Mutated Tao Chapter 450: Change

Chapter 450 Changes

Looking at Lu Xiucai’s increasingly violent swear words, but still standing at the door, Chun Xiaoman looked suspiciously at Bai Lingmiao. “Miaomiao, did you already know that he would do this?”

Looking at Lu Xiucai’s tangled back in the distance, Bai Lingmiao chuckled, “Do you think I scolded him for anything, just talking casually? He can’t be a good person, and he’s even more unworthy of being a wicked person. At best, this guy deserves to be a rotten person.”

At this moment, Gou Wa came down the stairs with a bowl of food in his hand.

When he saw Lu Xiucai’s swearing, he was shocked and immediately put the bowl on the ground and came to stop him. “Oh my, what are you doing, scholar, what are you doing! If you can’t do it, you really can’t do it.”

Being blocked by Gouwa, Lu Xiucai suddenly became more excited, and was about to charge out with the short blade in his hand, and the emaciated Gouwa almost failed to stop him several times.

Following Gouwa’s persuasion, Lu Xiucai finally calmed down. Under his tug, he squatted down and began to eat. While eating, he swore to him: “Gouwa , Let me tell you, this matter is endless! I remember all the things that old bone did to me! One day, I will definitely chop him up!!”

“Hey, I’ve been hungry all day, hurry up and eat, you can chop your father anytime, the food will not taste good when it’s cold.”

Lv Xiucai started to gobble up the big bowl, and suddenly realized that today’s food was a bit too good.

He used chopsticks to pick up a piece of greasy meat the size of an egg, dipped it in the bowl with rice, put it in his mouth and began to chew it happily.

Chewing the delicious fat in his mouth, Lu Xiucai looked at Gouwa in surprise, “What’s the matter? Is this an early Chinese New Year in the village?”

“Wow, Brother Li is back! So the village held a banquet to celebrate.”

“Oh?! Really! My master is back!?” Lu Xiucai was overwhelmed with excitement, and was just about to rush outside, but immediately thought of asking his wife who taught him new supernatural powers. “

But when he looked towards Bai Lingmiao, he found that the white-haired girl and the black-haired woman had disappeared, and a side door next to it was opened.

Bai Lingmiao, who was walking in the dark corridor, staggered and almost fell, clutching his knees and complaining. “This broken place is really dark.”

Chun Xiaoman, who came over and supported her, responded: “It’s okay, it’s not dark, I’ll hang a few more oil lamps on the wall tomorrow. By the way, don’t you think that the supernatural power left by the White Lotus Sect Are you going to tell Brother Li?”

A trace of impatience appeared in Bai Lingmiao’s eyes. “So what can I tell him? You may think this martial arts is very powerful, but it is nothing in his eyes now. He is much more powerful than you think now.”

“Really? Brother Li is so powerful now? That’s a good thing!” Chun Xiaoman couldn’t help but feel happy for Li Huowang.

“Is it a good thing, do you really think it’s a good thing that this lunatic has become more powerful? Think about what he did in the past.” Bai Lingmiao walked towards the innermost dark room while talking. Just stopped.

“But senior brother Li didn’t tell you that he won’t go crazy now?”

“Do you believe what he says? Then you are more insane than him. Anyway, I think it is Xuan. When he was on the bed just now, as soon as he talked about hallucinations, he changed the subject with me, as if he was covering up something.”

“Let’s wait and see, lest he think about it. He shouldn’t be running around in the past few days. Let’s see how he is, and we will make plans.”

“Miaomiao, you are so kind to him.”

“Is there any way to do this? Marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog. He didn’t despise me as a burden back then, but now I still despise him for being crazy.”

“Since he has become like that, we can only think of a way, how to cure him.”

The stone door opened, and Bai Lingmiao walked in. The white jade lotus flower on the cabinet exuded a soft light, illuminating the surroundings.

By this light, Bai Lingmiao looked up at the mural on the wall, at the Bingdilian being dragged by six white donkeys.

Ever since the weird chanting sound last time, this Bing Tilian has never disappeared since it appeared, and it has become more and more clear. She doesn’t know what it means.

“Does this have something to do with the lifeless mother of the White Lotus Sect?” Bai Lingmiao wondered suspiciously, but she searched through all the books in the dark room, but did not find any books related to Bing Dilian.

So Bai Lingmiao can’t know whether this matter is good or bad for him.

Now the White Lotus Sect is left alone, and its subsequent changes, whether good or bad, directly determine its later development of power.

“It would be great if I could know where the strange chanting sound came from, maybe I can get some inspiration.” Bai Lingmiao murmured.

But this is obviously difficult. During this period of time, when she went outside to dance the Great God, she specifically inquired about the origin of this weird chanting. But didn’t get any answer.

The only thing that can be known from the Xian family is that the sound is very messy. Although they didn’t say it, Bai Lingmiao seems to feel that the Xian family seems to be afraid of the sound of chanting.

Bai Lingmiao thought for a while, picked up three sticks of incense from the side, bowed to the Bingdilian, and put it in the small incense burner.

She didn’t know if it would work, anyway, she tried it first, at least judging from the records in the book, this inanimate mother does not shy away from other people’s worship.

“Miaomiao, what about the scriptures in the corner where people sacrifice to the sky?”

Chun Xiaoman’s words brought Bai Lingmiao back to his senses, and he looked at the books in the corner that he had selected during this time. “What else can I do, burn it.”

“Really burned?”

Bai Lingmiao’s words were full of disgust. “Burn it! I get upset when I see disgusting things! I, Bai Lingmiao, do what I say.”

A lamp oil rolled in the air and landed on the books. Suddenly ignited a raging fire.

Under the orange-red firelight, a group of upside-down and inside-out objects loomed among the stalks on the wall.

But neither Bai Lingmiao nor Chun Xiaoman noticed this horrifying and weird scene.

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