedly followed.

However, what he didn’t notice was that Lu Juren, who was pierced by the mourning stick behind him, struggled to get up.

The two of them were walking in the dark, one behind the other, with Li Huowang in front, at this moment, Child Yang suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

“Brother Li, where is this?”

“Where is this? This is the bottom of Qingqiu, Fengdu.”

“Fengdu? By the way, Brother Li, my wife is also coming down, can you help me find it?”

“You already have a wife? Okay.” Li Huowang replied with a nod, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

“Senior brother Li, thank you so much!” Hearing that senior brother Li really helped him save Zhao Xiumei, Child Yang thanked him very excitedly.

“We are all brothers, what are you doing so politely, follow quietly, we will be there soon.”

The two continued to walk. After walking like this for almost a stick of incense, the ground began to become rough.

In some places, various giant pillars protruded high and pierced into the darkness above the head, while some places began to collapse, collapsing into pitch-black giant pits, and everything around them became extremely strange and depressing.

There is still a little green candlelight in the big pit, and some weirdos I saw before are dragging their full mourning sticks to jump towards the big pit,

Hiding behind a huge pillar and seeing this scene, Child Yang seemed to sense something was wrong, “Brother Li Li, this doesn’t seem to be the way out.”

“This is your way out. Do you know what are these holes and those bumps that reach the ground one by one?” Li Huowang pointed to everything in front of him.

Not waiting for Young Child to answer, Li Huowang asked himself and answered, “This is actually Kuixi, the Commander in charge of death. As for why it is lying here and not moving, of course it is because it is the Commander in charge of death. Of course it is dead, hahaha!”

After saying this, Li Huowang felt that what he said just now was very funny, he held his belly and laughed loudly, until the end of the laugh, he almost burst into tears.

“Senior Brother Li, I can’t understand what you are talking about.” Child Yang panicked.

“I still don’t understand? In fact, you have already fallen to your death. You are already dead. Of course, you will be in charge of the dead. Why don’t you go and integrate with it? I made a special trip to send you a ride. .”

Hearing this, Child Yang’s body softened and he collapsed on the ground, “I’m dead, am I really dead?”

When he pinched himself and found that there was no blood, he broke down and cried, “I haven’t seen my parents yet, I can’t die, I want to live! I don’t want to die!”

Just when Yang Zizi was crying the most desperately and loudly, Li Huowang suddenly clapped his hands in front of him and laughed triumphantly. “Hahaha! You were deceived by me! In fact, you are not dead! You are still suffering from all kinds of emotions.”

As he laughed, the face on his face changed from Li Huowang to Hongzhong, and from Hongzhong to Li Huowang.

Little Yang, who stopped crying halfway, stared blankly at Senior Brother Li in front of him, not knowing what to say for a moment.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you out.” With a smile on his face, Li Huowang stretched out his hand in front of the other party, trying to pull him up.

Little Yang didn’t know for a while whether he should grab the hand that was extended by the other party. He felt that Senior Brother Li in front of him seemed to be a little strange. “Brother Li, you won’t lie to me again, right? This is really not the time to play.”

“Hahaha, don’t worry, I know how to measure, I was just teasing you just now.” Li Huowang stretched out his hand to pull him up from the ground and walked back.

Not long after they left, the two met Lu Juren who was coming towards him. Seeing them, Lu Juren asked in a daze, “Master Yang? Your name is Younger Yang, right? Why are you here?” “

“Uncle Juren, what’s the matter with you? Didn’t we just meet?” Child Yang was surprised.

“Have you seen him just now?” Lu Juren looked at Child Yang with a strange expression on his face, and stood still and began to think again.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense with him, Lu Juren’s emotions, eight sufferings, three souls and seven souls are all gone, and now he only has a dead breath left on him, he is already a part of Kui, he will only repeat it over and over again. It’s just a short time repeated over and over again, I don’t know what happened before, and I don’t know what’s happening now.”

Hearing this, Child Yang looked at Lu Juren pitifully, “Then Senior Brother Li, why did he become like this? Is Lu Juren dead?”

“I don’t know that.” Li Huowang said and continued to move forward.

Little Yang glanced hesitantly at Lu Juren who was standing there, and followed quickly, but this time Lu Juren didn’t follow, and stayed where he was, thinking about something.

In the darkness, Young Boy followed Li Huowang and continued to walk forward, this time they were going up.

Just when Child Yang thought he could get out smoothly, there was a violent tremor, and there was a cracking sound from the sky and the ground.

Li Huowang frowned, and quickly turned around to look at the pothole and giant pillar before him. When he saw that the big pit over there was gradually shrinking, he cursed secretly and came again.

“Brother Li? What happened again?” Child Yang asked very nervously.

“Xie Chong, Xie Chong from other places, some people seem to want to bring Kui Xi back to life! Let’s go, don’t get caught in trouble!”

After speaking, Li Huowang took Yang Zizi and started to speed up the pace.

“Brother Li, what will happen if this Kui Xi comes back to life?”

“Kuixi is the commander in charge of death, what do you think will happen if it comes back to life?”

During the conversation, the trembling sound became louder and louder, and then Child Yang heard the sound of rough waves in the dark underground.

“They’re coming! Let’s go up!” Li Huowang stepped on the ground with both feet, and jumped to the upper rock formation with Young Boy.

Hanging upside down, Young Boy Yang was dragged by Li Huowang and continued to run wildly. Although they were hanging upside down, the two of them had no intention of falling down.

Soon, Child Yang saw a large piece of dark seawater wrapped under him. The color of this seawater was very strange, like a rotten rainbow, a dim rainbow.

These strange sea water surged toward the position of the huge pit before, and the dense air rising from it made Young Boy feel that his body was melting.

He is turning into wax and dripping into it like a lit candle.


The next chapter will be updated at 23:30.

Tomorrow pay off the debt

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