Mutated Tao Chapter 372: Emperor Daliang

Ji Xiang said while chewing the pot helmet: “You don’t understand, this kid is unusual, I searched all the books from the first library to the fourth library, and then I figured out what this kid did before to make us Rescue them, that’s the secret art of the Nestorian sect, Cangsang ascending the steps!”

“Brother, what is that?” Sensing the seriousness of the other party, the old woman’s tone became much lighter.

“Our family’s qualifications are not enough. The only thing I found is that most of the people who have used this secret technique are dead, and those who can survive are not ordinary people.”

“The more important thing is that you think about it. What is climbing? What does he want to achieve? Once this kind of secret technique is used once, he is no longer a mortal! Can you tell us that we can provoke it?”

Hearing the words of the record, the old woman nodded with lingering fear, “Then brother, you did well, we can’t owe this kind of person favors.”

“I suspect that this kid has another purpose in joining the Supervising Division, and it’s not at all what he said to seek revenge.”

The old woman took out a handkerchief with some distress, and wiped the dense sweat from the other party’s forehead. “It’s okay, bro, let’s not worry about these trivial matters, it has nothing to do with us anyway, let’s go home.”

Looking at the gradually approaching gate, Ji Xiang nodded slightly with a solemn expression.

As Ji Xiang took out Jian Tiansi’s badge, the thick city gate slowly opened a gap. The carriage waiting for Jixiang left Shangjing and closed like two huge mountains.

Li Huowang got up very early the next day, and after getting everything ready, he got out of bed and walked towards the prison against the morning fog.

To Li Huowang’s surprise, he wasn’t the only one who came, but a half-grown child who was leading a blind man had already arrived ahead of schedule.

“I’m just in charge of escorting the prisoners, the soldiers want to invite other outsiders?” Li Huowang waited silently.

After a while, another man riding a bull backwards came. He was dressed like Li Huowang had never seen him before. He was sitting cross-legged on the back of a bull, holding a four-armed blue clay statue of a female Buddha, with his head hanging down, muttering something in a low voice.

I don’t know if the people in Shangjing know something, they turned around after a long distance, and there are no shops nearby. It was already bright tomorrow, but the gate of the prison was still extremely deserted.

Under their waiting, the heavy cell door opened soon, and an iron prison car slowly drove out.

The man was a bit different from the prisoner in Li Huowang’s impression, with a golden mask on his face.

It was a very peculiar mask, with a square face, big hollow eyes, a triangular nose bridge and wide ears.

If it weren’t for the more convoluted lines on the mask, Li Huowang almost thought he saw a Sanxingdui mask.

“Just take him to the Meridian Gate and behead him.” The military master who accompanied him ordered to the three of Li Huowang.

“The Meridian Gate? You don’t even have to go out of the city?” Li Huowang almost thought he heard it wrong. From here to the Meridian Gate, no matter how slow he walked, it would only take two hours. thing.

“That’s right, that’s right.” The military strategist seemed very anxious, and hurried back into the prison after saying this.

Seeing the prison cart moving under the driving of an old white-haired jailer, Li Huowang glanced at the other two, stood beside the prison cart and walked towards the Meridian Gate.

No matter what they want to do, as long as it can help Bai Lingmiao get rid of the evil spirit, he will do anything.

As the carriage slowly entered the commotion, the surrounding voices began to make noise. Facing the people inside the prison van, the people in Shangjing laughed and pointed. They didn’t seem to be surprised by the golden mask at all, or they were already used to it.

The noise seemed to wake up the people in the prison car. He suddenly put the golden mask on the prison car and shouted at the others: “You can’t do this to me! I am the emperor!! I am Daliang Emperor!!”

Hearing this, Li Huowang’s heart tightened, but when he turned around, he found that no one else responded except himself.

At this time, the blind man with a hunchback on the side kept repeating like a sutra, “If there is something strange, it’s not the fault of the person doing things. If there is anything strange, it’s not the fault of the person doing the things.”

Seeing this, Li Huowang didn’t care about anything else, and did his job as a prisoner with peace of mind.

He could already guess why those military strategists wanted outsiders like them to send this man on his way, and why this incident affected his official career.

The wheels of the prison cart rolled slowly along the wide road to the edge of the big red palace wall.

Li Huowang of Mingrui noticed that there was a sight shot down from the city wall, but he didn’t make a fuss. Anyway, the sight was looking at the people in the prison car.

“Ji Song! Do you think you have won? Not necessarily. One day, you will end up like me!” The prisoner in the prison car raised his head and shouted hysterically at the top of the city wall .

The people on the city wall didn’t respond, they just watched silently.

The carriage moved very slowly, but no matter how slow it was, it would reach the place. At this time, the executioner had been waiting for a long time, and it happened to be noon, and a group of people were surrounding the execution ground, eagerly looking forward to it.

“Ji Man! Intended to treason! Unforgivable crime! Deserve to be executed!!”

The red token was thrown down, and the masked man in the prison car was dragged out. At this moment, his body was as soft as noodles, and the prison clothes were soaked with yellow urine.

Following the executioner’s dragging, Li Huowang realized that the other party’s body was a little weird at this time. He has a big belly, but his limbs are exceptionally thin.

And the belly is not caused by being too fat, it looks like some big and small things squeezed into a big belly.

“Pfft~!” The spirits sprayed on the broadsword violently, and the executioner with a big belly and a round waist suddenly raised it high and slashed down with force, and the big head fell to the ground rolling with blood.

The executioner took off the **** golden mask, held it in both hands and brought it to the executioner’s table.

As the executioner wrapped it in yellow silk cloth, got on his horse and galloped towards the palace wall, the nearby officers and soldiers began to withdraw, and soon all of them left, allowing the corpse to gradually cool down.

As soon as the officials left, the people who were watching the theater buzzed around like flies, holding steamed buns in their hands, desperately soaking the blood on the ground.

What’s more, the two women quarreled because of more stickiness and less stickiness. Li Huowang saw such irony along the way.

“Is this the end? It’s so simple?” Li Huowang frowned, turned around and was about to leave.

But when he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, and walked through the crowd to the headless corpse.

When he took out the small dagger and gently cut open the swollen stomach, big and small **** squeezed out from inside.

“Huh?” Li Huowang picked up a fist-sized one and looked at it carefully.

“The belly of this “Emperor Liang” is full of pills, this guy’s stomach is stretched by so many pills.”

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