Mutated Tao Chapter 615: People

Chapter 615 People

“Child, do you really want to go? We finally came over there, but you went back again. It’s unnecessary.”

“Child, Houshu is far away, not to mention the sea to the south of Houshu. You have been here and there for a year or so at least.”

Hearing that Child Yang said that he was going to find his parents, the others who came out of Qingfeng Temple all persuaded Child Yang.

They have all endured hardships along the way. The so-called living away from home is not a simple talk. As long as you travel far these days, you will be at risk.

The mountains are high and the road is far away, God knows what dangers you will encounter along the way.

In the face of other people’s persuasion, Young Child remained silent. Yang Child, who was carrying his luggage, looked at Li Huowang, who was sitting on the teacher’s chair beside him. “Brother Li, do you think I can go?”

“The feet grow on your legs, don’t ask me if you want to go or not, Gouwa, give him your rotten wood Ruyi, and stay on the road for self-defense.”


“Ah, what, hurry up, and help him bring a carriage over by the way, such a long road depends on feet, I’m afraid his shoes will be rotten.”

Soon, Younger Yang’s luggage suddenly increased, and all kinds of dry food were piled up in the carriage, enough for them to eat all the way to Shushu.

“You take this bag of silver. Apart from using it as money, it can also be used to solve troubles on the road.”

When Child Yang took over the large and heavy bag of silver in his hand, he was at a loss for what to do. “Brother Li, I can’t take these, me.”

“I told you to take it, so you can take it. There is no shortage of money in the village now. My injury is still not healed, so I can’t go with you. If you want to go, you can go. The world is peaceful now, ordinary evil spirits, you The talisman and rotten wood Ruyi learned can also help you save your life.”

Hearing this, Young Child Yang knelt on the ground excitedly and kowtowed to Li Huowang a few times, then jumped into the carriage and left Niuxin Village with the woman in the carriage.

Gou Wa, who was holding her daughter, suddenly took a step forward and shouted loudly: “Children! When you pass by Qingqiu, stop by to see Sun Baolu, and tell him that I married a wife and gave birth to a daughter!”

“Okay! Brother Dog! I got it!”

Little Yang left, and the others walked back in twos and threes.

While on the road, Gouwa couldn’t help complaining, “This kid is gone, who will cook for us? Zhao Wu, how is your cooking?”

“Look at my legs and feet, do you think I can cook?” Zhao Wubai, who was on crutches, gave him a look.

“That’s bad, no one is cooking now, what should I do, Xiaoman, can you do it?”

“Go away.”

“Since no one is doing it, then don’t eat big pot meals in the future.” Li Huowang’s words attracted everyone’s attention.

Originally everyone eating together was an old habit carried over from the road back then, but now, Gao Zhijian has gone to be the emperor, Sun Baolu has returned home, Lu Jiaban has also settled in Shangjing, and several people died on the road. People can’t even sit at the table.

“We’re all married, and we don’t need money anymore, so let’s start our own business in the future, and don’t run to the Bai family compound all day long.”

Hearing this, Bai Lingmiao beside Li Huowang was slightly happy.

“Don’t, Senior Brother Li.” Gouwa has a look of regret, the days when he eats every day, as long as he opens his mouth, he is so comfortable.

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s do it like this.” After Li Huowang finished speaking, he led Li Sui to the Bai family compound.

The regretful Gouwa scratched his head and looked at Zhao Wu who was beside him. “Hey, you don’t have a family yet, and no one will do it for you in the future, hurry up and persuade Senior Brother Li.”

“Don’t expect me to push you up, I can do it myself, there’s no need.” Zhao Wu said, ignoring Gouwa’s surprise, and walked to the warehouse step by step on crutches.

It is said to be a warehouse, but it is actually a large courtyard where no one lives, and it was specially set aside to store the things Gao Zhijian sent.

Gold, silver, cloth, and various gifts were piled up in the lobby. As soon as the abacus was placed on the table, Zhao Wu began to count it.

This is Zhao Wu’s job, and he is the only one in Niuxin Village who can do it. His family sells rice, and he grew up surrounded by the sound of dialing abacus.

When they were on the road, they were poor and didn’t have much money at all, and Zhao Wu had nothing to calculate.

But now that so many people in Niuxin Village have so much food and clothing, and so much food and money, his value is reflected.

How much money the whole Niuxin Village makes, how much money is spent, where it is spent, how much old rice is there, how much old rice needs to be sold and how much new rice needs to be sold every year, he uses the abacus to keep tabs on it.

It is very tiring to do these jobs alone, but Zhao Wu is very happy to do this kind of work, because only in this way can he feel that he is not a useless person who cannot lift his hands and resist.

“Five hundred pearls? Why did Gao Zhijian send so many pearls? No one in the village uses them.” Zhao Wu shook his head lightly, picked up a pen and wrote them down carefully.

This one note lasted for a whole day, and when his stomach was bulging and the sky was getting dark, he didn’t even hear Child Yang say that he was ready for dinner.

It wasn’t until this time that Zhao Wu realized that Little Yang had just left, and he had to cook for himself in the future.

“Hey, I’m not used to walking suddenly.” Picking up the crutch beside him, Zhao Wu limped towards the kitchen.

When we got to the kitchen, it was getting dark, so Zhao Wu planned to grab something that could be chewed on, so as not to miss Mr. Wu’s evening class.

Thinking of Master Wu’s evaluation of him just yesterday, Zhao Wu’s heart suddenly became hot. He can say that in the whole Niuxin Village, he has the highest understanding in terms of literacy.

Now that I know 800 characters, I can barely be considered a scholar.

“It’s really dark, where is the oil lamp?” Zhao Wu groped in the kitchen.

Open a steamer, when you feel something cool and soft like a spindle, pick it up and put it in your arms. “Sweet potatoes are also available, take them on the road and eat them, don’t be late.”

When Zhao Wu thought of this, the movements of his hands suddenly sped up, but when he stuffed the third piece of sweet potato into his arms and went to touch the fourth piece, he touched a skinny paw in the dark.


After a few breaths, there was a sound of “Peng”, and the wooden door of the kitchen was instantly blown apart. Li Huowang, who was covered in black tentacles, was standing there with a murderous expression in his hand, looking intently at the room. with.

“Brother Li! There is a ghost! There is a ghost in this room!” Zhao Wu didn’t care about leaning on crutches, and crawled behind Li Huowang using both hands and feet.

“Be quiet!” Li Huowang took out a miserable green fluorite from his arms, and threw it into the dark kitchen.

Soon he saw the ragged man huddled in the corner, his shoulders were shaking, as if he was eating something.

“Turn your head!” Li Huowang swung his sword across.

When the man turned around and saw Li Huowang’s appearance, he immediately ignored the sweet potato stuffed in his mouth, and kowtowed to Li Huowang continuously while lying on the ground trembling all over. “Great Immortal, spare your life! Great Immortal, spare your life!!”


The next chapter is updated at 23:32

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