Mortal Prison Chapter 333: Black River Valley, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Mortal Hell!

Karatohai Township is very large, with a vast territory and sparsely populated areas. Especially since we are now in a pastoral area, it is even more difficult to find a home. It was not until nightfall that we finally found a home.

The owner of this family is named Tao Bai. He wears a sheepskin jacket and speaks half-baked Chinese. But he is very enthusiastic. We expressed our intention as tourists and hoped to stay overnight. He agreed without thinking. We wanted to give him money, but he made his face darken and became very unhappy. Finally, after we apologized, things finally turned around and he happily arranged a yurt for us.

The hostess obviously has a much better temper than Uncle Taobai. When she gave us the sheepskin mattress, she told us that the shepherds here are at home in all corners of the world. Sometimes they herd or go on long journeys, and it takes several days to go out. In the meantime, if the dry food or water is gone, or there is bad weather, you have to have a place to live. Therefore, the shepherds who take in the passers-by often do not expect anything in return. They just hope that one day they will be able to get help from others when they are unable to return home. Be kind.

This is probably a theory of cause and effect. Herders have lived on this land for thousands of years and always have their own way of survival. But we were reckless.

After a short rest, Uncle Taobai called us and prepared dinner, which was beef, mutton and dairy products.

During the dinner, we learned that Uncle Taobai belonged to the Kazakh tribe, and should be the Zhongyuzi of this tribe, similar to the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty. The ancestors of their tribe can be traced back to the Naiman tribe. Of course, by Nowadays, no one will use this method to discuss whether people are close or not.

All the men on the grassland like to drink, especially after guests come over. It’s quite fun to drink and drink together.

“Uncle, when we came here we saw a particularly interesting river valley more than forty miles west of your place.”

I thought for a while and then said: “I think it’s quite interesting there. The forest looks black from a distance, and there is a small lake in the middle with bright blue light. It’s very beautiful. Is there anything interesting there? ?”

The wine glass in Uncle Taobai’s hand shook, and the wine spilled all over him without realizing it.

Even his wife’s expression changed drastically.

“You can’t go to the Black River Valley, you can’t go there!”

Uncle Taobei said angrily: “That’s an evil place. You’ll get into trouble if you go there. Don’t go there!”

“Oh? It’s just a place, what will happen if I go there?”

Anya smiled and said: “Is it possible that there is something special about this!?”

“Stop talking nonsense!”

The hostess solemnly warned: “We won’t harm you. Don’t go there. That’s right. You don’t have to believe in ghosts and gods, but don’t provoke them. Aren’t you Han people? , Didn’t Confucius, the wise man of the Han people, also say that the Master did not speak strange words and had power to confuse the gods? Even he couldn’t explain it clearly, so why not say it at all? How could you, his descendants, disbelieve the wise man’s warning?”

You can’t tell that this hostess has more stuff in her belly than Uncle Taobai, and she has told many truths that people have to believe.

“Did anything strange happen there?”

I asked at the right time: “Just tell us a story. Travelers like us love to hear stories like this.”

“Can’t say, can’t say…”

The hostess shook her head: “These ghosts and gods are very powerful. People who say things about them behind their backs may be overheard. Who knows, they may come to your door one day.”

I am not willing to accept it, but unfortunately, no matter how much I ask, this couple refuses to speak.

In the end, I simply didn’t ask and started drinking with Uncle Taobai vigorously. Even though he had a heavy drinking capacity, he couldn’t resist the malicious persuasion of several evolutionists to drink. I continued drinking until the middle of the night, and the upright uncle was already drunk. .

While his wife was making milk tea, I asked again.

Uncle Tao Bai was so dizzy from drinking that he finally managed to say something out loud.

“Do you know what Krato Sea means? This means black forest in our Kazakh language.”

Uncle Taobai could no longer stand still and stammered: “You have also seen that the woods here are so beautiful and lush. Is there anything wrong? The only thing is that the Black River Valley is different. , when you walk in, you will see that the trees there are all black. Our ancestors once said that it is the hometown of the devil. Under the lake, terrible Yin spirits sleep. Some people have seen Yin soldiers there. “Some people have gone there and come back, but their souls have been lost and they have become idiots. In short, there are too many terrible things. It is a forbidden area and no one rushes there.”

