Mutated Tao Chapter 443: Red

Chapter 443 Red Zhong

“History? Past? Daqi Daliang?”

Li Huowang listened in astonishment, Zhuge Yuan’s words were more shocking than that of himself being a celebrity. “Is this possible? Things that have already been destined, can be modified if they are modified?”

“Why is this impossible? Daqi’s history books can be taken over by the false Liang, why can’t your past be changed?”

In fact, this is exactly what Li Huowang was worried about. Although Zhuge Yuan did not harm him, some things he knew may not be true.

Li Huowang was about to say something, but then he thought again, if all of this is true, wouldn’t it mean that he is not popular? Is the world over there real?

“But” Li Huowang thought of this, his head suddenly paused, “If I am indeed a red star, it must be fake

That’s right, but I was obviously not a red star in the past, so is the world over there now real or fake? “

“Brother Li? Brother Li, are you okay?” Seeing Li Huowang who was stunned in place, Zhuge Yuan asked worriedly.

“It’s okay, let him stay. You may not know it when you first came. This kid is always so confused.” Zuo Wangdao joked on the side.

But just as he said it, Li Huowang immediately asked: “Brother Zhuge, are you serious about what you said? Can you really change a person’s past?”

After all, this is too shocking. What kind of existence can actually change a person’s doomed past?

Zhuge Yuan nodded, “Of course ordinary people can’t do it, but think about it, the one who was by your side at that time was Doumu.”

As Si Ming, who is in charge of the yin and yang, it seems completely logical to be able to do such bizarre things, but there is one problem that Li Huowang can’t figure out. “Brother Zhuge, why did it do this?”

“It just shot and killed me, I’m not surprised, but why did it go to such lengths to fill me with a red past?”

Even if it is commanding, there is always a reason for doing something, right? Could it be that it, like Zuo Wang Dao, stuffed itself with a red past, just for fun? But it’s not fun at all.

This question seemed to baffle Zhuge Yuan, he thought for a while and shook his head slightly. “This little student doesn’t know, but no matter how you look at it, you can’t be Hongzhong. If you are really Hongzhong, I would have found it the first time I saw it in the Buddha Bone Temple.”

Indeed, Zhuge Yuan was able to identify those who had forgotten their way, and searched for the extra memories in his mind. It seemed that he didn’t have such an incredible ability to pretend that he could fool Zhuge Yuan.

“Brother Li.” Zhuge Yuan said seriously, his expression becoming too serious.

“You put me aside for a while about the fact that I am pretending to be true. This red past is your top priority now. Xiaosheng doesn’t think that this kind of thing has no hidden dangers. Dou Mu is so and so, there must be some purpose .”

“No, no, since I already know that Hongzhong’s past is fake, I can let this kind of harmless thing go later.”

Li Huowang interrupted him, turned over and mounted his horse again, his eyes sparkling.

“In my memory in Hongzhong, I’ve seen cultivation techniques! Real cultivation techniques, no matter what I want to do in the future, I must get this first!”

“Oh? Is there really one in the red? Where is it?” Zhuge Yuan was also surprised.

“Hidden in a very secret place by him, I’m going to get it back.”

In order for others to find it, Hongzhong deliberately placed it far away. The journey covered hundreds of miles. On the streets of a small town on Jiangnan Road in Daliang, Li Huowang led a horse and took steamed buns, and walked slowly. roadside.

The weather is wet and cold today, the wind is blowing, and it is still night, but there are many people on the side of the road, burning yellow paper around the white circle, and most of them are at the intersection.

At this time, Li Huowang realized that it was Qingming, and he had been in this world for more than a year.

Walking and walking, angrily cursing voices gradually came from a distance.

“Slap you on the head of a little man, when you are angry, you can shake your head every day;

Slap you in the face, and wait for your whole family to go crazy, and you will be a villain forever;

Slap you in the eyes of a small person, and wait for you to hit the board for the rest of your life, and be beheaded every day;

Slap your ear, wait for you to get rotten **** every day, wipe the **** with your fingers;

Slap you a small mouth, wait for you to breathe like a fart, the front door will be passed.

Li Huowang went to hear the reputation, and found an old woman who looked seventy or eighty years old, sitting on a small wooden stool, holding her shoehorn, and slapping the palm-sized yellow paper figurine on the ground vigorously.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, the old lady didn’t raise her head in a hurry, and asked for a price while beating. “Beating a villain, two hundred Wen, don’t think it’s too expensive, I’m more clever than other places! If you don’t believe me, go and ask!”

Li Huowang stared at the hairy mole on her chin and said, “Can I play mahjong instead of playing villains? I will play mahjong, you will play mahjong, and your daughter-in-law will play together. The three of us will fight.”

The old woman was taken aback for a moment, and when she looked up to see Li Huowang’s appearance, her mean face froze in a daze, and then immediately smiled. “Okay! Sure, let’s go! Let’s go!”

Under the kind invitation of the old woman, Li Huowang soon sat on the mahjong table with her and her fat daughter-in-law.

The three looked at the last empty space left, as if they were waiting for something.

“Slap” A piece of red was slapped in the middle of the table by Li Huowang. “There is still one person missing, why don’t you write it out?”

“Okay!” The two mothers-in-law and daughter-in-law quickly took out pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and hung large rice papers in the air, one writing on the front and the other writing on the back.

The black ink permeates the rice paper and sticks to each other, and this is the cultivation method hidden in the red.

No matter where it stays, others can find it if they want to find it. In this case, Li Huowang is hidden in the most secret memory of people.

“Sit cross-legged with peace of mind, calm and natural. Lips and teeth are lightly closed, breathing is slow. Hands must be held firmly, eyes must be level-looking. Gather the divine light and reach the heart of heaven.”

Looking at the content above, Li Huowang’s hands trembled slightly. At this moment, the light and fluffy paper weighed a thousand catties in his eyes. He never expected that he finally got the cultivation technique he had dreamed of.

Without any hesitation, Li Huowang immediately sat cross-legged, clenched his hands, and was ready to start practicing.

“Brother Li, wait a moment, this may be part of what Doumu thought of. Since it has put this cultivation method into your memory, is it just waiting for you to practice?”

These words made Li Huowang stop suddenly, and looked at the cultivation technique in his hand with a very complicated expression. “Are you saying this thing is risky to practice?”

“Not necessarily, but you have to think twice before you act. Don’t forget that you are not Hongzhong, you are Li Huowang, and that part of the past is not yours.”

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