Mutated Tao Chapter 386: Apricot Island

The moment Li Huowang said this to Yang Na full of guilt, Li Huowang’s tense spirit finally couldn’t hold it anymore and completely passed out.

Whether it was the sound of footsteps, shouts or Yang Na’s crying, everything around her gradually faded away, and everything around her fell into silence.

I don’t know how long it took, Li Huowang woke up faintly, he was choked awake by the smell of incense.

Sky blue was the only color he saw. After waiting for a while to recover, Li Huowang realized that he was looking up at the sky.

The sight of the surrounding waves crashing against the hull, as well as the tactile sensation of the wooden deck below him, let him know that he had returned to the boat.

When Li Huowang lowered Gao Yang’s head, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

In front of him was a tribute and a censer, and behind the censer were rows of people kowtowing. What made him feel even more creepy was that there happened to be a pair of boys and girls sitting inside the tribute. It is completely like enshrining yourself as a Bodhisattva.

Seeing this scene, Li Huowang was furious immediately, and he couldn’t get angry at all. He stood up and kicked over the incense burner.

“Are you all idiots? Why do you always place your hopes on others? You **** enshrine boys and girls for me!!” After finishing speaking, Li Huowang forcibly lit the two foreheads with red dots The child pulled it up from the plate.

Li Huowang’s sudden violent outburst frightened everyone, they kept retreating, and the boss of the boat kowtowed and begged for mercy. “Grandpa Dragon King, calm down, calm down!”

“Grandpa Dragon King?” As soon as Li Huowang lowered his head, he saw black tentacles protruding from all parts of his body, especially his severed arm, which was made of five tentacles intertwined.

It seemed that the people on the boat thought that their body covered in black tentacles without skin was possessed by evil spirits.

“Li Sui, shrink back, don’t scare them.” Hearing Li Huowang’s order, all the tentacles on his body disappeared instantly.

Looking at the wet deck first, and then at the cloudless sky, Li Huowang didn’t have the heart to explain to them at the moment, so he directly ordered to the boss of the ship: “Get out of here! Set sail to Xing Island!”

“Hey! I’ll drive! I’ll drive!” The boss of the boat dared not obey, even if the person in front of him was not Grandpa Dragon King, he would not be able to provoke him.

Passing through the crowd, Li Huowang came to a quiet corner in the cabin. After he breathed out slowly, he raised his head and asked the monk, “How did I get back on the boat before?”

“Taoist, you came out of that thing’s belly. The underwater is too dark, I can’t see what it looks like. By the way, I seem to remember that there is a living person in that thing’s belly.” , I don’t know if he came out, and also, it has eyes all over its back”

Listening to what the monk said, Li Huowang recounted everything he experienced there.

As he expected before, breaking the window and jumping out means that he got out of the monster’s stomach, and turning over the rolling thorn cage with high-voltage electricity means that he got rid of the underwater monster. Other entanglements, and when he climbed up the sentry tower, it was time to turn over the upper deck.

I finally saved my life by moving in the hallucination. This time is a valuable experience. If the same thing happens again next time, I can use this method to solve it.

It shouldn’t be so hard, but I don’t know what method the thing in the water used. He was able to remove the ability to black Tai Sui in his abdomen. Fortunately, he went through a lot of twists and turns, but the result is still acceptable.

“Taoist, the Li Sui in your stomach can help you a lot during this period. If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t be able to get on the boat at that time.”

Li Huowang rubbed his stomach with his hand, looking back at what he had just experienced, he felt a little relieved.

“Huowang!” An extremely sharp tinnitus sounded, and Li Huowang subconsciously covered his ears with his hands.

This is Yang Na’s voice, and Li Huowang will never admit his mistake. Thinking of her despair, his heart hurts like a knife.

Li Huowang covered his ears with a grim expression and kept comforting himself: “It must be an illusion over there, too many coincidences over there, it’s an illusion over there! I don’t need to care about things over there, it’s an illusion over there!”

Li Huowang talked to himself for a long time, trying to get Yang Na out of his mind.

When he put down the tentacles covering his ears and he didn’t feel any tinnitus anymore, he was relieved for a while.

It seems that this auditory hallucination is a sequela from before. In the future, I should pay attention to some evil spirits that I have never seen before, maybe they have the effect of blackening Tai Sui’s ability to invalidate.

“Hehe, looking at you, it’s better to be dead than alive.”

Ignoring the sarcasm in the red, Li Huowang took out the “Fire Jacket Scripture” to heal himself silently.

“No matter how hard I suffer, there will always be an end. I always hope to get rid of this life that is worse than death! As long as I find a way to force out the way to get rid of the illusion from Beifeng’s mouth…”

“San Wen Qian.”

“Empty bottle.”

“Half money, I won.”

Seeing the leaf card spread out in Li Huowang’s hand, the other three immediately threw the card away in annoyance. “Why did you win again, master, you must have exchanged cards with magical powers?”

“If I really want to use my supernatural powers, why don’t I just grab you all directly, and why do I have to make such a big detour? Stop talking nonsense and be willing to admit defeat, hurry up and pay.”

Some blackened scattered silver and some new and old copper plates were all pushed in front of Li Huowang.

Just as Li Huowang was shuffling the cards and preparing to play another hand, there was a sudden stomping sound from the deck above his head. “The boat is about to dock! Apricot Island is here!”

Hearing this, both the card players and the card watchers crowded towards the exit stairs.

When Li Huowang stood on the pier of Xingdao with both feet, he breathed a sigh of relief and finally arrived.

But then, Li Huowang suddenly got into a difficult situation. Although Zhuge Yuan asked him to find him, he heard from the boss of the boat that the entire Xingdao was half as big as Jiangnan Road. How could he find Zhuge Yuan in such a big place? Woolen cloth?

Li Huowang pondered for a while, and then took out a piece of yellow turmeric paper from his arms. It is necessary to use this talisman for divination when it comes to finding someone.

However, if you want to divination, you must use human bones. This is a bit difficult, and he will not prepare these at all.

Although it was difficult, Li Huowang thought about it for a long time and came up with an alternative.

First cut open his broken arm which was healing with a knife, Li Huowang gritted his teeth and reached into the flesh and blood, grabbed the arm bone and yanked it hard.

Followed by a burst of intense soreness and emptiness, Li Huowang pulled out his entire upper arm bone like a radish.

------Off topic------

Tomorrow three more

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