Mutated Tao Chapter 1002: Kill

Li Huowang’s body fell apart, his limbs, his internal organs, and his head, everything seemed to be disconnected from each other, scattered in the water.

And this was just the result of Fu Shengtian taking a look at it, and the other party didn’t do anything else.

“Am I going to die?” As this thought flashed through Li Huowang’s mind, Li Huowang’s consciousness immediately began to dissipate.

Facing the imminent death, Li Huowang didn’t have any fear, only a strong unwillingness in his heart at this moment.

“No! I can’t die! I absolutely can’t die! If I die, who will be resurrected!

I must not die!

Following Li Huowang’s categorical roar, his body that should have died revived again. Under the immersion in the sea water, Li Huowang’s split body began to activate, and various deformed organs grew out.

At this moment, a water sleeve full of white feathers passed through Li Huowang’s wreckage like a chain, taking away his death, and completely freed Li Huowang from the dying situation.

Li Huowang’s brain turned rapidly. He knew that although he couldn’t die now, he couldn’t do anything with his current self. He had to find a way to regain his mobility again!

Quickly recalling the abilities of his allies, Li Huowang immediately had an idea.

The eyeballs, which look like the hands and feet of a broken baby, waved three limbs, dragging Li Huowang’s half-open mouth, and quickly swam to the five overlapping Buddhas.

Now he is fighting against Fu Shengtian’s commander, and any thing he targets will be betrayed by his own flesh and blood.

However, not all of them are useful, some lifeless ones, for him

There is absolutely no way.

Taking advantage of the help of Gushen who was on fire all over beside him, Li Huowang yelled at Wu Zhi with his half-open mouth: “Wu Zhi! Use your ability to help me!”

As soon as Li Huowang’s words fell, the five mouths of the five wise Tathagatas opened their mouths at the same time, and some overlapping Buddhist scriptures began to spread to the surroundings with the trembling of the black water.

“Uncovering the truth and uncovering the truth, Prajna Paramita…”

When the sound of Buddhist scriptures reached Li Huowang’s ears, and when his nose smelled the incense of the temple, his body began to continuously grow various flesh and blood to fill the cracked gap.

Not long after, Li Huowang had a new body again, but this new body looked like the Buddha of Zhengde Temple, weird and distorted.

However, at this moment, Li Huowang couldn’t care about anything else at all, and immediately put his hand into his head as quickly as possible, and forcibly tore off the memory about Fu Shengtian.

Li Huowang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the transparent water around him had turned colorful and dull black again, and things in the distance could no longer be seen.

Although the big trouble is solved, the matter is not over now.

Looking at the chaotic situation in front of him, Huo Wang dragged his bloated and deformed body, and roared towards that side with the saber in his hand.

The bullet was shot, and as Li Huowang raised his saber violently, the bullet bounced back with a crisp “swing”.

Fightingly, he stabbed the chest of a black shadow with a knife, and the scorching blood sprayed on Li Huowang’s face, making the killing intent in his eyes even stronger.

With the continuous fighting, Li Huowang, who had more and more wounds on his body, not only did not exhaust himself, but instead killed more and more.

A knife was inserted into another person’s head, and it was pulled down directly, and the internal organs immediately flowed out along the gap.

Just when he was about to continue, Li Huowang suddenly felt a stagger under his feet. He looked down and found that it was Zhao Lei who was missing an ear.

He looked badly injured, as if he was about to die, and his right hand, missing two fingers, waved weakly at him.

Zhao Lei, with pale lips, exhausted his last bit of strength, grabbed Li Huowang tightly, and said to him: “Li Huowang…I lied to you…Actually, you didn’t steal my iron. …still….I’m just afraid that they will miss…”

“Don’t die! At least don’t die here! Go back to Bai Yujing and die again! Otherwise, your heaven will be given to someone else!” The anxious Li Huowang dragged him up forcibly.

Then he looked around and saw the back of Yang Na in the distance, Li Huowang shouted loudly: “Mother Wusheng! Come quickly! Take the death away from him!”

“I also have my own little…thoughts…but…none of you…care about me…you are all using me….”

When Zhao Lei said this, his eyes began to roll up, and Tong Kong also began to enlarge gradually.

“Hehe…do you think…I lost? That’s not…not necessarily…I just…not as you expected…”

Looking at the empty sky, Zhao Lei finished his last words. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood on Li Huowang’s chest, and his body could no longer move.

Li Huowang ruthlessly threw Zhao Lei’s body on the ground, and rushed into the battlefield amidst the heavy rain with a knife in hand.

Looking at the undiminished enemies in front of him, Li Huowang knew that he couldn’t go on like this! People have already died, and if this continues, more and more people will die! You must return to Bai Yujing immediately!

He turned his head to Zhao Shuang and shouted loudly: “Take the others away! Back them all! I’ll break the queen!

As soon as Li Huowang finished speaking, a stick swung over with the whistling sound, and hit him firmly on the head.

This time the force was so heavy that Li Huowang felt a humming sound explode in his mind, and at the same time he even heard the sound of his own skull cracking.

The dizzy Li Huowang saw the other party raise the stick in his hand again, and slammed it directly on his forehead.

The force is extremely strong, if it is hit, I am afraid that the whole head will be crushed.

Looking at the moment when the stick was about to hit, Li Huowang woke up instantly, his body quickly shifted, and he dodged a foot away, dodging the opponent’s attack.

Li Huowang turned over the weapon in his hand, held the saber backwards, and pierced the opponent’s chest while the opponent’s old power had just been released and new power was not born.

At this moment, Li Huowang suddenly felt a pain in his chest. When he looked down, he saw scarlet blood oozing from his left abdomen, and he was shot.

Clutching his abdominal wound, Li Huowang turned around and looked at the three black muzzles pointing at him in the distance.

Wrathed with killing intent, he continued to attack Li Huowang’s little sanity, and he roared loudly at the muzzle of the gun in the distance.

At the moment when the gunshot sounded, Li Huowang stretched his hand behind him without hesitation and pulled it out suddenly. There was a clattering sound, and the copper coin sword was stretched suddenly. The red thread was wrapped around copper coins, like a red thread. Afterimages waved past.

“I am shocking, Lida, Lingling!”

Accompanied by the sound of metal impacts and the sound of blood and flesh being torn apart, the bullets and the people with the gun were all cut in half by Li Huowang’s copper coin sword.

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