Mortal Prison Chapter 188: Mask, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Mortal Hell!

Man is a strange creature, afraid of the night but also dependent on the night. It seems that once the sky darkens, everything can be perfectly covered up. He kills people, sets fire, and indulges in indulgence. People always like to choose this time to let go of their inner worries. Long-standing dissatisfaction or depression.

Since my ears became better, I am like a perverted eavesdropper. I always like to use my ears to taste various sounds from the world at night.

I have heard all kinds of sounds, but the noise at this time was definitely unusual. I smelled danger in it.

Silently, I opened my eyes.

Creak, creak…

A strange noise came from the next door. Someone was walking, and the other person was deliberately controlling the sound of his footsteps.

“Could it be her?”

After thinking for a moment, a smile appeared on my lips, and I lay in front of the window and looked down at the hotel entrance.

It was late at night, but the hotel entrance was still busy. Some men and women who had gone out for a party came back. A car parked in front of the hotel to unload passengers and then left.

A moment later, a figure walked through the crowd and walked out.

This is a slender and tall woman wearing a short overalls skirt and hard leather high heels on her feet. Her hair is high and she walked out swaying.


It is indeed her! !

Like a thief, she walked to the gate and looked left and right for a long time, and finally left in one direction.

The low roar I heard came from that direction.

“What are you going to do?”

After thinking about it for a while, I took the Nine Dragon Sword and quietly left the hotel, following the route that Anya left.

Anya is very cautious, almost always looking back in three steps. She often wanders in the alleys on the roadside and then returns to the main road. I know that this may be because she feels something vaguely and deliberately leads people in circles. , in order to avoid being discovered by her, I can only open the distance between us again.

This time Anya felt more at ease and sped up.


About three or four kilometers away from the hotel, there is a very famous bridge in Shanghai – Baidu Bridge.

The Baidu Bridge is deserted tonight. Surprisingly, no cars are passing by. The starry sky is dim, and only the street lights on the bridge illuminate the bridge deck yellowish.

Beside the bridge on the right, a rustic man stared blankly at the dark Suzhou River. He was wearing an old khaki military uniform, rubber shoes on his feet, which were covered with dirt, and his hat was crooked. , seems to have just finished the dirty work.

After Anya came to Baidu Bridge, her eyes were directly locked on the man. After looking at him for a moment, she slowly walked towards him.

“So elegant!”

She came to the man silently and said with a smile: “Are you here admiring the moon in the middle of the night? But there is no moon tonight!”

The man turned his head, glanced at her in surprise, and asked, “Do we know each other?”

“I don’t know.”

Anya straightened her body: “But, who said strangers can’t talk to each other?”


The man seemed a little dull, nodded seriously, and then said: “But I’m not in the mood to chat.”

“I have it!”

Anya looked like she was not afraid of retaliation, she was very shameless, she got in front of people and asked nonchalantly: “What are you looking for here in the middle of the night?”


The man cursed in a low voice and prepared to avoid Anya and leave.

Anya quickly moved a few steps and blocked the man’s way again. Her neat white teeth shone brightly under the street lamp: “You see, I am not a woman who is easily dismissed.”

The man became a little irritable and growled: “What on earth are you going to do?”

“Because you screamed so much that I had to take a rest. The most important thing is that your screams told me that you seemed to be looking for something, but the direction you walked in kept approaching me.”

Anyate said coquettishly: “If you just come to me to chat when you are lonely in the middle of the night, I will welcome you at any time. You see, I am actually a considerate woman. Of course, if you are just hungry If you want to go out to look for food, I can’t care. After all, there are too many things like you. This is other people’s case. I am a nanny now, so I don’t have time to take care of such nonsense. However, if you are looking for Kowloon As for the sword, then I have to take care of it.”

The man subconsciously took a step back, his expression turned solemn, and he shouted in a deep voice: “Who are you?”

Anya said with a smile: “Heaven has a way, and all spirits have a way. The night is long, don’t ask about the way home!”


The man suddenly changed his color, and then roared: “Go to hell!”


There were bursts of bursting sounds of cloth, and the man’s clothes were shattered inch by inch. His body began to swell, his muscles bulged like rocks, and his face became hideous and terrifying.

