Mutated Tao Chapter 379: Refinement

“Shopkeeper Li, has the cinnabar I wanted arrived?”

The owner of the pharmacy, who was dialing the abacus, looked up and immediately saw the strange man in the red Taoist robe.

Then he put on a flattering smile on his face, this is a big customer. “Hehe, guest officer, I’m waiting for you. The whole 30 catties are here. That, little tiger, go and help guest officer deliver it home.”

“No, I’ll take it myself.” After paying the final payment, Li Huowang turned and walked out of the pharmacy with the bag in one hand.

Xiao Huzi, the pharmacy clerk, was very surprised and asked his boss: “Shopkeeper, what does this man want thirty catties of cinnabar for? Ordinary people, even if it is medicine, would buy it in a few ounces at most.”

With a “got”, the pharmacy owner bent his middle finger, and directly rewarded him with a dick. “Does it hurt? It’s okay to hurt! Remember this lesson well! As a fellow, you don’t care what other people buy and do, and it doesn’t matter to us even if he takes it back to bibimbap!”

With a sound of “bang”, the heavy cinnabar bag was thrown on the carriage, and Li Huowang directly got into the carriage and blew the whistle with his mouth, and Mantou immediately followed him.

“Drive~! Drive~!” Li Huowang glanced at the cinnabar bag beside him, twitched the reins, and drove the carriage towards the west gate.

Just last night, Li Huowang suddenly realized that he had reached a dead end in the past. Since others can use Xin Su to refine magical weapons, why can’t he refine them?

And my body heals at an extraordinary speed, and there are almost no side effects other than making myself a little bit more painful.

More importantly, the magic weapon refined from Xinsu’s organs has extraordinary abilities and can greatly improve one’s own strength. This will definitely help a lot in the next duel with Beifeng busy.

“Da da da.” Li Huowang gradually walked out of the city as the horseshoe stepped on the stone slab and made sounds.

Li Huowang did not take the main roads that many people walk, but deliberately looked for remote small roads and mountain roads.

When the sun gradually set, Li Huowang finally found a suitable place, a flat open space in front of several grave mounds.

As soon as Mantou arrived at this place, he immediately became vigilant, lowered his body and threatened the grave with his gums trembling.

“Please don’t blame me for borrowing the land in front of the courtyard for one night.” Li Huowang bowed his hands towards the graves, then turned around to take things from the carriage.

Mantou suddenly pounced on it, blasting out several mice and scurrying around.

Li Huowang first took down the small alchemy furnace he got from Rendrill, then put cinnabar in the furnace, and put the top-quality snowflake charcoal under the furnace.

As a former alchemy cultivator, it was easy to refine some cinnabar. An hour later, Li Huowang turned on the alchemy furnace, and a silver liquid mixed with dregs of medicine appeared in front of Li Huowang.

Dan Yangzi once taught this thing when he was in Qingfengguan. The silver liquid made from cinnabar is called a girl, but in Li Huowang’s previous world, this thing was called mercury.

Quickly sifting out the residue, Li Huowang picked up a bowl and packed the girls, but this was not enough, he needed more.

After some refinement, Li Huowang looked at the big bowl of silver shiny girls in front of him, with a hint of satisfaction on his face.

“This is almost enough”

Li Huowang turned around and took out the shovel he had prepared and began to dig the hole. He dug deeper and deeper, and when he had almost reached the next person, he stopped.

Closing his eyes and taking a few deep breaths, Li Huowang reached out from the torture tool sheepskin bag at the bottom and took out a broken dagger with a cold light.

“Taoist, do you want to think about it again? It really shouldn’t be like this.” The monk rushed over and persuaded with a look of reluctance.

The one with the opposite attitude was Hong Zhong, who was sitting on Peng Longteng’s shoulder, looking like he was waiting for a good show.

No matter what the hallucinations around him said, nothing could shake Li Huowang’s determination. He raised the dagger high, aiming at the middle of his scalp and slowly slashed across it.

Then Li Huowang took off his clothes, stood naked in the hole he had dug before, bowed his head and began to bury himself with soil continuously.

It is really difficult to bury yourself, but fortunately, Li Sui can help.

As Li Sui’s tentacles whipped the soil continuously, the soil around Li Huowang was beaten tightly.

“Li Sui, be good, please do me a favor”

Under Li Huowang’s order, two tentacles emerged from his neck, slowly rolled up the large bowl full of young girls on the ground, and leaned towards the wound on the top of his head.

Li Huowang swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and opened his mouth slowly. “Pull it out before pouring it, don’t sprinkle it.”

Li Sui was very obedient, and immediately followed suit, and the tentacles stretched Li Huowang’s scalp wound to the maximum.

As the big bowl tilts, the silver waterline glistens under the moonlight, which is very beautiful. “Hmm!!”

Following Li Huowang’s screams, the mercury line kept pouring in following the crack on the top of his head.

This kind of process was extremely difficult, but Li Huowang didn’t dare to waver, for fear of spilling the mercury.

Mercury is also a gold stone, and its weight is naturally heavy. As it continued to fall, it quickly split Li Huowang’s skin and flesh.

Li Huowang was in pain at first, but in fact he could bear the pain, but gradually the pain turned into itching, and it became more and more itchy. This kind of itching covered his whole body.

When the extreme itching almost reached its peak, Li Huowang, who was buried in the soil, struggled desperately. At this moment, he felt bitten by ants all over his body, and this feeling almost drove him crazy.

As he kept shaking his head, the crack on the top of his head quickly grew bigger.

As Li Huowang kept twisting, his body squeezed up like a snake, and after a lot of effort, his **** head without skin finally squeezed out from the crack in the scalp.

First the head, then the left arm, and then the right. When the moonlight was shining, Li Huowang finally got out of the soil, but his skin remained where it was.

“Haha” Li Huowang was trembling all over, he couldn’t tell which place was more painful at the moment, he thought he was already used to the pain.

But when the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month blew on his skinless body like a knife, Li Huowang was still in pain and was about to faint.

Li Huowang took out the “Fire Jacket Scripture” tremblingly, and tremblingly began to recite the mantra on it.

The burning gnat crawled over Li Huowang slowly. After a while, Li Huowang’s whole body was completely covered by scorched black and yellow burn scars.

It may have become more painful, but at least Li Huowang, covered in scars, can wear clothes.

After getting dressed, Li Huowang glanced at the ground, his heart stopped suddenly, and he fell directly on the carriage, curled up, and passed out with his arms around him.

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