After that, Uncle Taobai actually said something ready-made.

This thing happened about twenty years ago. He saw it with his own eyes. If his wife hadn’t stopped him, he would have even gotten involved. Even now, whenever he thinks about it, he feels terrified.

Uncle Taobai had a very good friend when he was a child, a Mongolian named Bater.

Society more than 20 years ago was different from today. Materials were not as rich as now, and they were relatively poor. Herders on the pasture lived a very poor life. In addition to grazing, they would also go hunting in winter to subsidize expenses.

During a hunt, Battle accidentally discovered a fire fox.

The fox’s body was as red as fire, and its fur was so bright that it was frightening. If it could be caught, it would definitely be sold for a good price.

Battle could have killed him with one shot, but he was afraid that the skin would be ruined and the skin would be incomplete and the price would be greatly reduced, so he simply chased after him. Unexpectedly, the fox jumped away very quickly and ran away. The thief was so quick, Battle was chasing after him, and unknowingly he entered the Black River Valley. He didn’t hold down the fox until he could no longer run away. He was almost bitten on the hand. When he got angry, he simply killed the fox alive with a stone. His head was smashed to pieces, and the skin was peeled off and hung to dry in front of the yurt.

Soon after, something happened to Battle.

The first person to have an accident was his mother.

That night, Battelle had fallen asleep, but was awakened by a strange noise. The noise sounded like “crack, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang”, as if someone was chewing bones, and the sound came from her mother’s yurt. of.

He ran to his mother’s yurt and asked. Her mother’s voice came from inside. Some voices scolded him for being an unfilial son. What happened to my mother who got hungry at night and ate a handful of meat?

Battle was so scolded that he didn’t dare to say anything. He returned to the yurt dejectedly, wondering why his mother, who usually loved him like a treasure in the palm of her hand, was so violent today? It’s like taking gunpowder.

Early the next morning, Battle collapsed when he went out, because there was a human skin hanging at the door of his house. It was his mother’s skin. The hanging place was exactly where he was drying the fox skin.

His mother was eaten and chewed to pieces. The sound of chewing bones he heard last night was not his mother eating the meat at all. In fact, it was evil spirits eating his mother!

Battle asked the shaman, and the shaman said that it was the fire fox he had beaten that was taking revenge.

Battle loves his mother the most, why should he care about ghosts and gods? He took a shotgun, summoned Uncle Tao Bai and rushed towards the Black River Valley, intending to start a killing spree. At that time, Uncle Tao Bai was still a passionate young man who was not afraid of anything and everything. He wanted to avenge his good friend, so he followed without even thinking. went.

As a result, when they reached the edge of the Black River Valley, hail suddenly fell in the sky.

“I have never seen such big hail, it must be this big…”

Uncle Taobei clenched his fist angrily, made some gestures, and then said: “After the hail fell, I tried to dodge it, but Battelle couldn’t dodge it no matter what, and the hail turned around and headed towards his head. Say hello, and finally beat him to death, his head turned into a rotten watermelon, which looked exactly like the fox’s head he smashed with stones!”

Uncle Taobai trembled, with a look of horror on his face: “I know that my survival is not due to luck at all. It’s because the ghosts and gods in the Black River Valley didn’t want my life and let me go…”

After saying this, his wife burst in angrily.

“Oh, you old guy who can kill a thousand swords, I told you not to say it a long time ago. You said it as soon as you drank too much. Didn’t you just save your life and take it for granted? You have to provoke the ghosts and gods to come back and take you. ?”

The hostess angrily rushed to beat Uncle Taobai, then turned around and said to us again: “Those wilted little brats, are you sincere…”

Of course we won’t be angry and leave in a hurry.

When I returned to the yurt, the smile on my face was gone.

“How to say?”

Anya’s face was as dark as water, and she said: “Is it possible that there is another group of monsters occupying the black river valley? The fire fox… is it a clan of beauties?”

“Not the beauties, let alone that kind of monster.”

I thought about it and sighed: “This time, I’m afraid it’s really evil…”


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