After a moment, a huge monster appeared that was ten feet tall and probably weighed close to a ton. Its skin was black and blue, with flesh piled up on its face, two small scarlet eyes, and a single horn on its forehead. He was panting like an ox, white air was constantly spraying out of his two large nostrils, and his tongue was covered with fangs.

Rhino demon!

I had been hiding in the green bushes at the end of the bridge to peek. When I saw this monster, my hands trembled and I almost jumped up.

The rhinoceros demon is a very powerful monster, with rough skin and thick flesh, and great strength. It is said that this thing can kill warriors or monks in the secret realm of Qi with one palm as long as they reach adulthood. It will be even more terrifying if they learn to control the cellular energy.

Rhino demons are known as the best scouts among monsters. Their skin color will constantly change according to the surrounding environment. At the same time, they can sense a certain aura from thousands of miles away and then track them. Once they are caught by them, It’s useless to stick to it and hide in the ends of the earth.

The rhinoceros demon is destined to be the best among all monsters due to its unparalleled talent.

Obviously, this is an adult rhino demon in front of me.

I subconsciously tightened my grip on the Nine Dragon Sword and broke into a cold sweat for Anya. I thought to myself, this **** has nothing to do with this thing. If she hadn’t looked at her determination, I might have rushed out. I gritted my teeth and held back extremely hard. Hard.

She is not a fool.

I want to see what her trump card is.

“There’s a big guy.”

Anya still had a playful smile on her face. She put one hand on the back of her head and gently pulled off her headband. Her black hair fell like a waterfall, without moving in the wind. Then, she bent down and took off her high heels. She was standing on the road with a thin layer of silk stockings wrapped around her body, and she hooked her fingers at the rhinoceros in an attitude that made me want to push her down on the curb and **** her: “Come on, sister, hug her.” !”

This is definitely not the Anya I know!

The contrast between the front and back is too big, it’s a bit irritating to the eyes, and I feel like my outlook is a bit shattered.


The Rhinoceros roared and rushed forward with red eyes.


The road it trampled on trembled faintly, like a tank at full power, covered with fists that were much bigger than Anya’s head. Looking at that posture, I guess I wanted to punch Anya into the heart with one fist.

The most important thing is… the rhinoceros demon’s fist is covered with a layer of substantial white light, covering the fist like a glove.

The secret realm of Qi formation!

This is a rhinoceros demon who has learned to use cellular energy. Although he is in the Qi Formation Secret Realm, he is extremely talented and can fight against the Void Breaker!

“Well done!”

As soon as Anya raised her hand, I opened my mind and saw that the energy floating in the world was gathering towards her hand at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The sound of gold and iron roared, and a huge sickle condensed in Anya’s hand!

The secret realm of Ji Qi?

She should be a monk.

“Open it for me!”

When fighting, Anya is fanatical, with piercing eyes and war-loving nature, like a madman.

She took a step forward and swung the sickle forward to kill. The sickle was like a tiger and the wind was blowing. The energy between heaven and earth surged towards her like a tide, and a terrifying light tore through the darkness.


The rhinoceros demon screamed and was instantly chopped away.

No, it’s not the secret realm of Qi formation, this is Sui Xu! !

I almost jumped out of the bushes.

“You are too weak, natural selection, the weak shall die!”

Anya scolded coldly, jumped up suddenly, and struck the rhinoceros demon with another sickle in the air.


A thick arm flew up and fell into the Suzhou River.

Red blood was splashed everywhere.

The rhinoceros demon had one of its arms cut off and had no intention of fighting anymore. It was rolling over and wailing while holding the broken arm.

That’s not right, it’s definitely not Sui Xu!

If it were Sui Xu, it would be impossible to resolve the battle so cleanly against the Rhinoceros. After studying with Emperor Li for so long, I still have confidence in this perspective.

So, if it’s not Suixu, what is it?


I sat down on the ground, feeling like a beeping dog.

A strong instructor-level man follows me every day and washes my pants and cooks for me?

Why do I vaguely feel that the Lord of Hell is staring at my name in the book of life and death and sneering?

Anya’s mask was too tight and hidden too deeply, so that I felt a little…basket pain…


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