Mortal Prison Chapter 158: Ten minutes, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Mortal Hell!

Cooking can live without a heart, but can people still live without a heart?

This is an obvious question.

After hearing the little nurse’s report, I was shocked.

Have people finally started dying?

“What kind of talent is this?”

The soldier said carelessly: “This hospital loses organs every day, why do you still come here? Are you afraid of dying slowly?”

This is quite heartbreaking.

Dong Wenxing’s face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his body immediately. This was exactly what he was most worried about. If such a big thing happened, if he didn’t solve it quickly, when word spread, the hospital would not be opened. No one came. You broke everything and came to the hospital with your nose pinched to survive, not to seek death.

I kicked the soldier hard, glared at him, and then asked the little nurse: “What’s going on?”

The little nurse glanced at me and was not sure where I was coming from, so she could only turn to the dean for help.

“It’s one of our own.”

Dong Wenxing said: “We will have to rely on them to handle this case later!”

“Then let’s talk while walking!”

The little nurse opened the door and said: “The patient’s family members are still waiting outside. The patient has died in the ward. We dare not push the patient out rashly. We are still delaying time. Let’s get there quickly!”

This little nurse looks to be only 18 or 19 years old, but she is very experienced in handling matters.

I nodded and gestured to talk while walking.

But after knowing the inside story, I breathed a sigh of relief.

This is not malicious killing.

In fact, since the accident in this hospital, patients and family members have come to make trouble everywhere, and very few patients have come here to see a doctor, unless there are some special emergencies, such as this unlucky woman today.

A few hours ago, this woman came to do errands near the hospital. As she was crossing a zebra crossing, she encountered a driver who was not smart. Because he was driving too fast, he failed to stop at a red light and hit the woman. Fly.

In fact, the speed of the car was not very fast at that time. It was probably only thirty or forty miles at most. The bad thing was that the woman landed on her head after being hit. Because the Friendly Hospital was relatively close, she immediately I was sent here, but it was still too late. I was already dying when I got here.

However, this hospital was not timid and chose rescue.

It’s just that I couldn’t be saved.


After listening, I asked: “Didn’t you say her head hit the ground? Then her wound should be on her head, but why was her heart taken away?”

“I want to know too!!”

The little nurse recalled the situation at that time, with fear on her face. She was probably frightened, and there were tears in her eyes. She said: “After being sent to the emergency room, we were busy stopping the bleeding, stimulating the heartbeat, and even She was already dead before she could open her head, but just when the doctor in charge declared her dead, her belly opened inexplicably and her heart was missing!”

“In other words, the patient’s heart was removed after death?”

I fell into deep thought. Strictly speaking, the woman died in a car accident. The monster in the dark took away her heart at the moment of her death. It cannot be considered a homicide. However, the woman had just died at that time, and her heart was still intact. Fresh and a great supplement for monsters.

So, it is not difficult to understand why the murderer struck immediately the moment the woman died.

After pondering for a moment, I turned around and asked, “So, how long was the interval between the time the doctor announced the patient’s death and the discovery that the woman’s heart had been removed?”

“Almost at the same time!”

The little nurse immediately said: “The woman was admitted to the hospital at 6:01 pm, and was sent to the emergency room at 6:10. The doctor confirmed that her death time was 6:20:17, and that she lost her heart. At six twenty minutes and eighteen seconds!”

Less than a second?

The woman’s abdominal cavity was not cut open by a doctor. In other words, the murderer cut open the woman’s belly in less than a second under the eyes of several nurses and a doctor, took out the heart, and left at the same time. ?


Is it realistic? !

I glanced at Dabing and Jizi and found that they also looked confused. It was obviously impossible to complete this series of things in such a short period of time.

So, the problem lies with the doctors and nurses?

I extremely suspected that they had been tricked, and immediately asked: “So, before and after the woman lost her heart instantly, did you feel any physical discomfort at the scene? For example, dozed off? Lack of energy? ”

That kind of thing confuses people, and most people will have some feelings. No matter how clever the monster is, it is impossible for people to be unaware. After all, the body is your own. If you are confused by drugs or smells, you will definitely feel it. .

