Mutated Tao Chapter 414: Retreat

“Hahaha, you also want this Liuyao Tongshu? Haha! You are so beautiful! Such a good thing, of course we have forgotten it!” Li Huowang sneered at the other supervisors.

And as Li Huowang told, the hallucinations in Hongzhong on the side were like New Year’s Eve, laughing wildly, clapping around Li Huowang, no matter whether he was alive or dead, he had never been so happy in the past.

Looking at the big blush on Li Huowang’s face, everyone who was fighting stopped and looked at him and the Jiancheng in his hand at the same time.

Among them, those Jian Tiansi who besieged Zhuge Yuan were the most shocked. They never thought that this so-called own person was pretending to be Zuo Wangdao, and even killed the direct Jiancheng.

The next moment, almost all the supervisors present at the scene gave up blocking Zhuge Yuan and rushed towards him. Jiancheng is already dead, if he doesn’t want to be punished by the department and sent to prison, he must stay to make up for his mistakes!

“Dad, they are here, rushing towards you”

In the darkness, Li Huowang, who was laughing wildly, heard Li Sui’s voice in his heart. “Don’t panic, squeeze your eyeballs out and lead me the way!”

Li Huowang held up the blood-stained old imperial calendar in his hand, followed Li Sui’s guidance, and jumped away towards the distant city wall.

In this weird and crazy world, anything can happen. As one of the rulers of Jian Tiansi, Jian Cheng may not be easy to kill, but Li Huowang doesn’t care about failure or success at all. He has done so many things It’s just to express an attitude for Zuo Wangdao.

From the beginning to the end, he and Jian Tiansi couldn’t urinate in the same pot, and his goal is still that Xinsu Beifeng!

Since we know that Beifeng is still in Shangjing, then for his own purpose, Jian Tiansi and Zuo Wangdao must fight, even if they don’t fight, he will forcefully fight the fire!

Being cheated so much by Zuo Wangdao, why can’t I use them?

Moreover, Li Huowang is not worried at all that Jian Tiansi will go to check with Zuo Wangdao to see if there is an extra red. What is said in the book is the truth, and no one believes it.

Now that Jiancheng has been killed as the “Red Middle”, Zuo Wangdao has yellow mud in his crotch, which is either **** or shit.

Among the tiles of the building, Li Huowang, whose knees were pressed against the talisman, leaned forward with his upper body, resisting the severe pain on his face, and ran wildly while laughing. From time to time, he mocked at the back.

Gonghuo has been successful, now he just needs to get rid of the siege of Jian Tiansi and return to his true identity of Erjiu.

Just as he crossed a roof, a murderous intent from nowhere made Li Huowang’s hair stand on end.

Suddenly, Li Huowang felt his body move by itself, and twisted forcefully in the air. The blind Li Huowang could only feel something wrapped in a strong wind brushing past his body.

“Father, someone hit us with a big stick on the wall.” That was Li Sui helping Li Huowang avoid the attack.

“Don’t panic, it’s not far from the city wall, we’ll be out soon!” Just when Li Huowang was about to say this, he suddenly felt a very strange aura coming from behind, locking himself tightly .

This strange change made Li Huowang feel tense, “Li Sui, what’s wrong? What happened next?”

“Dad, the man you killed just now stood up again! He is looking at your head.”

“What?! Jian Cheng is not dead?! No! He must be dead, and now his body is definitely not the original him!!”

Even for an ordinary person, there are more different methods than Li Huowang imagined.

Now Li Huowang has no way to understand what it is through Li Sui’s description. The only thing that is certain is that this matter is not over yet!

“Let’s go!” Li Huowang blindly dislocated his body, entered stealth, and rushed towards the gate of Shangjing City with all his strength.

Righting at him, Li Huowang suddenly felt a chill on his head, followed by the sound of something falling to the ground, and then the aura from his body disappeared.

At the critical moment, Li Huowang didn’t care so much, seeing that his body could still move, he continued to retreat crazily.

“Come on! Little ones! Let’s help the boss of Hongzhong!”

“Red Zhong Boss, don’t worry! We will help you get revenge!”

“Boss in Red, you must give away that almanac in your hand!”

Hearing the indignation-filled cries from Si Wangdao behind him, Li Huowang couldn’t help but sneered, “You liars, I never thought you would be cheated one day.”

I don’t know if those sitting and forgetting Taoism had the effect of breaking the back, the pressure around Li Huowang dropped sharply, and he soon came to the city gate.

The heavy city gate has been closed, but Li Huowang, wielding a copper coin sword, smashed through the city gate as easily as cutting paper.

After wasting a lot of effort, Li Huowang felt ecstatic when he touched the dense leaves with his hands, and he finally left the city.

“Li Sui! Watch closely! Are there any pursuers behind us?” Li Huowang secretly thought to Li Sui.

“No, it seems to be blocked by those wearing iron clothes.”

Although he heard the best answer, Li Huowang still didn’t relax his vigilance. He was still turning around in the forest, sometimes invisible and sometimes into the water.

Several hours later, when his body was completely squeezed to the point where he had no strength at all, Li Huowang stopped slowly and sat on a rock profusely sweating to recover his strength.

“In this situation, Shangjing must be in chaos and the martial law will be doubled. It seems that I have to wait outside for a while before going back.”

“But it can’t be too long, otherwise Jian Tiansi will start a war with Zuo Wangdao, I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch up.”

Just as Li Huowang was thinking this way, the sound of feet stepping on dead leaves suddenly sounded from the left.

Just as Li Huowang was about to listen, he heard a scream of fear the next moment. “Ghost!!”

But after a scream and the birds flying in the forest, there was no more movement, which made Li Huowang, who was about to go all out, a little confused.

“Li Sui, who made that voice?” Li Huowang asked Li Sui again in his heart.

“An old man, he was carrying a lot of wood, lying on the ground without moving.”

Bewildered, Li Huowang groped over there, and soon he found an old man in linen. The deep wrinkles on his face proved his age.

The wood on his back and the hatchet with a corner missing in his hand prove that this old man should be just an ordinary person who went up the mountain to chop wood.

The pulse on the neck is still beating, it should just be fainted by himself, not scared to death.

It was only then that Li Huowang came to his senses. It seemed that this person was frightened by his red face. Ordinary people had never seen such a terrifying appearance.

Thinking of this, Li Huowang took out a dagger from the torture bag. I am ready to put my five senses back in place.

But when he touched his head with both hands, he found that the place where his head was originally placed was empty, only a few tentacles of Li Sui were swaying there, and the tentacles wrapped around the two eyeballs were standing tall. When low.

“Where’s my head?” This question suddenly jumped out of Li Huowang’s mind.

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