Mutated Tao Chapter 647: Psycho

Hearing the voice from outside the door, Li Huowang stood up abruptly, threw off the quilt angrily, and walked aggressively towards the door.

As soon as the door opened, Li Huowang saw two men in hospital gowns leaning against the wall, eating snacks and debating scriptures.

One of them was wearing plastic-rimmed glasses, with a gentle-looking back, and the crazy words I heard in the ward just now came out of his mouth. But Li Huowang didn’t care so much, he just felt that the newcomer was really annoying, and he talked endlessly.

“Go away! It’s only seven o’clock in the morning, what’s the noise”

“Hey! You little comrade, don’t interrupt me, do you know what I’m doing? I’m fighting for the necessary rights for our special group!”

I have to say that for such a normal person, being locked up with these mental patients is really a kind of feeling. he left.

Although the people were driven away, Li Huowang’s drowsiness was also relieved. He sighed, turned around and went into the house to put on his shoes.


Because of these unclear patients, he still can’t get out of his breath. Otherwise, the doctor thinks that he has an illness again, and he may be one step away from being discharged from the hospital.

After putting on his shoes, Li Huowang had nothing to do in this empty single ward, so he simply stood up and walked towards the cafeteria to have breakfast.

“Sui Sui, are you hungry?

The breakfast in Mental Hospital B didn’t have any surprises, steamed stuffed buns with steamed rolls and porridge.

Li Huowang took the dinner plate and ate in the corner, wondering how long he would have to stay before being discharged from the hospital. The guard with bipolar disorder has been discharged from the hospital, and the next person in the group to be discharged should be seeing nothing else. Just when Li Huowang was about to continue eating breakfast, he suddenly felt a tightness in his back. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Qian Fu, who had been mentally ill with a split personality, was looking towards him from a distance. )

Seeing Qian Fu in the distance just staring at him and not doing anything else, Li Huowang ignored him and continued to eat his breakfast.

Living in a mental hospital, it is inevitable that you will encounter such a thing, so just calm down.

There are surveillance cameras everywhere, so this guy must not dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

As for what he said before, Li Huowang hadn’t taken it to heart for a long time, after all, no one would carefully ponder the meaning of the words of a mental patient who had never met before.

After breakfast, a circle of patients started again. Li Huowang really didn’t think it was useful.

If mental illness can be cured by mutual encouragement, what kind of medicine do you need to take every day?

The plastic stool in the upper left corner of Li Huowang was already empty. Li Huowang was not surprised, because the guard told him that he would be discharged from the hospital soon.

But the stool of Wang Wangsu who suffered from schizophrenia was also vacant, which made him a little puzzled.

“Why is Sister Wang gone? Has she recovered from her illness?” Li Huowang asked the depressed girl beside him.

Zhao Ting shook her head with a grim expression, “No, she is not recovering from illness, it’s just that her husband didn’t transfer money into the hospital account, so she was invited out.”…

“I live in the same ward with her, and Sister Wang really wants to stay there, because her condition is gradually improving, but the doctor said that the hospital is not for charity, and there is no cure without money.”

I couldn’t wait to run out like crazy.

Hearing this, Li Huowang sighed lightly. People outside think that as long as the gate of the mental hospital is open, the mentally ill will definitely want to fly over the asylum. A mental patient, he knows that he is ill, and he also wants to be completely cured.

There is even a situation where I don’t want my family to know that I bring clothes and live alone in a mental hospital. Only those patients whose behavior is completely uncontrollable will appear in the TV series and be forcibly dragged into the hospital by the nurses.

Psychopaths are people too, and they are no different from other sick patients, except that the location of the illness is different.

Compared to escaping, they are more willing to be completely cured in the mental hospital, return to a normal state and go out healthy.

However, the reality is cruel. Hospitals also need to make money, especially private hospitals. If there is no money, even if the doctor knows that the patient’s condition is not optimistic, he will be ruthlessly invited out.

If you don’t have money, you can’t cure your disease, and if you have a disease, you can’t make money. Many people will fall into this endless cycle. Watching their illness worsen step by step, they will eventually become a useless person or a lunatic. .

In order to avoid increasing the psychological burden of depression, Li Huowang comforted the people beside him: “Sister Wang’s condition is not bad, besides, her schizophrenia is only mild, as long as she insists on taking medicine, she will definitely stabilize. Don’t worry about her.” I’m worried.”

When the two were talking, Li Huowang saw Wu Cheng walking towards him with two new patients.

One of them is the big-backed glasses at his door today, and the other is a shriveled old man. “Good morning, everyone. Our group has lost two people, so two newcomers have been added today. This old man is called Yuan Heping, and this old man is called Wang Gang. Everyone applauds and welcomes.”

Others applauded sparsely, but Li Huowang didn’t move, thinking of ways to pass this boring time away.

As soon as the two of them sat upright, Li Huowang saw the glasses looking at him, and when he turned his head to look at him, the man quickly avoided his sight.

“Okay, how about you two introduce yourself first?”

In the torment that Li Huowang felt, time passed little by little, as if a whole year had passed, and this long mutual aid meeting finally came to an end.

During this period, he got no help at all, except for what disease the two newcomers had.

The old man is obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the glasses are schizophrenic, which is nothing unusual.

When people around stood up one after another and left with their stools, Li Huowang took a deep breath and stood up. This tortured morning was finally over.

Just as he was rushing to the cafeteria with the others to prepare lunch, a simple and honest man walked towards him, that was the mentally handicapped man from before.

“Brother, here, it’s delicious.” He held a small package of Wangzai steamed buns in his hand.

Li Huowang stretched out his hand to take it, and was about to say thank you, when a figure on the left side rushed over and passed by Li Huowangfang.

Watch out! They have come! The danger is approaching us.” The other party said anxiously in a very low voice next to Li Huowang’s ear, and then left quickly.

Although Li Huowang only saw the back of the opponent’s head, he still recognized that this guy was that Qianmao. Li Huowang frowned, stood there thinking for a while, finally shook his head, and continued walking towards the cafeteria.

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