Mortal Prison Chapter 141: Bloody Blessing, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Mortal Hell!

The entire tribe is full of bonfires and brightly lit.

This is their custom. Whenever a woman of marriageable age in the tribe marries a foreigner, they will light ninety-nine bonfires, which means good luck.

The people in the tribe have already gathered to the north.

This is a birch forest, crowded with people, men, women, old and young. There are bonfires in the forest, and barbecues are placed on the bonfires. They seem to like this way of eating very much.

There is a clearing in the forest, which is filled with many cross stakes, forty or fifty in total.

To the south of the open space, there is an altar four to five meters high, similar in shape to a pyramid, with steps on it.

Mei Duo sat cross-legged on the altar. She was dressed in a pure white leather robe and had a white cloth tied on her head. She looked like she was attending a funeral.

Old man Awang is beside Mei Duo. The old man’s face is red today, his hands are stuffed in his sleeves, and he is looking at the people below with a smile.

When I was carried here by Danba and two strong men, the old man Ngawang immediately said with a smile on the high platform: “Look, our groom is here!”

The nest suddenly exploded. The monsters got up and danced around the bonfire. I don’t know what they were having fun with!

I was placed on a long table under the altar. Compared with the chaotic dancing of demons around me, I really felt like a dish.

As I got closer, I could clearly see the condition of the altar.

There are many weird pictures on it, just like the patterns left by ancient ancestors in caves to record life. They are much simpler than simple drawings, but the colors are very bright.

I noticed something very strange in the painting. There is a circle on the top. Above the circle are two lines similar to antennas. Below the circle is a straight line. On both sides of the straight line are separated sloping downwards. line.

At first glance, this seems to be a painting of an insect, very similar to a centipede.

The circle should be their head. The antenna-like lines on the circle may be their antennae or their powerful fangs. The straight line connecting the circle should be their torso. The lines on both sides It should be the legs.

With this appearance, it is easy to think of a centipede.

I glanced at the monsters around me and thought, could this be their true appearance? Unfortunately, these pictures are too simple. What I can imagine is limited, and I cannot yet determine the origin of these monsters.

The pictures on the altar should record the daily life of these monsters!

“Everyone, it’s this unprecedented grand ceremony again…”

The old man Ngawang started to speak to the people in the tribe with great enthusiasm. Just like the speeches of many leaders, it must be a smelly and long memoir like an old woman’s foot wrap, recalling their past. How we overcame obstacles in the past year and how we worked together to create a better life.

To be honest, old man Ngawang’s speech level is really not that good. He talks nonsense all the time. He can’t hold back his words even when spitting is flying. He probably doesn’t know how to express it in Mandarin. What I meant in my heart came out. Finally, with a sudden change of heart, the northwest dialect full of the flavor of corn sticks came out.

It was just such a speech that was not even qualified. The monsters below were so irritated that all the monsters below had stars in their eyes. In their minds, the old man Awang was like a wise man.

I turned my head silently. I no longer had any expectations for the cultural level of this tribe. They were all monsters, and they were different from the protagonists of several cases I had handled before.

After chatting for half an hour, the old man Ngawang finally had enough. The audience below looked unfinished. There was no room to vent their admiration for Taotao, and they could only scream at the top of their lungs. Damba, this rude man He was actually so moved that his big eyes were filled with tears, and he tore the barbecue in his hands viciously, with oil splashing from his mouth.

My eyes wandered among the crowd and I saw several female slaves, but Yun Xi was not there.

She must be doing something, right?

Hope everything goes well!

I prayed in my heart.

The old man Awang was satisfied and did not intend to continue talking. He waved his hands to shut up the monsters below, and then officially announced: “Next, let us send the most sincere blessings to the newlyweds. Blessings!”

Frightened screams came from the birch forest, both from men and women.

A few strong men kicked and kicked these people to a place full of wooden stakes. These people were all wearing modern clothes, but they were a little embarrassed. They should have just been captured from outside.

The sad thing is that there were forty or fifty people, many of whom were strong, but they did not resist. They just begged for mercy and were driven away by two or three people.

Don’t they know what they are going to face next?

If I guess correctly, they are the so-called wedding blessings. These monsters will kill them one by one. According to the principle that these monsters believe in, one flower withers and one blooms. Every time they kill a person, I If you are honest with Mei Duo, you will have an heir…

Old man Awang has really high expectations for Mei Duo. He hopes that she can give birth to forty or fifty children and live to be old. This is a supreme honor in the eyes of these monsters.

The monster drove these people to the front and back of the wooden piles and began to tie them one by one to the cross piles.

These people still didn’t resist, they just cried.

I clenched my fists several times, wanting to take action now, but after hesitating several times, I finally gave up.

If a person does not save himself, how can others save him?

As long as they dare to jump up and resist, these monsters have no guns, and the result is still unknown if they really fight. When the chaos comes, if I take action, I can do a lot.

Unfortunately, they dare not.

I can’t commit the crime and die. I’m not a superhero, and I don’t have the ability to fight one against a hundred. If you give me a pack of wolves, I might dare to lead them to charge against the tiger, but if you give me a pack of sheep, Then I’d better keep silent. There will be no consequences if I rush forward. They will still die. The only difference is that there is an extra person to support them.

In a blink of an eye, forty or fifty people were all tied to the cross stakes. Danba and others took out knives from their arms and walked up with a grin.

Damba was the first to take action.

He selected a strong man who was almost the same size as him, grabbed the other person’s hair, and amidst the other person’s panic and screams, he used a knife to cut open the other person’s belly bit by bit, and then reached in. In the opponent’s stomach, the strong man screamed more and more horribly, struggling wildly, but couldn’t break free from the rope.

After a while, Danba pulled out a **** thing from the strong man’s belly, which was a still beating heart.

The strong man began to bleed from his mouth and nose. After twitching a few times, his head drooped weakly and became unresponsive.


A woman screamed.

At this point, they finally understood that begging for mercy was useless. Unfortunately, it was too late. They were all tied to the wooden frame and could only wait to die.

I closed my eyes gently.

The screams in my ears and the wild laughter of the monsters never stopped.

It feels uncomfortable to watch people like me being slaughtered, so I simply don’t watch it.

Forty or fifty people, it’s not that easy to kill.

At least it’s more difficult than forty or fifty pigs.

The killing continued for a long time, and the screams finally subsided.

Some slaves were summoned. They filled the plates with the hearts they had just taken out, and lined up in a long queue to bring them to the altar step by step. They then placed the hearts around Mei Duo.

Mei Duo finally moved. She took out a small knife, cut the **** heart in front of her into small pieces, put it into her mouth in what she considered the most elegant posture, and chewed it slowly.

She was looking at me, her eyes were numb and affectionate.

This scene seems so familiar to me, as if I have seen it somewhere before!

After thinking for a moment, I finally found out that there was an ancient book in Liming Library, which recorded the habits of many monsters with illustrations, including the scene before me.

I think I probably know what they are.


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