Mutated Tao Chapter 478: Spirit

Chapter 478 Spiritual sin

When Li Huowang saw Zhuge Yuan’s extremely sad expression, he knew that this friend should have deep feelings for him.

Zhuge Yuan is a very righteous person, he is willing to do anything to his friend, but to let him kill his friend with his own hands is enough to imagine his inner feelings at the moment.

At this time, Zhuge Yuan spoke again. “After my friend was controlled by the evil, not only could he use the magical powers he learned in the past, but he also passed through the evil, and his power became even more powerful.”

“Brother Li, Jian Tiansi always talks about the strength of the evil, but you have to be careful, this evil will not accept death, and the thing that will fight you soon is still a evil one second, and the next Seconds are not enough.”

“It can always be possessed by other things. This is the most dangerous part of the sin. You must kill it in an instant before it reacts.”

“If you encounter a spiritual evil, you must be ten levels sure before you strike. If you are captured alive by it, you will simply die. The spiritual evil and the spiritual evil, the focus is on the evil, not on the spirit.”

Just as Zhuge Yuan finished speaking, he suddenly stopped, and at his feet lay a mummified monkey with its mouth wide open, all its limbs twisted, and its stomach wide open, with rotting internal organs inside. Spread out on the ground like a flower.

“Brother Zhuge, according to what you said, it seems that we have found the right owner this time?” Zhuge Yuan nodded solemnly.

Li Huowang was very careful, and walked slowly towards the depths of the peach blossom forest. There were still more and more corpses on the ground that had been tortured and deformed, not only animals, but also people, all kinds of dead bodies. like miserable people.

“Shh~! Be quiet! I seem to have heard something!” Li Huowang’s words stopped the monk’s sound of passing.

He lay on the ground, put his ears on the ground, and listened intently, “Is this the sound of breathing?”

“Hoo hoo hoo hoo.” The rhythmic sound of breathing came into Li Huowang’s ears through the ground.

Li Huowang immediately clenched the hilt of his sword, and slowly moved towards the direction of the sound.

Just as the voice became louder, Li Huowang tore open a branch, and the scene in front of him made his eyes tremble.

I saw a large piece of flesh and blood mixed with bones and internal organs on the open space not far away, like a small lake lying on the ground.

“Huhu. Huh.” Accompanied by the sound of breathing, the pool of flesh and blood swelled and shrank, and wisps of red fell from the air and penetrated into the gaps in the flesh and blood.

Li Huowang looked up along the red color, and then he realized that the red color was actually the sunset glow in the sky, and this guy was actually eating the sunset glow in the sky.

“Is this a spiritual evil?” Just as Li Huowang thought to himself, a mouse ran past the pool of flesh and blood, and gnawed on a shriveled corpse in the distance.

Suddenly the pool of flesh and blood began to tremble. They gathered quickly, and unexpectedly reassembled into a huge doe like a bungalow.

This giant deer with six legs has huge plum blossom horns on its head, shaped like two peach trees. The color of the fur on the body is like a rotten rainbow, dull but colorful.

As for why Li Huowang could judge that it was a doe, it was because there was a dead fawn dragged under its belly. She seemed to be completely frozen at the moment of dystocia.

“Brother Zhuge, what is this spirit parasitized on?” Looking at the giant deer in the distance, Li Huowang asked in a low voice.

“Yingzhao, ordinary people prefer to call it Nine-Colored Deer.”

Nine-colored deer? Li Huowang looked at the rotting rainbow hairs on the giant deer.

Suddenly, the spirit in the distance suddenly moved, and it rushed towards the corpse where the mouse was staying with its afterimage.

Obviously it could trample the mouse to death with one foot, but it didn’t do that. Instead, it first stepped on the mouse’s tail with its plum-shaped hoof, and then trampled on the mouse’s back with the other hoof. Rubbing back and forth on the legs.

The mouse screamed in pain, but the Nine-Colored Deer didn’t intend to stop. He raised his head and hissed, his voice full of joy.

When the mouse’s limbs were completely trampled into minced meat, the nine-color deer began to lift a hoof to press on the mouse’s chest, and pressed down slowly.

It wasn’t until the mouse completely vomited all the viscera in its belly on the ground that the Nine-colored Deer was satisfied and turned into a pool of flesh and blood again.

Li Huowang swallowed hard with his brows tightly furrowed, and said in the lowest voice: “Brother Zhuge, is this thing driven crazy? Or is it just so fond of killing?”

“Spiritual evil, the inhumanity of heaven and earth regards all things as grass dogs. This is the sin of heaven and earth. Its birth itself is a fault.” Zhuge Yuan seemed to have remembered something, and his face became uglier than before.

“Brother Zhuge, what is the trick of this nine-colored deer?” No matter what it is, Li Huowang is already ready to do it.

“It eats Xia and also uses Xia, keep an eye on it, the Xia light is shot from there.”

“Yeah.” Li Huowang’s body arched slightly like a cheetah, and his cheeks were bitten tightly.

The evil spirit in the distance seemed to feel something. Some bones and flesh were spliced ​​together to form a deer, looking towards the surrounding peach forests.

Suddenly a red mahjong rolled in the air and landed firmly on a peach tree. Just as the evil spirit turned his head to look over there, Li Huowang rushed out from behind the peach tree. The copper coin sword in his hand was like a long whip, and he swung it towards it with all his strength.

With a crisp sound of “pa”, the flesh and blood drawn by the copper coin sword quickly emitted black smoke and withered like flowers.

Although it is effective, it seems that this sword that can cut evil and destroy evil has not killed the opponent in one blow.

The sneak attack screamed, and this time it did not regroup into a deer shape, but headed towards Li Huowanggai like a tsunami of flesh and blood.

Although it instantly wrapped Li Huowang’s whole body with flesh and blood, Li Huowang’s body passed through the flesh and blood unscathed, and this was just a switched phantom.

“Kill!” The Zisui sword, which cut iron like mud, slashed fiercely at the Nine-Colored Deer, directly slashing a big hole.

Seeing that the severed flesh and blood healed quickly, Zhuge Yuan offered advice from the side.

“Brother Li, this won’t work. This mortal body is just its outer shell. You have to find the evil in your body to have any effect!”

At this moment, a red glow shot from the Nine-Colored Deer, was blocked by Li Huowang’s sword, refracted in the air, and swept down the large peach forest nearby.

“What does that evil spirit look like!” Li Huowang quickly retreated to distance himself from the opponent.

“You can’t see, a living person with all kinds of emotions on his body, you can’t even see what it looks like.”

“Since you can’t see it, then don’t see it!”

Li Huowang’s expression was grim, and he immediately took off the red Taoist robe on his body, took out the fire sickle, and swiped at his body.

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