“How is that possible.”

The little nurse shook her head and said helplessly: “After all, this is a time when life is at stake, and we don’t want her to die. How could she be sleepy at that time? She has always been highly concentrated, and there are no other abnormalities. Symptoms.”

I became more and more puzzled, so I simply waved my hand and said, “Forget it, let’s take us to the operating room!”

The little nurse lowered her head and silently led the way.

The front of the emergency operating room was already a mess.

The family members of the deceased arrived and were beating and kicking a young man. There was no doubt that this young man was the driver who caused the accident. They did not dare to fight back and could only suffer in silence.


The soldier cursed in a low voice: “If you hit someone, call the insurance company to take care of it. Aren’t you coming here just to get beaten up…”

The little nurse did not dare to say anything, for fear of offending the family of the deceased.

Fortunately, these family members focused their firepower on the driver who caused the accident, but they did not come to embarrass us. We had a smooth journey all the way to the operating room.

The smell of blood and medicine permeated the place. The four nurses looked pale, and the surgeon on the other side sat in despair, shaking all over.

Obviously, what happened here frightened them.

On the operating bed, a mutilated female corpse lay on it, with blood everywhere on her head and open abdominal cavity, and blood flowed everywhere on the bed.

Seeing Dong Wenxing, the chief surgeon finally became a little more cheerful and seemed to have found a backbone. He came up and took Dong Wenxing’s hand and said: “Dean, this matter really has nothing to do with me. I don’t know how to deal with it. The heart was lost inexplicably. Look at the body. It was cut cleanly with a scalpel. The heart was removed without any more cuts…”

Before he finished speaking, I became interested and asked quickly: “You mean, you are very skilled at using a scalpel on what you do?”

The chief surgeon glanced at Dong Wenxing with an inquiring look. Seeing Dong Wenxing nod, he said: “Not only is the scalpel used well, but also he has an ultimate understanding of the human body. The heart is in the middle of the belly, extending in all directions, and there are many connections. , if it were given to an ordinary person, it would not be that easy to remove the heart. It would definitely damage the body very seriously. However, the tool used to remove the heart was done neatly and without any extra cuts. Even doctors who have been in charge of the surgery for decades could not do it. I can’t do it!! At least, I can’t do it.”

Heh, he seems to be a master!

My mind became more active. Could it be that there really was a bad wolf among the doctors? A monster who has lived as a doctor for years?

“Brother Ninth, I discovered something very interesting!”

Suddenly, Xiaodouzi called me, waking me up from my thoughts.

I squatted down and held Xiaodouzi’s shoulders and asked: “What’s the matter?”

“Look there!”

Xiaodouzi pointed to the electronic watch on the wall of the operating room.

The time shown on the watch is 6:40 pm sharp.

Then Xiaodouzi handed me his mobile phone again.

The time displayed on the phone is six fifty! !

I quickly took out my mobile phone and looked at it. It was also six fifty. Then I looked at the mobile phones of Dabing, Ji Zi and Dong Wenxing. They were all six fifty.

Then, I asked Xiaodouzi to run out and look at other watches in the hospital. They all showed six fifty!

Only, the watch in the operating room where the accident occurred was ten minutes slow!

Is there something wrong with this watch?

I don’t think it is possible. The hospital is a place where life and death are decided, especially in the operating room. Doctors must be able to accurately grasp the time. The watches here are calibrated every day and inspected frequently, so the chance of problems is very low!

The little nurse said that someone came to check the watch yesterday and there was nothing wrong with it!

The other nurse was more attentive. She read the time before entering the operating room. At that time, the electronic watch still showed the same time as the watch outside!

This watch will break sooner or later, but it will break at the critical moment of surgery?

The corners of my mouth curled up slightly, this seemed a bit interesting.


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