Mortal Prison Chapter 145: Use force to break the ban, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Mortal Hell!

Everyone always has a knight’s dream in his heart.

Take a green edge three feet in the air, kill people one step at a time, and leave no trace for a thousand miles.

Who hasn’t had such a sweet dream as a teenager?

Who hasn’t been pushed to the ground and rubbed hard by reality when they grew up?

Until you are completely beaten to pieces by rules and fate, you will honestly castrate all those unrealistic ideas and live step by step.

The Nine Dragon Sword is in my arms, its scabbard is cold, its edge has been suppressed.

I stroked the scabbard, and there seemed to be a beast struggling in my heart.

I have to admit that Yunxi plucked a certain string in my heart, awakening the passion in my heart and the long-extinguished… knight’s dream!

“Okay! I’ll take you home!”

I looked at her steadily and said seriously: “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

“Thank you.”

Yunxi’s smile became even brighter, so bright that it was even a bit dazzling. The more she acted like this, the harder it was to hide the bitterness behind her smile: “My body has been dirty for a long time. I can’t even remember being touched by those beasts.” How many times, starting from Awang, to every man here, sometimes when I take a shower, I want to wipe off all the skin on my body, but I always feel dirty, but I just can’t wash it off. Now I suddenly understand, maybe when I am like a human being Only by dying the same way and being buried in my homeland can I feel clean.”

I didn’t answer, I just picked her up. When I moved her body, I touched the wound. It was a **** hole the size of a fist, right on her back. It was a miracle that she could struggle and get here. .

This was the injury she sustained when she lit the medicine warehouse. She used the old method to bribe the management of the medicine warehouse, and then entered the medicine warehouse. There were all pills there. This stupid woman actually lit an open flame there, and when it exploded Before he could escape in time, he was hit in the back by broken pottery fragments from the explosion. As for the management of the medicine warehouse, it had already been blown to pieces.

I tied Yunxi on my back with the bandage that the ants had wrapped around me, and then slowly drew out the Nine Dragon Sword.

The sword light was shining, as pure as water, making my heart feel empty.

Confucianism breaks the law with literature, and chivalry breaks the law with force.

I want to break the ban, like Yun Xi said, be a knight.

This goes against the life-saving principle I have always adhered to, but so what?

A person has to rejuvenate himself several times in his life and do a few things that he wanted to do but did not dare to do when he was a teenager.


There can still be faint noises in the tribe, the air is filled with the smell of gunpowder explosions, and the smoke shrouds the night sky, making everything here feel unreal.

A cursing big man came from the direction of the medicine warehouse. He seemed to be defeated. This was a close confidant of the old man Nga Wang. During the ceremony, I saw him cut open the **** belly of an old woman. Heart, he was in a bad mood at this time. He bumped into me and saw me carrying Yunxi covered in blood. How could he not guess what I was going to do? With a ferocious laugh, he came toward me with his saber in hand, probably treating me as a vent.

I exerted all my strength, both my cells and my brain were fully opened, and I unleashed the most tyrannical power. Not only did I cut off his saber with one sword, but I also slashed his shoulder with the Nine Dragon Sword.

He howled miserably and fell to his knees.

I drew my sword and beheaded him with one blow. The green juice spurted out high. After I left, the body was still kneeling on the ground and did not fall down for a long time.

Yunxi didn’t say a word, just hugged my neck tightly.

This is destined to be a **** breakout.

The quarrel over the medicine warehouse seemed to have come to an end. On the way out of the tribe, I met dozens of people one after another, no matter men, women, old or young, and I killed them all with my sword.

This is a filthy and despicable species, and I can’t think of a reason to let them live.

There is a birch forest outside the tribe, which is a bit dry and desolate in this season. It is the only barrier in this oasis.

When I rushed out of the tribe and stepped into the birch forest, Yunxi seemed to recall some horrific scene and subconsciously hugged my neck tightly.

“Careful, careful!”

Yunxi whispered: “There are forest guards here, all of them are the most powerful monsters in the tribe. Many people who escaped before were trapped here.”

I nodded and walked forward silently through the snow.

It was very quiet in the woods, so quiet that it was suffocating.


Without any warning, there was a crisp sound under my feet, which caught my attention.

The snow in the forest is very thick. When you walk in, you can only hear the “creeping” sound of the snow, but you can’t step on the branches on the ground at all.

I looked around and found nothing suspicious. After a slight hesitation, my legs suddenly exerted force, and I rushed forward with a long roar!


There was a strong wind blowing above my head, and a black thing almost brushed my scalp and swept over. It was a wooden frame used for trapping animals, and it was all covered with sharpened sticks. If it hadn’t been for me If you dodge in time, if you are caught by this thing, you will probably die on the spot!

After rolling on the spot, I stood up. At this time, an unspeakable strong sense of crisis surged into my heart, and there was a fierce sound of breaking through the air behind me.

I suddenly turned around and saw several sharp arrows flying towards me. I quickly picked up the Nine-Dragon Sword and “ding-dang-dang-dang” to sweep them away.

Unfortunately, there were too many arrows, and I couldn’t dodge. One arrow penetrated my armpit at an extremely tricky angle.


At this moment, I could hear the sound of flesh being torn. If I hadn’t caught the arrow with my arm in time, I would have damaged my internal organs and would have been hard to survive.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. Flying arrows and wooden frames are an ancient method of catching animals, and they are impossible to guard against.

Two black figures jumped down from the birch tree. They were two ant-men wearing white leather robes. They had snow on their bodies. They must have been lying in wait here all night. The tribe was in such chaos, and they were still not satisfied. Move home.


An Ant-Man snorted and sneered: “The tribe is not peaceful tonight. Sure enough, someone wants to fish in troubled waters…”


I broke the arrow at the ribs, roared and took the lead in killing Ant-Man!

The other party was not a coward, so he drew his saber from his waist and faced him!


I cut off the saber in his hand with my sword. When the sword edge was about to fall on him, it suddenly turned sideways and dodged.

It’s too late, but it’s soon.

Seeing that he was able to dodge in time, I simply twisted my wrist, changed it from chopping to slashing, and swiped my sword towards his chest.


Ant-Man’s leather robe was torn by me, his skin and flesh were torn apart, and he screamed.

Unfortunately, cutting is not as powerful as slashing, so it is impossible to kill him with one sword.

I won’t show mercy to others when I gain the upper hand. I take one step forward and prepare to stab him to death with one sword.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to kill him completely. There was a strong wind coming from behind. The other Ant-Man saw that his companion was suffering a loss, so he immediately took action.

With no other choice, I could only pull away to block it. After blocking the blow, I quickly retreated and distanced myself from the two Ant-men.

Da da da!

The sound of horse hooves could be heard in the distance.

Four or five more people came on horseback. I could see them from a long distance away. The leader was Danba.

I just remembered that he never showed up after he sent me back to the yurt at night, so he was keeping watch here.

This is a good move.

The Ant-men around it are also obviously stronger than the Ant-men in the tribe, and they have all undergone special training.

My heart sank, knowing that it might be difficult for me to escape…


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