Mutated Tao Chapter 258: play

“I don’t have white noodles, do you want sorghum noodles and stick noodles?”

Squatting on a large stone, the skinny old man with a large porcelain bowl asked Lu Zhuangyuan who was asking about grain sales.

“Isn’t the field full of millet? Why is there no white flour? We will give you money and not rob you.” Lu Zhuangyuan seemed a little unwilling.

Although coarse grains are edible, they are not as tasty as refined grains. Besides, without spending your own money, there is no need to save.

The skinny old head shook like a rattle. “That won’t work. The white flour will be reserved for the officials to pay for the official rations. If they can’t pay the official rations, they will pull my son as a coolie.”

“Xiao Daoist, look at this”

Lv Zhuangyuan turned his head and cast a questioning look at Li Huowang who was touching the steamed bun and dog’s head.

After agreeing, Lu Zhuangyuan turned his head and said to the old man: “All right, all right, coarse grains are coarse grains, we can buy a lot, you have to give us a little bit cheaper.”

As bags of grain were put on the carriage, the wheels of the carriage sank slightly into the soil.

But buying so many is also good. At least the other party agreed to borrow two empty granaries for Li Huowang and the others to stay overnight.

Although all the grains he bought were coarse grains, Young Boy can still make flowers.

The sticky multigrain dough sticks around the black pan, and pieces of browned pancakes are baked out.

In the middle of the pancakes is a soup made from yesterday’s leftover mutton bones. Yellow pancakes with mutton bone soup are their dinner.

Although the things are simple, the taste is very good.

“Master Xiao Dao, there are many people in this place. At night, we need to send a few people to watch the sheep. Otherwise, we may not be able to guarantee that someone who has a son without an **** hole will come and steal from us.”

Lv Zhuangyuan held a bowl and reminded Li Huowang who was eating baked pancakes.

“It’s okay, just let Mantou sleep in the sheep pile at night, she will bark if someone steals the sheep.”

Li Huowang threw the mutton bones without a trace of meat on the ground, and the steamed buns squatting under his stool rushed up immediately. Hold it in your mouth and drag it back.

She stepped on one side with her front paws, and began to gnaw with relish.

“A dog is almost there, how about it, I will let my youngest son go there with the dog to guard it, I just found out the price, this is out of Qingqiu, this sheep is very valuable.”

Seeing that Li Huowang did not refuse, Lu Zhuangyuan showed a satisfied smile on his face, and he couldn’t help but feel proud. “Hey, our Lu family class is coming in handy again!”

“Your daughter-in-law gave birth outside by herself, is it okay? Why don’t you find a midwife in this village.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, she has already given birth to a baby once, and the second time it is no different from shitting, I’m sorry, I can’t say this while eating.”

Just as a group of people were eating in this simple barn, they heard some noisy sounds from outside.

Gouwa, who was squatting at the door, turned his head to look at Li Huowang in the house, took a yellow pancake from the pot, stuffed it into his mouth, and walked outside curiously with the bowl in his hand.

The room became quiet, except for the sound of sipping soup, there was only the sound of chewing, and the pancakes with stickmeal sticky to the teeth. You can’t eat too fast, you can only chew slowly.

Not long after, Gouwa came in from outside with an empty bowl, “Hey! Do you know what I saw?”

Others glanced at him and all ate their dinners. Don’t bother to talk to him at all.

Seeing that there was no one to argue with, in order to prevent her friend from getting off the stage, Lu Xiucai asked just right: “What did you see?”

Putting the bowl away, Gou Wa clapped his hands excitedly, “I just saw a group of people singing a big show! There are men and women! They are setting up a stage in the village right now!”

As soon as these words came out, Li Huowang and the others hadn’t responded yet, and everyone in Lu’s class immediately pricked up their ears.

If we say that what is naked hatred in the world, it is definitely one kind between colleagues.

“Hey, drink~!” Lu Zhuangyuan put the bowl in his hand on the ground, wiped his mouth with the front and back of his sleeve, straightened his back with all his strength, and walked outside like a rooster.

“Let’s go! Take a look, I want to see how the opera of Daliang Kingdom is sung!”

Li Huowang looked up at his back as he went away, and continued to eat his delicious glutinous yellow pancakes.

This Lu Zhuangyuan doesn’t care about other things, but when he meets his fellow singers, it’s like being beaten with chicken blood, and he cares extra.

Li Huowang is indifferent to these things, but it is very tempting to other people. It’s been a busy day, and there’s never been a chance to relax.

Hearing that there was an opera singer, the others couldn’t sit still any longer, they started gobbling one after another, put down their bowls and walked outside after eating.

“Brother Li, let’s go and have a look too.”

“That’s right, Taoist priest, let’s go and have a look too, I like watching opera the most.”


“Brother Li, don’t, let’s go, it looks good, I used to like being hugged by my grandma, standing in the crowd to watch a play.” Bai Lingmiao took Li Huowang’s arm and shook it gently, his voice seemed to be There was a touch of coquettishness.

“Yes, go, Taoist priest, I beg you.” The monk in the broken monk’s robe leaned to the other side of Li Huowang with longing in his eyes.

Looking at the monk in front of him, Li Huowang moved his lips slightly, and finally suppressed the swear words from his mouth abruptly.

As soon as he put the bowl down, he strode outside, and the cheers of Bai Lingmiao and the monk suddenly sounded behind him.

When he came outside, the village, which was very empty just now, had become very crowded. The walls and trees were covered with people. Judging by the number, people from the entire Zhuangzi must have rushed here. Lu Jiaban people are also among them.

Li Huowang led Bai Lingmiao up to the roof, sat on the hard tiles, and looked at the brightly lit stage in the distance.

In order for people to see clearly, the other party hung a lot of lanterns on the stage, making the entire stage the brightest piece.

“Qing Qiang Qiang Qiang~” Accompanied by the unique music of opera, a red-faced general with six-sided chess pieces inserted behind his back and two long feathers on his head came onto the stage following the rhythm of his steps.

Following the music, he danced a few times with the white mace in his hand. After his sudden appearance, the music stopped, and then he began to sing. His resolute singing voice was very bold and hearty.

“The sound of the sound of the golden drum~!! Wake me up ~Breaking the sky gate ~I want to be a young war horse~Going majestic! Responsibility in the rest of my life! How can an inch of land belong to others!!”


Hearing Bai Lingmiao beside him clapping his hands along with the monk’s applause, Li Huowang first turned to look at her joyful side face, and then looked up at the actor on the stage.

Hearing this word, it seems to describe the psychological activities of a certain general of the Liang Kingdom before he went to war, but Li Huowang didn’t know which episode he was acting, who he was and where he went to fight.

But he was originally persuaded to come here, and he didn’t care about the plot, and followed other people to watch in a daze.

At first, Li Huo thought that this play was no different from Banzhu Lu’s play, except that the singing voice was different, but he soon discovered the difference.

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